フロントページ > 情報ニュース > NASAは、次回のスターシップ打ち上げは月ミッション技術をテストすると発表

Next Starship launch will see Moon mission tech tested, Nasa says


リリース: 2023/12/08 14:46 読む: 812

原作者:Anthony Cuthbertson



SpaceX could attempt first in-flight refueling for world’s biggest rocket


SpaceX is planning to test a critical technique for Moon and deep space missions during the next launch of its Starship rocket, according to Nasa.

NASA によると、SpaceX は次回の Starship ロケットの打ち上げ中に、月と深宇宙のミッションに重要な技術をテストする予定です。

The third major flight test of the world’s biggest rocket is expected to take place early next year after the first two attempts ended in explosions.

最初の 2 回の試みが爆発で終わった後、世界最大のロケットの 3 回目の大規模な飛行試験は、来年初めに行われる予定です。

Future versions of the spacecraft will be used to help deliver people to the Moon as part of Nasa’s Artemis program. Key to this mission will be the ability to perform an inflight propellant transfer, which could be attempted during the next test flight that aims to launch Starship from Texas and land it in Hawaii.

この宇宙船の将来のバージョンは、NASA のアルテミス プログラムの一環として、月に人々を送り届けるために使用される予定です。このミッションの鍵となるのは、機内で推進剤の移送を実行できることです。これは、テキサスからスターシップを打ち上げてハワイに着陸することを目的とした次のテスト飛行中に試行される可能性があります。

A spokesperson for the US space agency told CNBC that discussions are currently underway to try the orbital refuelling technology.


“Nasa and SpaceX are reviewing options for the demonstration to take place during an integrated flight test of Starship and the Super Heavy rocket,” the Nasa official said. “However, no final decisions on timing have been made.”

「NASA​​とスペースXは、スターシップとスーパーヘビーロケットの統合飛行試験中にデモンストレーションを実施するためのオプションを検討している」とNASA関係者は述べた。 「しかし、時期についてはまだ最終決定はされていない。」

For the test to succeed, Starship would need to reach low-Earth orbit – something SpaceX is yet to achieve.


The first attempt on 20 April this year ended when both stages of the rocket exploded after attempting to separate a few minutes after launch.


The second high-altitude flight test on 18 November was more successful, becoming the first to achieve hot-staging separation. This saw the top part of the rocket separate from the Super Heavy booster using its onboard engines, however both parts of the rocket were ultimately lost.


The inflight fuel transfer will be the first test of a system designed to eventually allow Starship to refuel from an external tanker in Earth’s orbit.


“The goal is to advance cryogenic fluid transfer and fill level gauging technology through technology risk assessment, design and prototype testing, and in-orbit demonstration,” Nasa said.


“The demonstration will decrease key risks for large-scale propellant transfer in the lead-up to future human spaceflight missions.”


Following the November launch, SpaceX boss Elon Musk said the next Starship rocket system should be “ready to fly in three to four weeks” but the timeline will depend on the speed of external reviews undertaken by regulatory agencies like the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

11月の打ち上げ後、スペースX社のイーロン・マスク氏は、次期スターシップロケットシステムは「3~4週間以内に飛行準備が整う」はずだが、スケジュールは連邦航空局(FAA)などの規制当局が行う外部審査のスピード次第だと述べた。 。

Mr Musk has been known for his ambitious development deadlines, which have frequently been pushed back. His ultimate goal for Starship is to build hundreds of the rockets in order to establish a permanent human colony on Mars by 2050.

マスク氏は野心的な開発期限で知られているが、しばしば延期されてきた。スターシップの彼の最終目標は、2050 年までに火星に人類の恒久的な植民地を確立するために数百のロケットを製造することです。


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