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Avalanche (AVAX) Kicks Dogecoin (DOGE) Out of Top 10

Avalanche (AVAX) 将狗狗币 (DOGE) 踢出前 10 名

发布: 2023/12/12 18:02 阅读: 878



Avalanche (AVAX) 将狗狗币 (DOGE) 踢出前 10 名

Avalanche (AVAX) has leapfrogged Dogecoin (DOGE) to clinch a spot in the top 10 by market capitalization. As of the latest data, AVAX has been trading at a buoyant $41.24, marking an 18% uptick in the last 24 hours alone.

Avalanche (AVAX) 超越狗狗币 (DOGE),跻身市值前 10 名。截至最新数据,AVAX 的交易价格为 41.24 美元,仅在过去 24 小时内就上涨了 18%。

This rally represents an impressive 85.8% over the month. However, it's worth noting that AVAX is still trailing 71.56% behind its all-time high.

这次反弹代表了本月令人印象深刻的 85.8%。然而,值得注意的是,AVAX 仍落后历史高点 71.56%。

Dogecoin is still a giant 


Dogecoin's journey from a lighthearted meme to a serious player in the crypto space has been nothing short of extraordinary. 


Bursting into the top 10 in 2021, this "joke" currency peaked at around $0.68, driven by a blend of celebrity tweets and a dedicated community. 

在名人推文和专门社区的推动下,这种“玩笑”货币在 2021 年跻身前十,最高达到 0.68 美元左右。

At its peak, it even managed to surpass Tether (USDT), the largest stablecoin by market capitalization, and enter into the top 5. 


It is worth noting that DOGE also entered the top 5 back in 2016 when the whimsical and novel meme cryptocurrency was valued at only $31 million.   

值得注意的是,DOGE 早在 2016 年就进入了前 5 名,当时这种异想天开、新颖的模因加密货币的估值仅为 3100 万美元。

Today, even after slipping from the top tier, DOGE maintains its charm, trading at $0.096815 with a market cap of a whopping $13.8 billion. 

如今,即使从顶级市场滑落,DOGE 仍保持其魅力,交易价格为 0.096815 美元,市值高达 138 亿美元。

SHIB remains in the top 20


Dogecoin and Shiba Inu (SHIB) are still both in the top 20, according to the latest CoinGecko ranking.  

根据最新的 CoinGecko 排名,狗狗币和柴犬(SHIB)仍然位列前 20 名。

Ranking 18th currently, SHIB is priced at $0.00000972 and has shown an 8.4% growth over the past week. 

SHIB 目前排名第 18 位,价格为 0.00000972 美元,过去一周增长了 8.4%。

As reported by U.Today, SHIB was recently on the cusp of dropping out of the top 20 after a bearish streak, but it has since solidified its position above other contenders of the likes of Uniswap (UNI) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH).  

据《今日美国》报道,SHIB 在经历了连续看跌之后,最近正处于跌出前 20 名的风口浪尖,但此后它巩固了其相对于 Uniswap (UNI) 和比特币现金 (BCH) 等其他竞争者的地位。


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