首页 > 资讯新闻 > 加密货币潮流的转变:Dogecoin 和 XRP 投资者涌向 NuggetRush 以获得下一个重大胜利

Shifting Tides in Crypto: Dogecoin and XRP Investors Flock to NuggetRush for Next Big Win

加密货币潮流的转变:Dogecoin 和 XRP 投资者涌向 NuggetRush 以获得下一个重大胜利

发布: 2024/01/17 21:32 阅读: 548

原文作者:CoinPedia News


加密货币潮流的转变:Dogecoin 和 XRP 投资者涌向 NuggetRush 以获得下一个重大胜利

The post Shifting Tides in Crypto: Dogecoin and XRP Investors Flock to NuggetRush for Next Big Win appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

加密货币潮流转变:Dogecoin 和 XRP 投资者涌向 NuggetRush 以获得下一个大胜利的帖子首先出现在 Coinpedia 金融科技新闻上



  • Dogecoin (DOGE) could soar following the recent approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs.
  • 最近现货比特币 ETF 获得批准后,狗狗币 (DOGE) 可能会飙升。

  • BlackRock has addressed rumours of plans for spot XRP ETFs.
  • 贝莱德已经回应了有关现货 XRP ETF 计划的传言。

  • NuggetRush (NUGX) could become a top-choice gaming project in the play-to-earn niche.
  • NuggetRush (NUGX) 可能会成为玩赚钱领域的首选游戏项目。

Dogecoin (DOGE) holders expect a meme coin surge after the SEC approved spot Bitcoin ETFs. BlackRock has also addressed rumours of spot XRP ETFs.

狗狗币 (DOGE) 持有者预计,在 SEC 批准现货比特币 ETF 后,迷因币将大幅上涨。贝莱德还回应了现货 XRP ETF 的传闻。

Yet, NuggetRush (NUGX) is now the most exciting revelation in the crypto industry. It features a gaming network where players can win gold and other NFT rewards. Yet, will this make NuggetRush one of the best DeFi projects in the P2E business landscape? Let’s discuss this.

然而,NuggetRush(NUGX)现在是加密货币行业最令人兴奋的启示。它具有一个游戏网络,玩家可以在其中赢得黄金和其他 NFT 奖励。然而,这会让 NuggetRush 成为 P2E 商业领域最好的 DeFi 项目之一吗?我们来讨论一下这个问题。

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Analysts Predict a Meme Coin Industry Surge As Dogecoin Trades at $0.08

分析师预测 Meme 币行业将激增,狗狗币交易价格为 0.08 美元

Dogecoin (DOGE) and other community-driven meme coins could rise in 2024 following the excitement around recently approved spot crypto ETFs. Meme coins had become very popular in 2023. Investors became extremely bullish on meme projects like Dogecoin, PEPE, and BONK. Dogecoin (DOGE) then climbed to the $0.10 region in December. 

随着最近批准的现货加密 ETF 的热潮,狗狗币 (DOGE) 和其他社区驱动的模因币可能会在 2024 年上涨。 Meme 币在 2023 年变得非常流行。投资者对 Dogecoin、PEPE 和 BONK 等 Meme 项目变得非常看好。狗狗币 (DOGE) 随后在 12 月攀升至 0.10 美元区域。

However, its momentum has since declined. DOGE traded at $0.08386 on December 1. By December 10, DOGE had risen by 21.3% to $0.1018. However, it lost bullish momentum and fell by 9.6% to $0.0920 by January 1. DOGE’s bearishness remained, and it fell by 12.0% to $0.08092 by January 13.

然而,其势头此后有所下降。 DOGE 于 12 月 1 日交易价格为 0.08386 美元。到 12 月 10 日,DOGE 已上涨 21.3% 至 0.1018 美元。然而,它失去了看涨势头,到 1 月 1 日下跌 9.6% 至 0.0920 美元。DOGE 的看跌情绪依然存在,到 1 月 13 日下跌 12.0% 至 0.08092 美元。

Dogecoin’s (DOGE) slow performance in late December 2023 could be due to competition from other meme coins like BONK. The late 2023 meme coin frenzy pushed BONK to become the third-largest meme coin by market capitalization. 

狗狗币 (DOGE) 在 2023 年 12 月下旬表现缓慢可能是由于来自 BONK 等其他模因币的竞争。 2023 年末的 meme 币热潮推动 BONK 成为市值第三大 meme 币。

Analysts expect Dogecoin (DOGE) and BONK to be locked in a meme coin battle. This could affect Dogecoin’s growth momentum. Analysts conclude that DOGE will rise by 31.6% to $0.1065.

分析师预计狗狗币(DOGE)和 BONK 将陷入一场模因币之战。这可能会影响狗狗币的增长势头。分析师得出结论,DOGE 将上涨 31.6% 至 0.1065 美元。

XRP Could Recover Amid Talks of Spot ETFs

XRP 可能会在现货 ETF 讨论中复苏

There are growing talks of spot XRP ETFs following the SEC’s approval of a similar product for Bitcoin. The news excited XRP’s community after BlackRock’s CEO refused to say whether his firm was considering spotting XRP ETFs. 

在美国证券交易委员会批准比特币的类似产品后,关于现货 XRP ETF 的讨论越来越多。在贝莱德首席执行官拒绝透露其公司是否考虑发现 XRP ETF 后,这一消息令 XRP 社区兴奋不已。

Furthermore, the news follows XRP’s recent decline. XRP’s December 1 value stood at $0.6129. A month later, XRP rose by 2.8% to $0.6301 by January 1. XRP then fell by 8.7% to $0.5751 by January 13.

此外,该消息是在 XRP 最近下跌之后发布的。 XRP 12 月 1 日的价值为 0.6129 美元。一个月后,到 1 月 1 日,XRP 上涨 2.8%,至 0.6301 美元。随后,到 1 月 13 日,XRP 下跌 8.7%,至 0.5751 美元。

XRP has gone bearish since the final months of 2023 as its landmark court case against the SEC rages on. Analysts predict that XRP’s growth will come after the resolution of its legal troubles. 

自 2023 年最后几个月以来,随着针对 SEC 的具有里程碑意义的法庭案件持续进行,XRP 一直处于看跌状态。分析师预测,XRP 的增长将在其法律问题解决后到来。

Still, others believe that spot ETFs could boost XRP’s growth potential. They conclude that demand for such products could push XRP up by 35.9% to $0.7821. Still, analysts say XRP is not a good crypto to buy now.

尽管如此,其他人仍然认为现货 ETF 可以提升 XRP 的增长潜力。他们的结论是,对此类产品的需求可能会推动 XRP 上涨 35.9% 至 0.7821 美元。尽管如此,分析师表示,XRP 现在并不是一个值得购买的好加密货币。

NuggetRush Unveils Gold Rewards and NFT Staking Possibilities

NuggetRush 推出黄金奖励和 NFT 质押可能性

Play-to-earn gaming was launched to change the relationship between players and video games. It was specially designed to allow players to accrue as much value from their gaming activities. Yet, few blockchain projects embody all the elements of play-to-earn gaming, like NuggetRush (NUGX), a mining adventure game built on Ethereum.

玩赚游戏的推出是为了改变玩家和视频游戏之间的关系。它经过专门设计,旨在让玩家从游戏活动中获得尽可能多的价值。然而,很少有区块链项目能够像 NuggetRush (NUGX)(一款基于以太坊构建的挖矿冒险游戏)那样体现边玩边赚游戏的所有元素。

NuggetRush (NUGX) is the go-to destination for individuals looking to earn money from gaming activities. It features a challenging mining experience where gamers explore vast terrains, looking for mineral resource deposits. The game offers high-quality machinery for digging and excavating natural resources. Furthermore, gamers can sell off mined resources on NuggetRush’s gaming marketplace.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 是希望通过游戏活动赚钱的个人的首选目的地。它具有挑战性的采矿体验,玩家可以探索广阔的地形,寻找矿产资源。该游戏提供了用于挖掘和挖掘自然资源的高质量机械。此外,游戏玩家可以在 NuggetRush 的游戏市场上出售开采的资源。

The project also gives out special NFT gaming rewards to players for the successful completion of mining tasks. Gamers can embark on these mining challenges alone or as part of a mining group. NuggetRush (NUGX) stands out for allowing collaborations between players. 

项目还为成功完成挖矿任务的玩家提供特殊的NFT游戏奖励。玩家可以单独或作为采矿小组的一部分来应对这些采矿挑战。 NuggetRush (NUGX) 因允许玩家之间的协作而脱颖而出。

Some of NuggetRush’s (NUGX) rewards include extra game funds, NFT characters, mining equipment, and a boost in efficiency. Furthermore, gamers get NFT staking benefits, allowing them to earn 20% APY for holding game assets for a fixed period.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 的一些奖励包括额外的游戏资金、NFT 角色、采矿设备和效率提升。此外,游戏玩家还可以获得 NFT 质押收益,让他们在固定期限内持有游戏资产可以获得 20% 的 APY。

NuggetRush (NUGX) could go down as one of the most popular blockchain ICO projects. Since it launched a public presale, investors have purchased 153 million NUGX tokens. Investors who purchased NUGX at round one of its presale are now sitting on 50% profit as its current value has grown to $0.015.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 可能会成为最受欢迎的区块链 ICO 项目之一。自公开预售以来,投资者已购买了 1.53 亿枚 NUGX 代币。在第一轮预售中购买 NUGX 的投资者现在可以获得 50% 的利润,因为其当前价值已增长至 0.015 美元。

Although NUGX is in round four of its presale, investors are eager for its upcoming launch when its price jumps to $0.020. When NUGX gets listed, its value would have risen by 33.3%.

尽管 NUGX 已进入第四轮预售,但当其价格跃升至 0.020 美元时,投资者仍对即将推出的产品充满期待。当NUGX上市时,其价值将上涨33.3%。

Visit NuggetRush Presale Website

访问 NuggetRush 预售网站


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