A space technology firm says that it has plans to physically take the popular meme asset Dogecoin (DOGE) to the moon in December.
In a new announcement, the team behind the popular dog-themed digital asset says that Astrobotics – a firm specializing in developing space robotics technology – is planning on stashing physical DOGE on the Peregrine Lunar Lander when it launches on December 23rd.
“Astrobotic plans to send a physical Dogecoin to the moon in the DHL Moonbox via ULA’s (United Launch Alliance) Vulcan Centaur Rocket on 12/23/2023. Funded by our community in 2015, this mission embodies collective effort!”
「Astrobotic は、2023 年 12 月 23 日に、ULA (United Launch Alliance) のバルカン ケンタウロス ロケットを介して、DHL ムーンボックスで物理的なドージコインを月に送ることを計画しています。 2015 年に私たちのコミュニティによって資金提供されたこのミッションは、集団的な努力を体現したものです。」
According to Astrobotic’s launch packet, the physical Dogecoin will be taken to the moon via German logistics firm DHL’s MoonBox, which is a time capsule designed to store goods on the moon “for centuries to come.”
“Astrobotic accepted small personal mementos for inclusion on Peregrine Mission One. ‘Moon Capsules’ containing payloads from around the world will be stored aboard Peregrine on the moon for centuries to come.
「Astrobotic は、ペレグリン ミッション 1 に含まれる小さな個人的な記念品を受け入れました。世界中からのペイロードを含む「ムーンカプセル」は、今後何世紀にもわたって月のペレグリンに保管されることになります。
From photographs and novels to student work and a piece of Mount Everest – life’s most meaningful moments will be forever linked with our nearest celestial neighbor.”
Dogecoin is trading for $0.783 at time of writing, a 5% increase during the last 24 hours.
出典: https://thebittimes.com/space-technology-firm-plans-to-take-physical-dogecoin-doge-to-the-moon-next-month-tbt70616.html