首頁 > 資訊新聞 > SpaceX 在 Starship 第三次飛行測試之前在德克薩斯州進行重大測試

SpaceX Runs Major Test In Texas Ahead Of Starship’s Third Flight Test

SpaceX 在 Starship 第三次飛行測試之前在德克薩斯州進行重大測試

發布: 2024/03/12 09:52 閱讀: 714

原文作者:Ramish Zafar


Ahead of the third Starship test flight that is currently slated to take place next week, SpaceX is busy running last minute tests at its facilities in Boca Chica, Texas. The third Starship launch is SpaceX's most anticipated event in the year so far, as it will see the firm try to fly the world's largest rocket for the third time. The previous Starship test was in November, and it saw the first and second stages successfully separate. For the third test attempt, SpaceX introduced several upgrades to its rocket alongside building a new launch site to ensure the rapid testing of the rocket, which is indispensable to its future.

在定於下週進行的第三次 Starship 試飛之前,SpaceX 正忙於在德克薩斯州博卡奇卡的工廠進行最後一刻的測試。第三次星艦發射是 SpaceX 今年迄今為止最受期待的事件,因為這將是該公司第三次嘗試發射世界上最大的火箭。上一次星艦測試是在11月,第一級和第二級成功分開。在第三次測試中,SpaceX 對火箭進行了多項升級,同時建造了新的發射場,以確保火箭的快速測試,這對於火箭的未來至關重要。

SpaceX Tests Launch Site Deluge System Ahead Of Third Starship Test Flight

After SpaceX shared earlier this week that the third Starship test flight will take place on March 14th, the firm has been busy tweaking its rocket ahead of the important missions. Starship's flight abort system, or explosives installed on the rocket to destroy in case of an anomaly, has already been installed.

SpaceX 在第三次星際飛船試飛前測試發射場雨淋系統 本週早些時候,SpaceX 表示第三次星際飛船試飛將於 3 月 14 日進行,該公司一直忙於在重要任務之前調整其火箭。星艦的飛行中止系統,或安裝在火箭上的炸藥,用於在出現異常情況時進行摧毀,已經安裝完畢。

Now, footage from local media shows that SpaceX also tested the water deluge system at the launch pad with the first and second stages stacked. This system is one of the most important parts of the launch pad in the Starship program. It was the primary cause of a multi month delay between the second and third test flights in 2023 and ended up limiting SpaceX to only two Starship tests last year.

現在,當地媒體的鏡頭顯示,SpaceX 也在發射台上測試了第一級和第二級堆疊的水淋系統。該系統是星艦計畫中發射台最重要的部分之一。這是 2023 年第二次和第三次試飛之間延遲數月的主要原因,並最終導致 SpaceX 去年僅進行了兩次星艦測試。

Judging by the footage, the test was successful, allowing SpaceX to cross off another item on its pre launch checklist. Before they can feel comfortable with a launch, engineers have to run several tests, such as tank pressure checks and static fires.

從影片來看,測試是成功的,SpaceX 劃掉了其發射前檢查清單上的另一項內容。在對發射感到滿意之前,工程師必須進行多項測試,例如油箱壓力檢查和靜態點火。

Before today's deluge system test, SpaceX also conducted a wet dress rehearsal of Starship to fully fill it with fuel and bring the countdown timer to just a handful of seconds before launch. However, after it un stacked the second stage Starship spacecraft from the Super Heavy booster, the subsequent stacking took longer than expected. It took SpaceX roughly three hours to stack the rocket, after earlier upgrades to the launch tower also covering the 'chopsticks' that lift the second stage Starship on the booster.

在今天的洪水系統測試之前,SpaceX 還對 Starship 進行了一次濕裝彩排,將其充滿燃料,並將倒數計時器調到發射前的幾秒鐘。然而,當它從超重型助推器上拆下第二級星艦飛船後,後續的堆疊時間比預期的要長。 SpaceX 花了大約三個小時才完成火箭的堆放,之前對發射塔進行了升級,還覆蓋了將第二級星艦提升到助推器上的「筷子」。

Ahead of the third Starship test, SpaceX has made several upgrades to the rocket. These include a new engine control system for the upper stage spacecraft. To maneuver itself duringr control system for their engines.

在第三次 Starship 測試之前,SpaceX 對火箭進行了多次升級。其中包括用於上級太空船的新引擎控制系統。在引擎控制系統期間自行操縱。

Other changes include upgrading the rocket's fire impression system, minimizing leaks inside the rocket and further reducing the chances of fires through the electronic TVC. Changes to the Super Heavy include upgrades inside the tanks to reduce the chances of impurities making their way inside the engines. According to SpaceX, improper filtration was the "most likely root cause" for the booster explosion in November.

其他變化包括升級火箭的火印系統、最大限度地減少火箭內部的洩漏以及透過電子 TVC 進一步減少火災的可能性。超重型的變化包括油箱內部的升級,以減少雜質進入引擎的機會。據 SpaceX 稱,過濾不當是 11 月助推器爆炸的「最可能的根本原因」。

The second stage Starship that successfully stage separated in November was also the first Starship to make it to outer space. Its flight termination system destroyed the rocket after it had reached an altitude of 150 kilometers, and future Starship tests will also see SpaceX test in space propellant transfer for NASA's Moon lander missions.

11月成功實現階段分離的第二級星艦也是第一艘進入外太空的星艦。其飛行終止系統在火箭到達 150 公里高度後將其摧毀,未來的 Starship 測試也將見證 SpaceX 為 NASA 月球登陸器任務進行太空推進劑傳輸測試。


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