首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 在美國能源審查中,司法部指控兩人在學區進行加密貨幣挖礦

DOJ charges duo for crypto mining in school district, amid US energy scrutiny


發布: 2024/02/03 14:03 閱讀: 337



The United States Department of Justice (DoJ) has charged two senior staff members of the Patterson Joint Unified School District for allegeoperating a crypto mining operation on the premises of the district's ten schools, utilizing school resources and running up the electricity costs.

美國司法部 (DoJ) 指控帕特森聯合聯合學區的兩名高級工作人員涉嫌在該學區的 10 所學校進行加密貨幣挖礦作業,利用學校資源並增加電費。

In a recent statement, the DoJ claimed that Jeffrey Menge, assistant superintendent, and chief business officer of Patterson Joint Unified School District, along with Eric Drabert, IT director for the school district, worked together to operate a crypto mining farm and transferred all the crypto into their own crypto wallets thereafter.

美國司法部在最近的聲明中聲稱,帕特森聯合聯合學區助理總監兼首席商務官杰弗裡·門格(Jeffrey Menge) 與學區IT 總監埃里克·德拉伯特(Eric Drabert)合作運作了一個加密貨幣礦場,並將所有此後將加密貨幣存入他們自己的加密錢包中。

“They purchased high-end graphics cards and used those cards, together with other school district property and electricity, to operate a cryptocurrency mining” farm at the school district.”


However, the statement did not provide clarity on how many schools were utilized in the district for the crypto mining operation, which comprises 10 schools serving about 6,200 students. Additionally, the type of crypto mined was not disclosed.

然而,該聲明並未明確說明該地區有多少所學校進行加密貨幣挖礦作業,其中包括 10 所學校,為約 6,200 名學生提供服務。此外,開採的加密貨幣類型並未揭露。

Some of the most commonly mined cryptos include Bitcoin (BTC), Monero (XMR), Ravencoin (RVN), and Dogecoin (DOGE).

一些最常開採的加密貨幣包括比特幣 (BTC)、門羅幣 (XMR)、渡鴉幣 (RVN) 和狗狗幣 (DOGE)。

According to recent data from CoinGecko, mining a single Bitcoin as a solo miner requires about 266,000 kilowatt-hours. This would take approximately seven years, requiring a monthly electricity consumption of 143 kWh.

根據 CoinGecko 的最新數據,作為獨立礦工開採單個比特幣大約需要 266,000 千瓦時。這大約需要七年時間,每月需要消耗 143 千瓦時的電力。

Along with other alleged fraudulent activity, the DoJ alleged that Menge embezzled a total between $1 million and $1.5 million and Drabert stole between $250,000 and $300,000 during the scheme.

除其他涉嫌詐欺活動外,美國司法部還指控門格在該計劃中挪用了總計 100 萬至 150 萬美元的資金,德拉伯特則竊取了 25 萬至 30 萬美元的資金。

This comes after the United States energy regulator's recent crackdown on crypto miners as part of an initiative to decrease energy waste in the nation.


On Feb. 1, the United States Department of Energy (DOE) declared that crypto miners must report their energy consumption for the upcoming six months. This move follows concerns about the recent surge in Bitcoin prices, leading to an influx of crypto mining activities.

2 月 1 日,美國能源部 (DOE) 宣布加密貨幣礦工必須報告未來六個月的能源消耗。此舉是出於對近期比特幣價格飆升的擔憂,導致加密貨幣挖礦活動大量湧入。

Related: Bitcoin mining firm Core Scientific mined $812M worth of BTC in 2023

相關:比特幣挖礦公司 Core Scientific 在 2023 年開採了價值 8.12 億美元的 BTC

Just a day before this, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) said it will be releasing a survey to gauge the electricity usage of local crypto mining companies starting next week, with miners “required to respond with details related to their energy use.”


This is not just a concern within the U.S, regulators worldwide are making efforts to control excessive electricity consumption.


In December 2023, Cointelegraph reported that Indonesian police authorities closed down 10 Bitcoin mining operations, accusing the organizers of electricity theft amounting to nearly $1 million.

2023 年 12 月,Cointelegraph 報道稱,印尼警察當局關閉了 10 個比特幣挖礦業務,指控組織者竊電金額近 100 萬美元。

Magazine: Mystery of Polygon’s missing MATIC: Everyone’s doing it, says ChainArgos

期刊:Polygon 缺失 MATIC 之謎:ChainArgos 表示,每個人都在做


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