首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币似乎即将突破,但狗狗币会走向何方?

Dogecoin Appears Poised for Breakout, But Which Way Will DOGE Go?


发布: 2024/02/06 13:02 阅读: 559




  • Crypto analyst Ali Martinez suggests Dogecoin is poised for significant price movement.
  • 加密货币分析师阿里·马丁内斯 (Ali Martinez) 表示,狗狗币有望出现大幅价格波动。

  • Bollinger Bands indicate tight price volatility, similar to October 2023.
  • 布林线表明价格波动剧烈,与 2023 年 10 月类似。

  • Uncertainty surrounds whether this volatility will lead to a bullish surge or a bearish collapse.
  • 这种波动是否会导致牛市飙升或熊市崩溃存在不确定性。

Based on technical indicators flagged by prominent crypto analyst Ali Martinez this week, meme-inspired token Dogecoin looks set to enjoy a sharp move in price action after an extended period of listless trading.

根据著名加密货币分析师阿里·马丁内斯 (Ali Martinez) 本周提出的技术指标,受迷因启发的代币狗狗币在经历了长时间的无精打采的交易后,看起来将享受价格走势的大幅波动。

The question now becomes whether the impending volatility spike portends a bullish price surge or another collapse for the embattled DOGE.


In his recent tweet, Martinez pointed to Dogecoin’s tightening Bollinger Bands—a tool used to model price volatility—as signaling the calm before the storm. According to the analyst, DOGE’s four-hour chart shows the tightest squeeze for the wildly fluctuating asset since October 2023.

马丁内斯在最近的推文中指出,狗狗币收紧的布林带(一种用于模拟价格波动的工具)预示着暴风雨前的平静。这位分析师表示,DOGE 的四小时图表显示,这种剧烈波动的资产正面临 2023 年 10 月以来最紧缩的局面。

Historically, bands constricting to extremes tend to presage big price swings as compressed volatility gets released all at once when the market picks a direction. Hence, DOGE appears to be positioning for potentially sizable moves after languishing under $0.08 for most of 2023 thus far.

从历史上看,收缩至极端的区间往往预示着价格的大幅波动,因为当市场选择一个方向时,压缩的波动性会立即释放。因此,在 2023 年迄今为止大部分时间都在 0.08 美元以下徘徊之后,DOGE 似乎正在为潜在的大幅波动做好准备。

Will Dogecoin surge or dip?


However, analysts cannot forecast with certainty whether pent-up energy will translate into a bullish impulse higher or a capitulatory plunge to fresh multi-year lows.


Hence the risk-skyrocketing valuations just as easily as another leg lower. Nonetheless, the call options remain alluring for opportunistic speculators willing to play a high-stakes game of chance, depending on which way the trend resolves.


Those betting bullishly will focus on the strong on-chain user growth continuing to shine through DOGE’s sideways price action as a cause for optimism. Moreover, crypto markets have broadly put in a constructive start to 2023 relative to last year’s carnage. Hence, assets like DOGE that have stalled and are deeply oversold could attract renewed risk-on flows if momentum builds.

那些看涨的押注将集中在链上用户的强劲增长上,这些增长将继续通过 DOGE 的横向价格走势表现出来,作为乐观的理由。此外,与去年的惨状相比,加密市场在 2023 年总体上呈现出建设性的开局。因此,如果势头增强,像 DOGE 这样已经停滞且严重超卖的资产可能会吸引新的风险资金流。

In essence, DOGE sits at a pivotal fork in the road, with its next major move likely to set the course for some time. While the nervous volatility could shake out holders on the wrong side of the impending breakout, speculators equipped to trade in both directions stand ready to pounce on whichever path DOGE heads down next.

从本质上讲,DOGE 正处于关键的岔路口,其下一个重大举措可能会在一段时间内确定方向。虽然紧张的波动可能会动摇持有者在即将到来的突破中的错误立场,但具备双向交易能力的投机者已准备好向 DOGE 接下来的方向发起攻击。


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