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Swan Bitcoin To Terminate Customer Accounts That Use Crypto-Mixing Services

Swan Bitcoin 将终止使用加密货币混合服务的客户账户

发布: 2023/11/28 20:48 阅读: 985



Swan Bitcoin 将终止使用加密货币混合服务的客户账户

  • Swan co-founder Yan Pritzker said the firm is pro-privacy and doesn’t oppose customers’ use of such services, but to work, it has to follow FinCEN regulations.
  • Swan联合创始人Yan Pritzker表示,该公司支持隐私,并不反对客户使用此类服务​​,但为了工作,它必须遵守FinCEN的规定。

Bitcoin services platform Swan Bitcoin warned its customers that it would be forced to terminate accounts found interacting with crypto-mixing due to the regulatory obligations of its partner banks. 

比特币服务平台 Swan Bitcoin 警告其客户,由于其合作伙伴银行的监管义务,它将被迫终止被发现与加密货币混合交互的账户。

Customers were informed about the policy in a letter suggesting the changes are due to the United States Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) proposed rule establishing new responsibilities on firms processing transactions from mixing services.

客户在一封信中获悉了该政策,表明这些变化是由于美国金融犯罪执法网络 (FinCEN) 提议的规则规定了通过混合服务处理交易的公司的新责任。

On Nov. 12, the co-founder of the firm, Yan Pritzker, took to X (formerly Twitter) to explain that although the firm is not against the use of privacy mixing tools and services, it has to adhere to the obligations of its partner banking institutions.

11 月 12 日,该公司联合创始人 Yan Pritzker 在 X(前 Twitter)上解释称,虽然该公司并不反对使用隐私混合工具和服务,但必须遵守公司的义务。合作银行机构。

Pritzker said that the proposed FinCEN rule is poorly written and covers a huge amount of Bitcoin-related activities, such as using BTC addresses only once, mixing funds and prohibiting the use of any programmable transactions, such as on Lightning Network channels.

普利茨克表示,拟议的 FinCEN 规则写得不好,涵盖了大量与比特币相关的活动,例如仅使用一次 BTC 地址、混合资金以及禁止使用任何可编程交易,例如在闪电网络通道上。

He added that mixing services are painted with a scary brush instead of what they are: a common way to break large amounts of Bitcoin into small ones with privacy in focus.


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Financial regulators in the U.S. have portrayed crypto-mixing services as a route for illicit activities and have sought to curb the services. Regulators have sanctioned such activities and have also prosecuted and jailed the creators of Tornado Cash. Pritzker added:

美国的金融监管机构将加密货币混合服务描述为非法活动的途径,并试图遏制这些服务。监管机构已经批准了此类活动,并起诉并监禁了 Tornado Cash 的创建者。普利兹克补充道:

“In fact, we have written and published privacy guides that encourage mixing and promoted companies like Wasabi and Samourai. We believe that mixing is normal, privacy is not a crime, and that using unmixed Bitcoin is similar to bringing your whole paycheck to the grocery store to pay for an apple.“

“事实上,我们已经编写并发布了鼓励混合和推广像 Wasabi 和 Samourai 这样的公司的隐私指南。我们相信混合是正常的,隐私不是犯罪,使用未混合的比特币类似于将你的全部薪水带到杂货店购买苹果。”

Pritzker stated that the current political climate has put a lot of fear into the banking sector, with most banks simply refusing to do business with anything in crypto. Thus, for them to continue their Bitcoin on-ramp services, their custody partner has to interact with banking services governed by FinCEN regulations.

普利茨克表示,当前的政治气候给银行业带来了很多恐惧,大多数银行干脆拒绝与任何加密货币开展业务。因此,为了让他们继续提供比特币入口服务,他们的托管合作伙伴必须与受 FinCEN 法规管辖的银行服务进行互动。

In its letter to customers, Swan Bitcoin also suggested ways such policies can be opposed and said educating the masses on Bitcoin is the first step toward that.

Swan Bitcoin 在致客户的信中还提出了反对此类政策的方法,并表示对大众进行比特币教育是实现这一目标的第一步。

The post Swan Bitcoin To Terminate Customer Accounts That Use Crypto-Mixing Services appeared first on BitcoinWorld.

《天鹅比特币终止使用加密货币混合服务的客户账户》一文首先出现在 BitcoinWorld 上。


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