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When Will Crypto Markets Recover?


リリース: 2023/09/01 22:00 読む: 485



Crypto is currently in the midst of one of its worst bear markets. The first quarter of 2023 was surprisingly positive, with most crypto assets fetching investors positive ROIs. However, with macro-weakness still prevalent, Bitcoin and altcoins failed to establish a strong rally.

仮想通貨は現在、最悪の弱気相場の真っただ中にあります。 2023 年の第 1 四半期は驚くほど好調で、ほとんどの暗号資産が投資家にプラスの ROI をもたらしました。しかし、依然としてマクロ的な弱さが蔓延しているため、ビットコインとアルトコインは力強い上昇を確立できませんでした。

Bitcoin recently broke below its ascending channel, quashing the recovery narrative. Over the next few weeks, it is imperative for BTC to continue collecting liquidity around the current levels. A failure to do so could result in a drop of up to $15,588 in the worst-case scenario. That being said, the asset will get a couple of chances around $21,351 and $18,126 to redeem itself.

ビットコインは最近、上昇チャネルを割り込み、回復の物語を打ち砕いた。今後数週間にわたり、BTC が現在のレベル付近で流動性を集め続けることが不可欠です。これを怠ると、最悪のシナリオでは最大 15,588 ドルの下落につながる可能性があります。そうは言っても、この資産には21,351ドルと18,126ドル付近で償還されるチャンスがいくつかあります。

In the event of a recovery, BTC would first be tested at around $28,585. If it successfully breaks above, it could rise up to $31,804. However, given the current state of affairs and market sentiment, it doesn’t seem like this scenario will pan out anytime soon. Several analysts in the industry have brought to light the spot-derivatives volume imbalance. In fact, as analyzed in a recent article, any uptrend that has coincided with a spike in open interest has eventually faded. Analyst Dylan LeClair recently asserted that Bitcoin is going to ”maddeningly chop around” until either flows increase substantially or the supply gets sufficiently constrained for the current level of passive flows to send the market up.


Also Read: Why is Crypto Crashing Down Today?

こちらもお読みください: なぜ今日仮想通貨が暴落しているのですか?

Bitcoin Historical Trend


Whenever there is indecisiveness, looking at historical trends gives a fair amount of clarity. So, let us delve into the monthly performance to understand where Bitcoin currently stands on the path of recovery.


Also Read: Dogecoin Averages +24% in Asian Hours but -15% During US Hours

こちらもお読みください: ドージコインはアジア時間では平均 +24%、米国時間では -15%

Historically, September has been the worst month for crypto assets. Since 2013, Bitcoin has closed in red 8/10 times. During the remaining two instances also, its returns were insignificant [2% and 6%]. Thus, with several gaps yet to be bridged, it does not seem like September 2023’s tale will be any different.

歴史的に、9月は暗号資産にとって最悪の月でした。 2013 年以来、ビットコインは 8/10 回赤字で取引を終了しました。残りの 2 つのインスタンスでも、その収益はわずかでした [2% と 6%]。このように、いくつかの溝はまだ埋められていないが、2023 年 9 月の物語も変わるものではないようだ。

Also Read: When Will Shiba Inu Reach 1 Cent?

こちらもお読みください: 柴犬はいつ1セントに達しますか?

  • bitcoin
  • ビットコイン

  • btc
  • ビットコイン

  • crypto
  • 暗号

  • recover
  • 回復する

出典: https://thebittimes.com/when-will-crypto-markets-recover-tbt61220.html


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