首页 > 资讯新闻 > 特斯拉、Twitter、SpaceX 还是狗狗币:哪种与马斯克相关的资产在 2023 年价值增长最高?

Tesla, Twitter, SpaceX Or Dogecoin: Which Musk-Associated Asset Saw Highest Value Growth In 2023?

特斯拉、Twitter、SpaceX 还是狗狗币:哪种与马斯克相关的资产在 2023 年价值增长最高?

发布: 2023/12/29 10:17 阅读: 671

原文作者:Chris Katje,Benzinga


特斯拉、Twitter、SpaceX 还是狗狗币:哪种与马斯克相关的资产在 2023 年价值增长最高?

  • A look at the returns of Tesla stock and Dogecoin in 2023 along with private company valuations of SpaceX and Twitter.

    ZINGER KEY POINTSA 着眼于 2023 年特斯拉股票和狗狗币的回报,以及 SpaceX 和 Twitter 的私人公司估值。

  • The four items all connect to Elon Musk, the world's richest person.


As 2023 draws to a close, it has been a remarkable year for many, especially for billionaire Elon Musk. The Tesla Inc TSLA-2.52% Get Free Report

2023 年即将结束,对于许多人来说,尤其是亿万富翁埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 来说,这是非凡的一年。特斯拉公司 TSLA-2.52% 获取免费报告

 CEO accomplished many things in 2023 including watching his electric vehicle company complete the first deliveries of the Cybertruck.

首席执行官在 2023 年完成了许多事情,包括见证他的电动汽车公司完成了 Cyber​​truck 的首批交付。

Here's a look back at how several Musk-related investments performed in 2023.

下面回顾一下马斯克相关的几项投资在 2023 年的表现。

What Happened: Musk retook the position of the world's richest person in February and again in May after being passed in 2022 and briefly in 2023 by Bernard Arnault.

发生了什么:马斯克在 2022 年和 2023 年被伯纳德·阿尔诺 (Bernard Arnault) 短暂超越后,于 2 月和 5 月重新夺回了世界首富的位置。

Today, Musk is worth $235 billion, which is up $97.8 billion from 2022. Musk's wealth has risen thanks to the soaring valuation of Tesla and SpaceX, the two largest components of his personal wealth.

如今,马斯克的身家达到了 2350 亿美元,比 2022 年增加了 978 亿美元。马斯克的财富增长得益于他个人财富中最大的两个组成部分特斯拉和 SpaceX 估值的飙升。

Musk also acquired Twitter for $44 billion in late 2022 and watched the valuation of the company marked down in 2023 by several of the investors in the go-private transaction.

马斯克还于 2022 年末以 440 亿美元收购了 Twitter,并在 2023 年看到该公司的估值在私有化交易中被几位投资者压低。

Dogecoin DOGE/USD-3.57%+ Free Alerts, Musk's favorite cryptocurrency, gained in value in 2023 as the cryptocurrency sector rebounded from a down 2022 that saw several companies in the sector go bankrupt.

狗狗币 DOGE/USD-3.57%+ 免费提醒是马斯克最喜欢的加密货币,随着加密货币行业从 2022 年的低迷(该行业几家公司破产)中反弹,狗狗币在 2023 年升值。

2023 Valuations: SpaceX was recently valued at $180 billion in a tender offer, which makes the company the second most valuable private company, trailing only TikTok owner ByteDance ($225 billion). The valuation of the space company increased several times in 2023 going from $137 billion in January to $150 billion in July and $180 billion today.

2023 年估值:SpaceX 最近在一项要约收购中估值为 1800 亿美元,这使该公司成为第二大最有价值的私营公司,仅次于 TikTok 所有者字节跳动(2250 亿美元)。 2023 年,这家航天公司的估值增长了数倍,从 1 月份的 1,370 亿美元增至 7 月份的 1,500 亿美元,再到如今的 1,800 亿美元。

SpaceX was valued at $127 billion in May 2022.

2022 年 5 月,SpaceX 的估值为 1270 亿美元。

Twitter, now known as X, was taken private at a valuation of $44 billion. The company has not raised money since going private, and the valuation of the company is harder to track.

Twitter(现称为 X)以 440 亿美元的估值被私有化。该公司自私有化以来一直没有筹集过资金,公司的估值也更难追踪。

Benzinga previously reported that Fidelity shares its valuation of Twitter each month based on its holdings of the company in several mutual funds. Fidelity valued Twitter at a 68% discount in a December report, which tracked the valuation back to October. The discount came after Fidelity had increased the valuation of Twitter in June, July and August.

Benzinga 此前报道称,富达每月都会根据其在几只共同基金中持有的 Twitter 股票来分享其对 Twitter 的估值。富达 (Fidelity) 在 12 月份的一份报告中对 Twitter 的估值折让了 68%,该报告将估值追溯到 10 月份。此次折扣是在富达 (Fidelity) 在 6 月、7 月和 8 月提高 Twitter 估值后进行的。

Dogecoin began 2023 trading at $0.070287. The cryptocurrency remains a favorite of Musk, and some crypto experts believe the integration of payments into Twitter could help boost the future valuation of the meme crypto.

狗狗币 2023 年开始交易价格为 0.070287 美元。这种加密货币仍然是马斯克的最爱,一些加密货币专家认为,将支付功能整合到 Twitter 中可能有助于提高模因加密货币的未来估值。

Here's the 2023 scorecard, based on prices from Dec. 27, 2023:

以下是 2023 年记分卡,基于 2023 年 12 月 27 日的价格:

  • Tesla stock: +142.0%


  • Dogecoin: +33.0%


  • SpaceX: +41.7%


  • Twitter: -68.1%


While Twitter's valuation is down in 2023, it comes mostly from one investor and is not a consensus. The value drop on Twitter is more than offset by the gains in Tesla, Dogecoin and SpaceX. Investors who have followed Musk were pleasantly rewarded in 2023.

虽然 Twitter 的估值在 2023 年有所下降,但主要来自一位投资者,并非达成共识。 Twitter 价值的下跌被特斯拉、狗狗币和 SpaceX 的上涨所抵消。追随马斯克的投资者在 2023 年得到了丰厚的回报。

For comparison, the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust SPY, which tracks the S&P 500 Index, was up 25.1% over the same time period. This means an investment in either Tesla, Dogecoin or SpaceX would have outperformed the overall stock market.

相比之下,跟踪标准普尔 500 指数的 SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust SPY 同期上涨了 25.1%。这意味着对特斯拉、狗狗币或 SpaceX 的投资都会跑赢整体股市。

The average return of the four Musk related investments is up 37.2%, which beat the market as well.



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