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Bitcoin hosts classic Nintendo 64 emulator via Ordinals

比特币通过 Ordinals 托管经典 Nintendo 64 模拟器

发布: 2024/02/22 17:00 阅读: 880



比特币通过 Ordinals 托管经典 Nintendo 64 模拟器

A group of on-chain ninjas has inscribed an emulator for the classic home video game console Nintendo 64 (N64) on the Bitcoin (BTC) network as they campaign for the preservation of classic video games using the blockchain. 

一群链上忍者在比特币 (BTC) 网络上为经典家用视频游戏机 Nintendo 64 (N64) 编写了一个模拟器,因为他们致力于使用区块链保存经典视频游戏。

Trevor Owens, the CEO of Bitcoin Ordinals portfolio tracker Ninjalerts, announced a development in their company’s ongoing “Pizza Ninjas” project. Owens said that their developers were able to inscribe the N64 emulator on Bitcoin using the Ordinals protocol. The executive told Cointelegraph that this is part of their effort to preserve “critically endangered games.”

比特币 Ordinals 投资组合追踪公司 Ninjalerts 的首席执行官 Trevor Owens 宣布了他们公司正在进行的“Pizza Ninjas”项目的进展。 Owens 表示,他们的开发人员能够使用 Ordinals 协议在比特币上刻录 N64 模拟器。这位高管告诉 Cointelegraph,这是他们保护“极度濒危游戏”的努力的一部分。

While games being put on the blockchain may raise eyebrows due to the existence of copyright, Owens assured the community that they are doing this project legally. The Ninjalerts CEO explained that they are not putting any games under copyright on-chain. Instead, they are choosing games that are in the public domain and will inscribe those. Owens added:

虽然由于版权的存在,游戏被放到区块链上可能会引起人们的注意,但欧文斯向社区保证他们正在合法地进行这个项目。 Ninjalerts 首席执行官解释说,他们不会将任何游戏置于链上版权之下。相反,他们选择属于公共领域的游戏,并将其列入其中。欧文斯补充道:

“We want to advance the conversation with preservationists around classic games and hope that effort can be taken by the community to figure out how to put the critically endangered games on-chain in a legal way.”


This isn't Ninjalert’s first effort at preserving games through the Bitcoin network. On Jan. 8, the Ninjalerts team inscribed the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator on Bitcoin. Apart from preserving games, the project was also an attempt to raise the technical bar for Bitcoin Ordinals projects.

这并不是 Ninjalert 第一次尝试通过比特币网络保存游戏。 1 月 8 日,Ninjalerts 团队在比特币上刻录了超级任天堂娱乐系统 (SNES) 模拟器。除了保留游戏之外,该项目还试图提高比特币序数项目的技术门槛。

Weeks later, someone else took a crack at inscribing a video game on-chain using Ordinals. Following Ninjalerts, a pseudonymous developer called “Mini Doge” inscribed the 1990s-style first-person shooter game Doom on the Dogecoin blockchain using the Ordinals protocol on Jan. 23. This allows users to play the free version of the classic game by accessing the Dogecoin network.

几周后,其他人尝试使用 Ordinals 将视频游戏写入链上。继 Ninjalerts 之后,一位名为“Mini Doge”的化名开发者于 1 月 23 日使用 Ordinals 协议将 1990 年代风格的第一人称射击游戏《Doom》刻在了 Dogecoin 区块链上。这使得用户可以通过访问狗狗币网络。

Owens believes that the trend of inscribing games on-chain will persist. “I think that's really cool, and I do think this trend will continue. People want to preserve cultural history, and games are a huge part of that.” However, the executive urged community members not to break copyright laws. Owens said that they advocate for finding legal ways to preserve the games on-chain.

欧文斯认为,游戏上链的趋势将会持续下去。 “我认为这真的很酷,而且我确实认为这种趋势将会持续下去。人们希望保存文化历史,而游戏是其中的重要组成部分。”然而,该行政人员敦促社区成员不要违反版权法。欧文斯表示,他们主张寻找合法的方式来保存链上游戏。

Related: Bitcoin Ordinals sales dipped 61% in January, halving sparks hope

相关:1 月份比特币序数销售额下降 61%,减半引发希望

Owens also mentioned that as blockchain is permissionless, people can put whatever data they want on-chain. He suggested once it is on the blockchain it might be difficult for intellectual property holders to take down. “The interesting thing will be watching how the IP holders react. It is likely impossible to take this data down once it is uploaded onto the blockchain, especially on Bitcoin.”

欧文斯还提到,由于区块链是无需许可的,人们可以将任何他们想要的数据放在链上。他表示,一旦进入区块链,知识产权持有者可能很难将其删除。 “有趣的事情是观察知识产权持有者的反应。一旦这些数据上传到区块链上,尤其是比特币上,就不可能将其删除。”

Citing a study that found that nearly 90% of classic games released before 2010 are endangered, Owens highlighted the importance of preserving gaming history. The Ninjalerts CEO compared games to firm and music and described them as an important part of culture that is worth preserving.

欧文斯引用了一项研究,该研究发现 2010 年之前发布的近 90% 的经典游戏都濒临灭绝,他强调了保存游戏历史的重要性。 Ninjalerts 首席执行官将游戏与公司和音乐进行了比较,并将其描述为值得保留的文化的重要组成部分。

“If we care about preserving history and culture, there is no better place to immortalize the data than on Bitcoin,” Owens added.


Magazine: Coinbase screws up, Florida bans CBDCs, and Ordinals face controversy: Hodler’s Digest

杂志:Coinbase 搞砸了,佛罗里达州禁止 CBDC,Ordinals 面临争议:霍德勒文摘


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