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Rare Signal Predicts Next XRP Price Move: Crypto Analyst

罕见信号预测 XRP 价格下一步走势:加密货币分析师

发布: 2023/11/30 22:17 阅读: 238



The XRP price has been treading water in recent days. After XRP rose by more than 52% in just 18 days from mid-October to early November, the price is currently in a clear consolidation phase in the shorter time frames. However, a look at the 1-month chart of the XRP/USD trading pair shows that the XRP price has exhibited strong bullish months.

最近几天 XRP 价格一直停滞不前。从 10 月中旬到 11 月初,XRP 在短短 18 天内上涨了 52% 以上,目前价格在较短的时间内处于明显的盘整阶段。然而,从 XRP/USD 交易对的 1 个月图表来看,XRP 价格已表现出强劲的看涨月份。

In this sense, Crypto analyst Egrag has drawn attention to an extremely rare phenomenon in the XRP monthly price chart. The pattern in question is a series of three consecutive monthly green candles, which have only been documented twice in the history of the cryptocurrency.

从这个意义上说,加密货币分析师 Egrag 引起了人们对 XRP 月度价格图表中极其罕见的现象的关注。所讨论的模式是一系列连续三个月的绿色蜡烛,这种模式在加密货币的历史上只被记录过两次。

As the market approaches the monthly close today, a confirmation by a close above $0.5987 could mean the third monthly green candle for XRP. “Get ready—within the next [few] hours, we’re poised to seal another trio of consecutive green candles,” Egrag noted.

随着市场今天接近月度收盘价,收盘价高于 0.5987 美元的确认可能意味着 XRP 出现第三个月度绿色蜡烛。 “做好准备——在接下来的几个小时内,我们准备密封另外三支连续的绿色蜡烛,”埃格拉格指出。

Here’s What This Could Mean For XRP Price

这对 XRP 价格意味着什么

Delving into the specifics, Egrag elucidates two distinct historical precedents post such formations. In the first scenario, a 5-month consolidation phase was observed after XRP recorded three consecutive green candles from March to May 2017.

埃格拉格深入研究具体细节,阐明了此类形成后的两个截然不同的历史先例。在第一种情况下,XRP 从 2017 年 3 月到 5 月连续录得三个绿色蜡烛后,观察到了为期 5 个月的盘整阶段。

However, the consolidation phase had an extremely bullish effect. After it ended, the XRP price experienced a staggering 1,500% surge within just two months. Egrag suggests that if XRP’s price action were to emulate this historical pattern, investors can anticipate a potential surge to $10, starting from the 1st of April 2024.

然而,盘整阶段产生了极其看涨的影响。结束后,XRP 价格在短短两个月内就飙升了 1,500%。 Egrag 表示,如果 XRP 的价格走势效仿这一历史模式,投资者可以预计从 2024 年 4 月 1 日开始,XRP 的价格可能会飙升至 10 美元。

The second instance Egrag refers to the period from December 2015 to February 2016. During this time, the price rose by approximately 102% in three consecutive green months. What followed was a lengthier 12-month consolidation phase. But the wait was worth it again.

第二个例子Egrag指的是2015年12月至2016年2月期间。在此期间,价格连续三个月上涨约102%。接下来是更长的 12 个月整合阶段。但等待再次是值得的。

In March 2018, the XRP price started an extraordinary 8,000% rally. A replication of this scenario would imply a potential skyrocketing of XRP’s price to $50, beginning on the 1st of November 2024.

2018 年 3 月,XRP 价格开始了 8,000% 的非凡上涨。如果复制这种情况,XRP 的价格可能会从 2024 年 11 月 1 日开始飙升至 50 美元。

Notably, Egrag offers an average price target standing at $30. He stated, “XRP army stay steady, the average of these two targets lands at $30, you know that I always whisper to you my secret target of $27. Hallelujah, the anticipation is palpable!”

值得注意的是,Egrag 给出的平均目标价为 30 美元。他表示,“XRP 军队保持稳定,这两个目标的平均值为 30 美元,你知道我总是对你低声告诉你我的秘密目标是 27 美元。哈利路亚,期待之情溢于言表!”

Price Analysis: 1-Day Chart

价格分析:1 日图

At press time, XRP was trading at $0.60333. A week ago, the price managed to break out of a downtrend channel. However, the bullish momentum quickly fizzled out after the price was rejected at the 0.382 Fibonacci retracement level at $0.627.

截至发稿时,XRP 交易价格为 0.60333 美元。一周前,价格成功突破下降通道。然而,在价格在 0.382 斐波那契回撤位 0.627 美元处被拒绝后,看涨势头很快就消失了。

Related Reading: Bitcoin Decouples with XRP, BNB But Correlates With Dogecoin and Cardano

相关阅读:比特币与 XRP、BNB 脱钩,但与狗狗币和卡尔达诺相关

For four days now, the XRP price has been squeezed into a tight range between the 20-day and 50-day EMA (Exponential Moving Average), with a breakout to the downside or upside getting closer and closer. In the event of an upside breakout, the price level at $0.627 would be decisive. Then, the price could tackle the 0.5 Fibonacci retracement level at $0.688.

四天来,XRP 价格一直被挤压在 20 日和 50 日 EMA(指数移动平均线)之间的窄幅区间内,向下或向上突破越来越近。如果出现向上突破,0.627 美元的价格水平将是决定性的。然后,价格可能会突破 0.5 斐波那契回撤位 0.688 美元。

However, if a breakout to the downside happens, a 100-day EMA at $0.575 would be the first support. This must hold to prevent the price from falling towards the 0.236 Fibonacci retracement level at $0.552, which is also close to the 200-day EMA. The convergence of both indicators signifies a price level that the bulls must defend at all costs.

然而,如果向下突破,0.575 美元的 100 日均线将是第一个支撑位。必须保持这一点,以防止价格跌向 0.236 斐波那契回撤位 0.552 美元,该水平也接近 200 日均线。两个指标的收敛表明多头必须不惜一切代价捍卫价格水平。


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