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Roaring Kitty’s New Return: Meme Stocks and Crypto Coins Explode

《Roaring Kitty》新回歸:Meme 股票與加密貨幣爆炸

發布: 2024/05/15 02:48 閱讀: 241



Roaring Kitty's Return: A Resurgence in Meme Stocks and Crypto Coins


In the realm of finance, few tales captivate like that of Keith Gill, also known as Roaring Kitty. This former financial analyst turned stock influencer ignited the 2021 GameStop (GME) short squeeze, sending shockwaves through Wall Street and captivating global attention. After a hiatus, Gill has recently resurfaced on social media, rekindling interest in both traditional and crypto markets.

在金融領域,很少有故事能像基斯·吉爾(又名「咆哮的小貓」)的故事那樣引人入勝。這位前金融分析師轉型為股票影響者,引發了 2021 年 GameStop (GME) 的逼空事件,震驚了華爾街並吸引了全球的關注。經過一段時間的中斷後,吉爾最近重新出現在社群媒體上,重新點燃了人們對傳統市場和加密貨幣市場的興趣。

Roaring Kitty is Back!


What does this mean for the markets?


Who is Roaring Kitty?


Under the alias "DeepFuckingValue," Gill became a revered figure on platforms like Reddit and YouTube. He ardently championed GameStop, a company deemed faltering at the time. Many institutional investors and hedge funds had shorted GME, anticipating its value to decline.

吉爾以「DeepFuckingValue」的別名在 Reddit 和 YouTube 等平台上成為受人尊敬的人物。他熱心支持 GameStop,這家公司當時被認為搖搖欲墜。許多機構投資者和對沖基金都做空了 GME,預計其價值會下跌。

However, the narrative took a dramatic turn when GME shares, initially valued around $5.16, soared to over $490 in 2021. This price surge was largely fueled by users from the r/WallStreetBets subreddit. Gill's posts inspired a collective action, triggering a short squeeze where rising stock prices forced short sellers to purchase shares at escalating rates, further driving up the stock price.

然而,當 GME 股票最初估值約為 5.16 美元,在 2021 年飆升至 490 美元以上時,故事發生了戲劇性的轉變。吉爾的貼文激發了集體行動,引發了空頭擠壓,股價上漲迫使賣空者以不斷上升的價格購買股票,進一步推高股價。

Gill's initial investment of $53,000 skyrocketed to a staggering $48 million at the peak of the market turmoil. His pivotal role in this market anomaly brought him before Congress for testimony and was later depicted in the film "Dumb Money."

吉爾的初始投資為 53,000 美元,在市場動盪的頂峰時期飆升至驚人的 4800 萬美元。他在這一市場異常事件中發揮的關鍵作用使他在國會作證,後來在電影《愚蠢的錢》中得到了描述。

Will Cat-Themed Meme Coins Rally?

以貓為主題的 Meme 硬幣會反彈嗎?

Upon his return to the public eye with a post on X (formerly Twitter) in mid-2021, Gill once again stirred the investment world. The post featured an image of a man intently using a video game controller, sparking discussions in stock investment circles and the crypto domain.

2021 年年中,吉爾在 X(前身為 Twitter)上發文重返公眾視野,再次攪動了投資界。該貼文展示了一名男子專心使用電玩控制器的圖片,引發了股票投資界和加密貨幣領域的討論。

The resurgence of interest following Gill's tweet extended to meme coins, a sector known for its high volatility and speculative nature. For instance, the Roaring Kitty (KITTY) meme coin witnessed remarkable trading activity, with one trader turning a $3,000 investment into $94,000 overnight due to a sudden price surge.

吉爾發推文後,人們對迷因幣的興趣重新燃起,這個領域以其高波動性和投機性而聞名。例如,Roaring Kitty (KITTY) 迷因幣的交易活動非常活躍,由於價格突然飆升,一名交易員將 3,000 美元的投資一夜之間變成了 94,000 美元。

Now, investors and spectators alike are pondering the future of meme coins in this revived market environment. Several of Gill's videos hint at a potential preference for cat-themed meme coins, possibly heralding the next big rally in this quirky asset class. On-chain Analysis firm Lookonchain indicates that savvy investors are already positioning themselves in cat-related meme coins like POPCAT, MANEKI, and KITTY.

現在,投資者和觀眾都在思考在這個復甦的市場環境中迷因幣的未來。吉爾的幾個影片暗示了人們對以貓為主題的迷因幣的潛在偏好,這可能預示著這一古怪資產類別的下一次大反彈。鏈上分析公司 Lookonchain 表示,精明的投資者已經將自己定​​位於與貓相關的迷因幣,如 POPCAT、MANEKI 和 KITTY。

"Maybe the next Dogecoin (DOGE) will be among the cat-themed meme coins," Lookonchain suggested.

Lookonchain 表示:“也許下一個狗狗幣 (DOGE) 將屬於以貓為主題的迷因幣。”

Roaring Kitty's Return Sparks Meme Stocks Rally

咆哮凱蒂回歸引發 Meme 股票上漲

GameStop's shares have rallied over 70%, reminiscent of a few years ago. This time, it was due to the return of trader and investor Keith Gill, better known as Roaring Kitty. Gill's posts on X sent GameStop and AMC Entertainment's stocks soaring, increasing 77.5% and 77.9%, respectively.

GameStop 的股價已經上漲了 70% 以上,讓人想起幾年前的情況。這一次,是由於交易員兼投資者基思·吉爾(Keith Gill)(更廣為人知的名字是“咆哮的小貓”)的回歸。吉爾在 X 上的貼文導致 GameStop 和 AMC Entertainment 的股價飆升,分別上漲了 77.5% 和 77.9%。

This dramatic market reaction marks the first time Gill has been publicly active since his last appearance roughly three years ago. The enigmatic post quickly attracted over 12 million views, further fueling speculation and excitement among traders. GameStop saw its shares peak at a staggering 110% increase before stabilizing. The trading frenzy was so intense that it triggered multiple daily trading halts. Similarly, AMC shares also saw a significant uptick, with prices doubling at one point during the trading session.

這一戲劇性的市場反應標誌著吉爾自大約三年前上次露面以來首次公開活躍。這篇神秘的貼文很快就吸引了超過 1200 萬次瀏覽,進一步激發了交易者的猜測和興奮。 GameStop 的股價在穩定之前曾飆升 110%。交易狂潮如此激烈,以至於引發了多次每日交易暫停。同樣,AMC 股價也大幅上漲,交易時段價格一度翻倍。

Meme Coin Market Resurgence

Meme 幣市場復甦

PEPE has skyrocketed, with its price surpassing the $0.000010 mark for the first time since March 15. At the time of reporting, PEPE is trading at $0.00001086, marking a 22% increase in the past 24 hours, according to data from CoinGecko. The coin's trading volume has also surged by 290.5% to $2.14 billion, with its market capitalization rising to $4.35 billion, making it the 28th largest cryptocurrency by market value.

PEPE 一路飆升,其價格自 3 月 15 日以來首次突破 0.000010 美元大關。該幣的交易量也飆升 290.5% 至 21.4 億美元,市值升至 43.5 億美元,成為市值第 28 名的加密貨幣。

The return of Roaring Kitty caused a meme coin rally, with Solana-based GameStop memecoin (GME) surging over 350% and AMC token witnessing an over 900% increase. Established meme coins like Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) also experienced modest gains, with them rallying by 7% and 7.5%, respectively, according to CoinGecko data.

Roaring Kitty 的回歸引發了 meme 幣的上漲,基於 Solana 的 GameStop memecoin (GME) 飆升了 350% 以上,AMC 代幣上漲了 900% 以上。根據 CoinGecko 的數據,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 等老牌迷因幣也經歷了小幅上漲,分別上漲了 7% 和 7.5%。

The Impact of Social Media on Financial Markets


The return of Keith Gill, a man closely linked to GameStop's stock rally in 2021, has unleashed a massive flood of Solana-based meme coins through the pump.fun protocol. GME Stonks, GameOver, and KiethGillWifHat are just a few examples of tokens launched through pump.fun in the last 24 hours after Gill's meme on Twitter.

與 GameStop 2021 年股市上漲密切相關的 Keith Gill 的回歸,透過 Pump.fun 協議釋放了大量基於 Solana 的迷因幣。 GME Stonks、GameOver 和 KiethGillWifHat 只是 Gill 在 Twitter 上發布表情包後過去 24 小時內透過 Pump.fun 推出的代幣的幾個例子。

Andrew Tate's Bold Move


Former professional kickboxer turned social media provocateur Andrew Tate claims he has cashed out $500,000 in Bitcoin to invest in GameStop and meme coins to spite hedge funds. "There's a hedge fund manager who, when he wakes up tomorrow morning—if GameStop opens at the current price—he's gonna lose $13 billion dollars," Tate said in a Twitter video. "His entire hedge fund!"

前職業跆拳道運動員轉型為社群媒體煽動者安德魯泰特 (Andrew Tate) 聲稱,他已將 50 萬美元的比特幣兌現,用於投資 GameStop 和 meme 幣,以對抗對沖基金。泰特在 Twitter 影片中表示:“有一位對沖基金經理,當他明天早上醒來時,如果 GameStop 以當前價格開盤,他將損失 130 億美元。” “他的整個對沖基金!”

Tate's Reddit-inspired hypothesis mirrors the 2021 theory surrounding the same stock. With the return of Roaring Kitty, it seems meme stock mania is in full swing again. Tate declared, "I'm taking Wall Street down, watch me. Fuck 'em. Fuck 'em all."

泰特受 Reddit 啟發的假設反映了圍繞同一隻股票的 2021 年理論。隨著《Roaring Kitty》的回歸,迷因股的狂熱似乎再次如火如荼地進行。泰特宣稱:“我要打倒華爾街,看我。操他們。操他們所有人。”

The Future of Meme Coins and Stocks

Meme 幣和股票的未來

The apparent recklessness of investors gambling on meme coins has attracted warnings from experts. Prominent DeFi sleuth ZachXBT highlighted that 12 Solana memecoins allegedly raised $26.7 million from investors before abruptly abandoning the projects.

投資者賭博模因幣的明顯魯莽行為引起了專家的警告。著名 DeFi 偵探 ZachXBT 強調,12 個 Solana memecoin 據稱從投資者那裡籌集了 2670 萬美元,然後突然放棄了這些項目。

eToro Market Analyst Josh Gilbert remains skeptical about the sustainability of the current rally. "I think it will certainly ignite some short-term moves from these assets, but it's hard to see any longevity," he said. Gilbert noted that the outstanding shorts on assets like GameStop were much smaller than 2021, meaning that the "size of the move to the upside" would likely be smaller.

eToro 市場分析師 Josh Gilbert 對當前漲勢的可持續性仍持懷疑態度。他表示:“我認為這肯定會引發這些資產的一些短期走勢,但很難看到任何長期走勢。”吉爾伯特指出,GameStop 等資產的未償空頭數量遠小於 2021 年,這意味著「上漲的規模」可能會更小。



The return of Roaring Kitty has undeniably reignited a fervor in both stock and crypto markets, with meme coins experiencing significant surges. While the impact of social media on financial markets is evident, the sustainability of these speculative rallies remains uncertain. As the market adapts, the influence of internet personalities like Roaring Kitty highlights the growing intersection between social media and financial markets, potentially reshaping investment strategies and market dynamics in the years to come.

不可否認,《咆哮的貓咪》的回歸重新點燃了股票和加密貨幣市場的熱情,迷因幣經歷了大幅飆升。儘管社群媒體對金融市場的影響顯而易見,但這些投機性反彈的可持續性仍不確定。隨著市場的適應,Roaring Kitty 等網路名人的影響力凸顯了社群媒體和金融市場之間日益增長的交叉點,有可能重塑未來幾年的投資策略和市場動態。


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