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US Treasury Department Issues a Warning About 4 Cryptocurrencies

Release: 2024/06/21 14:42 Reading: 412

Original author:Bitcoin Sistemi EN

Original source:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/66751ef0b806e77c102a9c19

US Treasury Department Issues a Warning About 4 Cryptocurrencies

FinCEN's Warning on Cryptocurrency Use in Drug Trafficking

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) of the U.S. Treasury Department has issued an updated advisory alerting financial institutions about the growing usage of cryptocurrencies in illicit drug trafficking.

Specific Cryptocurrencies Implicated

The advisory highlights Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Monero (XMR), and Tether (USDT) as being commonly used in these illegal transactions.

Modus Operandi of Criminal Organizations

According to FinCEN, Mexican criminal organizations are employing cryptocurrencies to procure raw materials for drug production from Chinese suppliers. These transactions are reportedly facilitated via cryptocurrency exchanges.

Enforcement Actions

The advisory cites recent enforcement actions taken by U.S. authorities against parties engaging in such illicit activities. In October, eight Chinese-linked companies were charged with drug production, distribution, and sales involving precursor chemicals.

Challenges and Concerns

FinCEN's warning underscores the challenges posed by the anonymity of cryptocurrencies and their potential misuse in illegal activities. The advisory serves as a reminder of the ongoing efforts by authorities to counter these threats.

Note: This advisory does not constitute investment advice.

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