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Here's Dogecoin Founder's Take on Shocking FTX IRS Showdown

以下是狗狗幣創始人對令人震驚的 FTX IRS 攤牌的看法

發布: 2023/12/03 06:00 閱讀: 839



以下是狗狗幣創始人對令人震驚的 FTX IRS 攤牌的看法

The recent tax spat between bankrupt crypto firm FTX Derivatives Exchange and the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has attracted a comment from Dogecoin co-founder Billy Marcus. The spat between FTX and the IRS came when the tax regulator slapped the exchange with a $24 billion tax bill as it was unable to place a peg on the size of the fraud in the firm prior to its bankruptcy.

最近破產的加密貨幣公司 FTX 衍生品交易所和美國國稅局 (IRS) 之間的稅務糾紛引起了狗狗幣聯合創始人比利·馬庫斯 (Billy Marcus) 的評論。 FTX 與美國國稅局 (IRS) 之間發生爭執,當時稅務監管機構向該交易所徵收 240 億美元的稅單,因為該監管機構無法在該公司破產前確定該公司的詐欺規模。

Reacting to the outrageous sum, the Dogecoin co-founder said the IRS cares more about getting their cut rather than prioritizing the victims of the scam. He went on to say that per current established trends, America is acting like it "hates its citizens."


This scorn, which the X owner Elon Musk responded to with the "Wow" exclamation is somewhat justified, seeing FTX is not liquid enough to cough out that amount of money. When FTX filed for bankruptcy, it was discovered that it had an about $8 billion hole in its balance sheet, a sum it has been doing all it can to recoup since November last year.

X 所有者馬斯克以“哇”的驚嘆聲回應了這種蔑視,這在某種程度上是有道理的,因為 FTX 的流動性不足以支付那麼多錢。當 FTX 申請破產時,人們發現其資產負債表中存在約 80 億美元的缺口,自去年 11 月以來,FTX 一直在竭盡全力彌補這一缺口。

The exchange has gone through many hoops to recover about $7 billion worth of assets after recalling lavish donations made by the then-CEO, Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF).

在召回時任執行長薩姆·班克曼·弗里德 (SBF) 的巨額捐款後,該交易所經歷了重重困難才收回了價值約 70 億美元的資產。

Can FTX pay $24B?


Unlike many of its peers like BlockFi and Celsius Network, which went bankrupt last year, FTX is officially not out of bankruptcy yet, and it remains unclear what the rationale for issuing a $24 billion billing came from, a sum FTX might be unable to repay.

與去年破產的BlockFi和Celsius Network等許多同業不同,FTX尚未正式擺脫破產困境,目前尚不清楚發行240億美元帳單的理由來自何處,這筆資金FTX可能無法償還。

From the firm's financial struggles, there might be a new negotiation and sum to cover its tax billing as the exchange's priority, for now, entails repaying its creditors and ultimately its relaunch. The act of suing already bankrupt firms remains a volatile subject among industry stakeholders.


Many believe regulators taking advantage of firms in their most vulnerable state is not a patriotic move, as the Dogecoin founder insinuated.



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