첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 바이낸스와 태국 경찰, 2억 7700만 달러 규모의 돼지 도살 암호화폐 사기 적발

Binance and Thai Police Bust $277 Million Pig Butchering Crypto Scam

바이낸스와 태국 경찰, 2억 7700만 달러 규모의 돼지 도살 암호화폐 사기 적발

풀어 주다: 2023/10/05 04:16 읽다: 332


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/651dc5698cbbdd308ef0f2fb

Binance has helped the Royal Thai Police crack a crypto pig butchering scam group and seize more than $277 million worth of stolen assets.

바이낸스는 태국 왕립 경찰이 암호화폐 돼지 도살 사기 그룹을 근절하고 2억 7,700만 달러 상당의 도난 자산을 압수하도록 도왔습니다.

Pig butchering scams, also known as hybrid investment-romance fraud, occur when fraudsters win victims’ trust and persuade them to invest in a phony platform. The scammers then continue the fraud by showing them fictitious gains and pressuring them to pay more money.

하이브리드 투자-로맨스 사기라고도 알려진 돼지 도살 사기는 사기꾼이 피해자의 신뢰를 얻고 가짜 플랫폼에 투자하도록 설득할 때 발생합니다. 그런 다음 사기꾼은 가상의 이익을 보여주고 더 많은 돈을 지불하도록 압력을 가하여 사기를 계속합니다.

Binance said in a blog post that it worked closely with law enforcement agencies in Thailand to investigate and stop a criminal group that had carried out the scam that affected several thousand people.

Binance’s ‘Trust No One’ Operation

바이낸스의 '아무도 신뢰하지 마세요' 작전

Through an operation dubbed ‘Trust No One,’ Binance partnered with the Cyber Crime Investigation Bureau (CCIB) of the Royal Thai Police and U.S. Homeland Security Investigation (HSI) to carry out investigations and capture the culprits.

“Armed with intelligence from Binance and HSI, the CCIB arrested five principal members of this group and confiscated assets valued at around THB $10 billion ($277 million USD), which included luxury cars, homes, land, and other upscale items,” the exchange said.

"바이낸스와 HSI의 정보로 무장한 CCIB는 이 그룹의 주요 구성원 5명을 체포하고 고급 자동차, 주택, 토지 및 기타 고급 품목을 포함하여 약 100억 바트(미화 2억 7700만 달러) 상당의 자산을 압수했습니다."라고 거래소는 말했습니다. 말했다.

Since the successful operation, Binance stated that over 3,200 victims have reached out to the authorities seeking compensation.

성공적인 운영 이후 바이낸스는 3,200명 이상의 피해자가 당국에 보상을 요청했다고 밝혔습니다.

Speaking at a press conference about the operation, Police Inspector of the CCIB Lieutenant Colonel Thanatus Kangruambutr expressed gratitude for the assistance provided by the cryptocurrency exchange in the case.

작전에 대한 기자회견에서 CCIB 중령 Thanatus Kangruambutr의 경찰 조사관은 해당 사건에서 암호화폐 거래소가 제공한 지원에 대해 감사를 표했습니다.

The inspector claims that the residents of Thailand have suffered financial harm as a result of the growth in cryptocurrency scams. However, this operation has enabled the authorities to get control of the situation by arresting the criminals.

조사관은 암호화폐 사기 증가로 인해 태국 주민들이 재정적 피해를 입었다고 주장합니다. 그러나 이 작전을 통해 당국은 범죄자를 검거해 상황을 통제할 수 있게 됐다.

Binance An ”Essential Ally”

“Yet, through prompt information exchange with key partners, including the Binance Investigations team, this successful operation resulted in the arrests of the criminals. Binance remains an essential ally in our combat against scams and cybercrimes. We value this partnership and look forward to continuing it,” Inspector Kangruambutr said.

Binance through its head of financial crime compliance Tigran Gambaryan stated that the exchange will continue to collaborate with numerous international regulatory bodies as they work toward “restoring the trust in the digital-asset ecosystem.”

Binance Sent Investigator To Thailand

바이낸스, 태국에 조사관 파견

Binance has committed itself to aiding in securing the crypto ecosystem. The exchange also played a role in revealing and dismantling another big cryptocurrency fraud that was carried out by a vast network of international criminal organizations.

The operation which involved over 200 Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) officers led to the arrest of suspects at 30 different locations in the provinces of Bangkok, Samut Prakan, and Udon Thani. Binance played two crucial roles in this operation.

First, the exchange supplied the police with the intelligence that led to the arrests. Binance also dispatched an investigator to Thailand to aid in securing the arrest warrant.

첫째, 거래소는 경찰에 체포에 필요한 정보를 제공했습니다. 바이낸스는 또한 체포 영장 확보를 돕기 위해 태국에 수사관을 파견했습니다.

Following the apprehensions, the Royal Thai Police seized illegal assets, including 16 luxury residences, 12 top-tier vehicles, and THB 16 million ($440,000) in cash.

Binance has made significant progress in strengthening its compliance skills, boasting an industry-leading worldwide compliance and investigations team made up of regulators, senior investigators from prestigious blockchain Analysis businesses, and law enforcement officers.

바이낸스는 규제 기관, 유명 블록체인 분석 기업의 수석 조사관, 법 집행관으로 구성된 업계 최고의 전 세계 규정 준수 및 조사 팀을 자랑하며 규정 준수 기술을 강화하는 데 상당한 진전을 이루었습니다.

The exchange claims that over the last three years, it has complied with and helped with over 103,000 requests from law authorities, demonstrating its dedication to fostering a reliable and secure digital asset ecosystem.

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Source: https://thebittimes.com/binance-and-thai-police-bust-277-million-pig-butchering-crypto-scam-tbt65149.html

출처: https://thebittimes.com/binance-and-thai-police-bust-277-million-pig-butchering-crypto-scam-tbt65149.html

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