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Supreme Court Rules Against Coinbase in Dogecoin Dispute

最高法院在狗狗幣糾紛中裁定 Coinbase 敗訴

發布: 2024/05/24 07:39 閱讀: 474

原文作者:The Crypto Times


最高法院在狗狗幣糾紛中裁定 Coinbase 敗訴

Supreme Court Rules Against Coinbase in Dogecoin Giveaway Dispute

最高法院在狗狗幣贈品糾紛中裁定 Coinbase 敗訴

The Supreme Court has ruled against Coinbase in a dispute over a dogecoin giveaway from 2021. Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson stated that a court, rather than an arbitrator, should determine which contract governs when there are multiple contracts in conflict. The ruling emphasized that arbitration is contingent on contract and consent, rejecting Coinbase's argument that it would lead to chaos.

最高法院在 2021 年起狗狗幣贈品糾紛中對 Coinbase 做出了敗訴。該裁決強調仲裁取決於合約和同意,駁回了 Coinbase 關於仲裁會導致混亂的論點。

Coinbase Responds to Ruling

Coinbase 對裁決做出回應

"What a week. Some you win. Some you lose. We are grateful for having had the opportunity to present our case to the Court and appreciate the Court's consideration of this matter." - [@iampaulgrewal](https://t.co/FLTKRU7UUG)

“這真是一周。有些人贏了,有些人輸了。我們很高興有機會向法院陳述我們的案件,並感謝法院對此事的考慮。” - [@iampaulgrewal](https://t.co/FLTKRU7UUG)

Consumer Allegations and Contractual Disputes


Consumers alleged that they were misled into paying $100 to enter the sweepstakes. While a general user agreement required arbitration, a sweepstakes-specific contract stipulated that disputes must be brought in California courts. The Supreme Court declined to address whether the appeals court was correct in ruling that the sweepstakes contract superseded the user agreement.

消費者聲稱他們被誤導而支付 100 美元參加抽獎活動。雖然一般使用者協議需要仲裁,但抽獎特定合約規定爭議必須提交加州法院。最高法院拒絕討論上訴法院關於抽獎合約取代用戶協議的裁決是否正確。

Implications for Consumer Protection and Arbitration


Justice Neil Gorsuch underscored the contractual nature of arbitration, suggesting that outcomes may vary based on the specific agreements between parties. The decision represents a significant development in consumer protection law, reflecting a broader legal trend regarding arbitration agreements.


XRP Listing Reopening in New York

XRP 在紐約重新上市

In a separate development, Coinbase's head lawyer announced that the crypto exchange will reinstate the XRP listing for New York state residents. This news has been met with optimism by investors, boosting XRP's value by 1.5% despite ongoing market volatility.

在另一項進展中,Coinbase 的首席律師宣布,該加密貨幣交易所將為紐約州居民恢復 XRP 上市。這一消息受到了投資者的樂觀歡迎,儘管市場持續波動,XRP 的價值還是上漲了 1.5%。


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