Price analysis 2/5: SPX, DXY, BTC, ETH, BNB, SOL, XRP, ADA, AVAX, DOGE


發布: 2024/02/06 06:17 閱讀: 717



Stock markets in the United States continued their march higher last week, even after the Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell dashed hopes of a rate cut in March. However, Powell did say that a rate cut would likely happen this year. Powell reiterated these views during his interview with CBS news show 60 Minutes.

儘管聯準會主席鮑威爾(Jerome Powell)在三月降息的希望破滅後,美國股市上週仍繼續走高。不過,鮑威爾確實表示今年可能會降息。鮑威爾在接受哥倫比亞廣播公司新聞節目《60 分鐘》採訪時重申了這些觀點。

Fed comments and strong macroeconomic data reduced expectations of rate cuts by the Fed to 120 basis points in 2024, down from 150 basis points at the end of last year, Fed funds futures showed. This pushed the U.S. dollar Index (DXY) to its highest level in 11 weeks.


Historically, Bitcoin (BTC) moves in inverse correlation with the U.S. dollar. Hence the strength in the greenback could act as a headwind for Bitcoin in the near term. A minor positive in favor of the bulls is the strong inflows into BlackRock and Fidelity’s spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in January, totaling about $4.8 billion. Continued inflows into the ETFs could limit the downside.

從歷史上看,比特幣(BTC)的走勢與美元呈負相關。因此,美元的走強可能會在短期內成為比特幣的阻力。有利於多頭的一個小利好是 1 月份大量資金流入貝萊德和富達的現貨比特幣交易所交易基金 (ETF),總計約 48 億美元。持續流入 ETF 可能會限制下跌空間。

Will Bitcoin remain stuck in a range, or is a breakout on the cards? How are the altcoins expected to behave? Let’s analyze the charts to find out.


S&P 500 Index price analysis

標普 500 指數價格分析

The S&P 500 Index rebounded off the 20-day exponential moving average (4,850) on Feb. 1 and soared to a new all-time high on Feb. 2.

標普 500 指數於 2 月 1 日從 20 日指數移動平均線(4,850 點)反彈,並於 2 月 2 日飆升至歷史新高。

Both moving averages are sloping up, indicating that the bulls are in command, but the negative divergence on the relative strength index (RSI) warrants caution. The up move could face selling at the psychological resistance of 5,000, but if buyers bulldoze their way through, the next stop could be 5,200.

兩條移動平均線均向上傾斜,顯示多頭處於主導地位,但相對強弱指數(RSI)的負背離值得謹慎對待。上漲可能面臨 5,000 點心理阻力位的拋售,但如果買家強行突破,下一站可能是 5,200 點。

The crucial support on the downside is the 20-day EMA. A slide below this level will be the first indication that the bulls are rushing to the exit. That may start a fall to the 50-day simple moving average (4,734) and then to 4,650.

下行的關鍵支撐是20日均線。跌破該水平將是多頭急於退出的第一個跡象。這可能會開始下跌至 50 日簡單移動平均線 (4,734),然後跌至 4,650。

U.S. dollar Index price analysis


The U.S. dollar Index snapped back sharply from the 50-day SMA (102.84) on Feb. 2 and broke above the neckline of the inverted head-and-shoulders pattern.


The pattern target of the bullish setup is 107.39, just below the formidable overhead resistance at 108. However, the bears are unlikely to give up easily. They will try to halt the up move near 104.55 and again at 106.

看漲格局的目標是107.39,略低於強大的上方阻力位108。然而,空頭不太可能輕易放棄。他們將嘗試在 104.55 附近停止上漲,並在 106 附近再次停止。

If bears want to make a comeback, they will have to tug the price below the 50-day SMA to seize control. The index may decline to the vital support zone between 101 and 99.57. The bulls are expected to defend this zone with all their might.

如果空頭想要捲土重來,他們將不得不將價格拉低至 50 日移動平均線下方以奪取控制權。該指數可能會跌至101至99.57之間的重要支撐區域。預計多頭將竭盡全力保衛該區域。

Bitcoin price analysis


The bears have failed to sink Bitcoin below the 20-day EMA ($42,463) even after repeated attempts, suggesting that the bulls are fiercely defending the level.

即使經過多次嘗試,空頭也未能將比特幣跌破 20 日均線(42,463 美元),這表明多頭正在激烈捍衛該水平。

Buyers will try to push the price to the $44,000 to $44,700 overhead resistance zone. This remains the key zone for the bears to defend because if they fail in their endeavor, the BTC/USDT pair could skyrocket to the psychological level of $50,000.

買家將試圖將價格推至 44,000 美元至 44,700 美元的上方阻力區。這仍然是空頭防守的關鍵區域,因為如果他們的努力失敗,BTC/USDT 貨幣對可能會飆升至 50,000 美元的心理水平。

On the other hand, if the price turns down from $44,700, the pair may consolidate in a tight range for a while. The bears will be on top if they sink the pair below $41,394. The pair may then slide to $40,000 and eventually to $37,980.

另一方面,如果價格從 44,700 美元下跌,該貨幣對可能會在一段時間內窄幅盤整。如果空頭將貨幣對跌破 41,394 美元,則空頭將佔上風。隨後該貨幣對可能會下滑至 4 萬美元,最終跌至 37,980 美元。

Ether price analysis


Ether (ETH) has been trading below the moving averages for several days, but the bears have failed to pull the price to the strong support at $2,100. This suggests buying at lower levels.

以太坊 (ETH) 連續幾天都在移動平均線下方交易,但空頭未能將價格拉至 2,100 美元的強勁支撐位。這表明在較低水平買入。

The bulls are trying to push the price above the moving averages. If they do that, the ETH/USDT pair could challenge the $2,400 level. A break and close above this resistance will indicate that bulls have overpowered the bears. The pair may rise to $2,600 and then to the Jan. 12 intraday high of $2,717.

多頭正試圖將價格推至移動平均線之上。如果他們這樣做,ETH/USDT 貨幣對可能會挑戰 2,400 美元的水平。突破並收盤於該阻力之上將表明多頭已經壓倒了空頭。該貨幣對可能會升至 2,600 美元,然後升至 1 月 12 日盤中高點 2,717 美元。

Conversely, if the price turns down from the overhead resistance, it will signal that the bears are active at higher levels. That may keep the pair stuck inside the $2,100 to $2,400 range for some more time.

相反,如果價格從上方阻力位下跌,則表示空頭在較高水平上活躍。這可能會讓該貨幣對在 2,100 美元至 2,400 美元區間內停留一段時間。

BNB price analysis


BNB (BNB) bounced off the 50-day SMA ($300) on Feb. 4, but the bulls are struggling to build upon the strength.

BNB (BNB) 於 2 月 4 日從 50 日移動平均線(300 美元)反彈,但多頭正在努力鞏固這一勢頭。

Buyers will have to clear the overhead hurdle at the downtrend line to invalidate the descending triangle pattern. If they succeed, the BNB/USDT pair could rally to $320 and subsequently to $338.

買家必須清除下降趨勢線的上方障礙,以使下降三角形模式失效。如果成功,BNB/USDT 貨幣對可能會反彈至 320 美元,隨後升至 338 美元。

Contrary to this assumption, if the price turns down and breaks below the 50-day SMA, it will indicate that the bears continue to sell on minor rallies. The pair may then drop to the strong support at $288. If this level crumbles, the pair will complete the bearish setup, which could start a down move to $260.

與這一假設相反,如果價格下跌並跌破 50 日移動平均線,則表示空頭繼續在小幅反彈中拋售。隨後該貨幣對可能會跌至 288 美元的強支撐位。如果該水準崩潰,該貨幣對將完成看跌格局,可能開始下跌至 260 美元。

XRP price analysis


The bears could not maintain XRP (XRP) below $0.50 on Jan. 31 and Feb. 1, which started a recovery to the 20-day EMA ($0.53) on Feb. 3.

1 月 31 日和 2 月 1 日,空頭無法將 XRP (XRP) 維持在 0.50 美元以下,2 月 3 日開始回升至 20 日均線(0.53 美元)。

The price turned down from the 20-day EMA on Feb. 4, indicating that the sentiment remains negative and traders are selling on rallies. If the $0.50 support gives way, the XRP/USDT pair could plunge to $0.46.

價格從 2 月 4 日的 20 日均線下跌,顯示市場情緒仍然消極,交易者逢高拋售。如果 0.50 美元的支撐位失守,XRP/USDT 貨幣對可能會暴跌至 0.46 美元。

Contrarily, if the price turns up from the current level and breaks above the 20-day EMA, it will suggest that the bulls are vigorously defending the $0.50 support. The positive divergence on the RSI also points toward a recovery in the near term. If buyers kick the price above the 20-day EMA, the pair may attempt a rally to the downtrend line.

相反,如果價格從當前水平回升並突破20日均線,則表明多頭正在大力捍衛0.50美元的支撐位。 RSI 的正背離也顯示近期將出現復甦。如果買家將價格推至 20 日均線上方,則該貨幣對可能會嘗試反彈至下降趨勢線。

Solana price analysis

Solana 價格分析

Solana (SOL) is witnessing a tough battle between the bulls and the bears near the moving averages.

Solana (SOL) 正在見證多頭和空頭在移動平均線附近進行一場艱苦的戰鬥。

The price action of the past few days is forming an inverse H&S pattern, which will complete on a break and close above $107. This bullish setup has a target objective of $125. There is a minor resistance at $117, but it is likely to be crossed.

過去幾天的價格走勢正在形成反向 H&S 模式,該模式將在突破時完成並收於 107 美元上方。這種看漲設定的目標是 125 美元。 117 美元有一個小阻力,但很可能會被突破。

Alternatively, if the price breaks and maintains below the moving averages, it will signal that the bulls have given up. The SOL/USDT pair may start a descent to $79, which is an important level for the bulls to guard, because if it cracks, the next stop may be $64.

或者,如果價格突破並維持在移動平均線下方,則表示多頭已經放棄。 SOL/USDT 貨幣對可能會開始下跌至 79 美元,這是多頭要守衛的重要水平,因為如果它破裂,下一站可能是 64 美元。

Related: BTC price sets new February high as Bitcoin buyers target faraway $25K

相關:BTC 價格創下 2 月新高,比特幣買家目標遠達 2.5 萬美元

Cardano price analysis


Cardano (ADA) has been hovering near the 20-day EMA ($0.50) for the past few days, indicating indecision between the bulls and the bears.

卡爾達諾(ADA)過去幾天一直徘徊在 20 日均線(0.50 美元)附近,表明多頭和空頭之間猶豫不決。

The 20-day EMA has flattened out, and the RSI is just below the midpoint, suggesting a range-bound action in the near term. If buyers drive the price above the 20-day EMA, the ADA/USDT pair could rise to the downtrend line. The bulls will have to overcome this obstacle to signal a potential trend change in the near term.

20 日均線已趨於平緩,RSI 略低於中點,顯示近期將出現區間波動。如果買家將價格推高至 20 日均線上方,ADA/USDT 貨幣對可能會升至下降趨勢線。多頭必須克服這一障礙才能發出近期潛在趨勢變化的訊號。

On the downside, if the price breaks below $0.48, it will indicate that bears are trying to gain the upper hand. The pair may slide to $0.46 and later to the channel’s support line.

不利的一面是,如果價格跌破 0.48 美元,則表示空頭正試圖佔上風。該貨幣對可能會滑至 0.46 美元,然後跌至通道支撐線。

Avalanche price analysis


Avalanche (AVAX) reversed direction from the downtrend line on Feb. 3, but a positive sign is that the bulls are attempting to defend the 20-day EMA ($34.55).

Avalanche (AVAX) 從 2 月 3 日的下降趨勢線轉向,但一個積極的跡像是多頭正試圖捍衛 20 日均線(34.55 美元)。

If the price turns up from the current level, it will increase the likelihood of a break above the descending channel. If that happens, the AVAX/USDT pair could climb to $44 and thereafter attempt a rally to the psychologically important level of $50.

如果價格從目前水準上漲,突破下降通道的可能性將增加。如果發生這種情況,AVAX/USDT 貨幣對可能會攀升至 44 美元,然後嘗試反彈至 50 美元的重要心理水平。

If bears want to prevent the upward move, they will have to quickly yank the price below the immediate support at $32. If they do that, the pair could slump toward the channel’s support line near $24.

如果空頭想要阻止上漲,他們將不得不迅速將價格拉低至 32 美元的直接支撐位以下。如果他們這樣做,該貨幣對可能會跌向通道支撐線 24 美元附近。

Dogecoin price analysis


Dogecoin (DOGE) continues to trade below the 20-day EMA ($0.08), but the bulls have not allowed the price to dip below the uptrend line of the symmetrical triangle pattern.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 繼續交投於 20 日均線(0.08 美元)下方,但多頭不允許價格跌破對稱三角形圖案的上升趨勢線。

If the price turns up and breaks above the 20-day EMA, it will indicate that the DOGE/USDT pair may extend its stay inside the triangle for a few more days. The pair will try to rise to the downtrend line.

如果價格上漲並突破 20 日均線,則表示 DOGE/USDT 貨幣對可能會在三角形內再停留幾天。該貨幣對將嘗試升至下降趨勢線。

The next trending move is likely to begin on a break above or below the triangle. If the price surges above the triangle, the pair could travel to the $0.10 to $0.11 resistance zone. On the contrary, a break below the triangle will open the doors for a fall to $0.07 and then $0.06.

下一個趨勢走勢可能會從突破三角形上方或下方開始。如果價格飆升至三角形之上,該貨幣對可能會升至 0.10 美元至 0.11 美元的阻力區。相反,跌破三角形將為下跌至 0.07 美元,然後是 0.06 美元打開大門。

This article does not contain investment advice or recommendations. Every investment and trading move involves risk, and readers should conduct their own research when making a decision.



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