首页 > 资讯新闻 > 从 0 到 6.3 万美元:中本聪时代的钱包转移了 2009 年开采的价值 1600 万美元的 BTC

From 0 to $63k: Satoshi-era wallet moves $16m worth of BTC mined in 2009

从 0 到 6.3 万美元:中本聪时代的钱包转移了 2009 年开采的价值 1600 万美元的 BTC

发布: 2024/09/20 21:00 阅读: 237



从 0 到 6.3 万美元:中本聪时代的钱包转移了 2009 年开采的价值 1600 万美元的 BTC

In a rare occurrence, a dormant wallet, untouched since 2009, has stirred with activity, transferring 250 BTC. This event offers a glimpse into the actions of a whale from the genesis days of Bitcoin mining on desktop computers.

在罕见的情况下,一个自 2009 年以来未曾动过的休眠钱包突然活跃起来,转移了 250 比特币。这一事件让我们得以一窥桌面计算机比特币挖矿创世之初鲸鱼的行为。

The term "Satoshi era" refers to the period from 2009 to 2011, when Bitcoin's anonymous creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, actively participated in online forums. During this time, Bitcoin remained largely unknown in mainstream media and had yet to evolve into the traded assets we see today.


Fast forward to September 2024: Whale Alerts, an on-chain tracker, flagged the movement of 250 BTC, worth approximately $16 million, from a wallet that had lain dormant for 15 years. This provides a rare insight into the actions of an early Bitcoin holder.

时间快进到 2024 年 9 月:链上追踪器 Whale Alerts 标记了一个已闲置 15 年的钱包中 250 个 BTC(价值约 1600 万美元)的动向。这为了解早期比特币持有者的行为提供了难得的见解。

The transfer occurred in the form of five separate transactions, each involving 50 BTC, sent to newly created addresses. According to on-chain data, these BTC were mined as block rewards during Bitcoin's initial release.

转账以五笔独立交易的形式进行,每笔交易涉及 50 BTC,发送到新创建的地址。根据链上数据,这些BTC是在比特币首次发布期间作为区块奖励被开采的。

While Satoshi era transfers have become increasingly uncommon, they are not entirely unexpected. In June 2024, a wallet inactive for 14 years transferred $3 million in BTC to Binance. Curiously, in January 2024, an individual sent over $1 million in BTC back to the null address associated with Bitcoin's founder.

虽然中本聪时代的转账变得越来越不常见,但这并不完全出乎意料。 2024 年 6 月,一个闲置 14 年的钱包将 300 万美元的 BTC 转移到币安。奇怪的是,2024 年 1 月,有人将超过 100 万美元的 BTC 发送回与比特币创始人相关的空地址。


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