首页 > 资讯新闻 > 嘉楠耘智前董事长加密货币项目遭黑客攻击:内部人士逃亡

Former Canaan Chairman’s Crypto Project Hacked: Insider Turns Fugitive


发布: 2023/10/02 12:08 阅读: 503

原文作者:Crypto News Land


  • Jack Kong, ex-chairman of Canaan, faces crypto project hack from within.
  • 迦南前董事长 Jack Kong 面临来自内部的加密项目黑客攻击。

  • Insider hacker flees to Thailand, yet is arrested and extradited to China within 48 hours.
  • 内部黑客逃往泰国,48小时内被捕并被引渡到中国。

  • Hacker’s longstanding undercover operation involved capturing passwords and tampering with hardware wallets.
  • 黑客长期的秘密行动涉及捕获密码和篡改硬件钱包。

In an alarming revelation, Jack Kong, the former chairman of the leading computing hardware company Canaan, disclosed a serious breach in one of his crypto investments. This wasn’t an external cyber-attack but a betrayal from within – an insider was the mastermind behind the theft.

领先计算硬件公司嘉楠耘智 (Canaan) 的前董事长 Jack Kong 披露了一项令人震惊的消息,他的一项加密投资出现了严重违规行为。这不是外部网络攻击,而是来自内部的背叛——内部人士是盗窃事件的幕后主使。

Having gained Kong’s trust, this inside operative spent significant time undercover, meticulously photographing critical passwords and even going to the extent of modifying hardware wallets. Their elaborate scheme, however, didn’t go unnoticed for long.

在获得 Kong 的信任后,这名内部特工花费了大量时间进行卧底,精心拍摄关键密码,甚至甚至修改了硬件钱包。然而,他们精心策划的计划并没有长期被忽视。

Upon realizing the magnitude of the hack, the insider decided to flee, choosing Thailand as a sanctuary. But his escape wasn’t to last. Thanks to the prompt collaboration between Chinese law enforcement and their Thai counterparts, the hacker was arrested and subsequently extradited to China in a swift 48-hour operation.

在意识到黑客攻击的严重性后,知情人决定逃离,选择泰国作为避难所。但他的逃脱并没有持续多久。由于中国执法部门与泰国执法部门的迅速合作,这名黑客在 48 小时内迅速被捕并被引渡到中国。

The rapid arrest not only highlights the efficiency and reach of Chinese authorities in such matters but also serves as a cautionary tale for the crypto industry. Trust, even when placed in close associates, can sometimes lead to vulnerability. With the crypto landscape’s evolving challenges, both individuals and institutions must remain vigilant, continuously updating security protocols and maintaining a skeptical approach to internal and external threats.



The post Former Canaan Chairman’s Crypto Project Hacked: Insider Turns Fugitive appeared first on Crypto News Land.



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