首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 美國太空總署表示,下一次星艦發射將測試月球任務技術

Next Starship launch will see Moon mission tech tested, Nasa says


發布: 2023/12/08 14:46 閱讀: 812

原文作者:Anthony Cuthbertson



SpaceX could attempt first in-flight refueling for world’s biggest rocket

SpaceX 可能會嘗試為世界上最大的火箭進行首次空中加油

SpaceX is planning to test a critical technique for Moon and deep space missions during the next launch of its Starship rocket, according to Nasa.

據美國宇航局稱,SpaceX 計劃在下次發射其「星際飛船」火箭時測試月球和深空任務的關鍵技術。

The third major flight test of the world’s biggest rocket is expected to take place early next year after the first two attempts ended in explosions.


Future versions of the spacecraft will be used to help deliver people to the Moon as part of Nasa’s Artemis program. Key to this mission will be the ability to perform an inflight propellant transfer, which could be attempted during the next test flight that aims to launch Starship from Texas and land it in Hawaii.


A spokesperson for the US space agency told CNBC that discussions are currently underway to try the orbital refuelling technology.

美國航太局發言人告訴 CNBC,目前正在討論嘗試軌道加油技術。

“Nasa and SpaceX are reviewing options for the demonstration to take place during an integrated flight test of Starship and the Super Heavy rocket,” the Nasa official said. “However, no final decisions on timing have been made.”

美國宇航局官員表示:“美國宇航局和 SpaceX 正在審查在星際飛船和超重型火箭綜合飛行測試期間進行演示的選擇。” “但是,尚未就時間做出最終決定。”

For the test to succeed, Starship would need to reach low-Earth orbit – something SpaceX is yet to achieve.

為了使測試成功,星際飛船需要到達近地軌道——而 SpaceX 尚未實現這一目標。

The first attempt on 20 April this year ended when both stages of the rocket exploded after attempting to separate a few minutes after launch.

今年 4 月 20 日的第一次嘗試結束了,當時火箭的兩級在發射幾分鐘後試圖分離後爆炸。

The second high-altitude flight test on 18 November was more successful, becoming the first to achieve hot-staging separation. This saw the top part of the rocket separate from the Super Heavy booster using its onboard engines, however both parts of the rocket were ultimately lost.


The inflight fuel transfer will be the first test of a system designed to eventually allow Starship to refuel from an external tanker in Earth’s orbit.


“The goal is to advance cryogenic fluid transfer and fill level gauging technology through technology risk assessment, design and prototype testing, and in-orbit demonstration,” Nasa said.


“The demonstration will decrease key risks for large-scale propellant transfer in the lead-up to future human spaceflight missions.”


Following the November launch, SpaceX boss Elon Musk said the next Starship rocket system should be “ready to fly in three to four weeks” but the timeline will depend on the speed of external reviews undertaken by regulatory agencies like the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

11 月發射後,SpaceX 老闆馬斯克表示,下一個Starship 火箭系統應該“在三到四個星期內準備好飛行”,但時間表將取決於美國聯邦航空管理局(FAA) 等監管機構進行外部審查的速度。

Mr Musk has been known for his ambitious development deadlines, which have frequently been pushed back. His ultimate goal for Starship is to build hundreds of the rockets in order to establish a permanent human colony on Mars by 2050.

馬斯克先生以其雄心勃勃的開發期限而聞名,但這些期限經常被推遲。他對 Starship 的最終目標是建造數百枚火箭,以便在 2050 年之前在火星上建立永久的人類殖民地。


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