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Dogecoin Surges Over 29% as Buyers Aim for Sustained Uptrend

买家瞄准持续上涨趋势,狗狗币飙升 29% 以上

发布: 2023/10/27 06:17 阅读: 380



  • Dogecoin gained over 29% in the past week, reaching $0.0708, making it one of the top-performing coins in the top 10 by market capitalization.
  • 狗狗币在过去一周上涨了 29% 以上,达到 0.0708 美元,成为市值前 10 名中表现最好的加密货币之一。

  • DOGE’s recent price spikes have raised questions about its sustainability, with prominent analyst Rekt Capital calling it a “moment of truth.”
  • DOGE 最近的价格飙升引发了对其可持续性的质疑,著名分析师 Rekt Capital 称其为“关键时刻”。

  • Rekt Capital highlighted FOMO-driven wicks in the DOGE chart, suggesting the possibility of more capital inflows in the near future.
  • Rekt Capital 在 DOGE 图表中强调了 FOMO 驱动的影线,表明在不久的将来可能会有更多资本流入。

Dogecoin (DOGE) has seen substantial gains over the past week, rallying over 29% as some alternative cryptocurrencies begin paring their recent increases. As of writing, Dogecoin is up 5.7% to $0.0708, solidifying its position as one of the top-performing coins among the top 10 by market capitalization.

狗狗币 (DOGE) 在过去一周大幅上涨,随着一些替代加密货币开始回吐近期涨幅,涨幅超过 29%。截至撰写本文时,狗狗币上涨 5.7% 至 0.0708 美元,巩固了其作为市值前 10 名中表现最好的加密货币之一的地位。

There has been some doubt about the ability of DOGE bulls to maintain this uptrend. However, according to prominent analyst Rekt Capital, the recent price spikes signal a “moment of truth” for the meme-inspired cryptocurrency.

人们对 DOGE 多头维持这种上升趋势的能力存在一些怀疑。然而,著名分析师 Rekt Capital 表示,最近的价格飙升标志着这种受迷因启发的加密货币的“关键时刻”。

Rekt Capital highlights FOMO in Dogecoin chart

Rekt Capital 在狗狗币图表中强调了 FOMO

In a tweet, Rekt Capital pointed to the FOMO-driven wicks in the DOGE chart, implying more capital inflows could arrive in coming days.

Rekt Capital 在一条推文中指出了 DOGE 图表中由 FOMO 驱动的影线,这意味着未来几天可能会有更多资本流入。

Additionally, the analyst noted that a weekly close above the $0.07163 level would provide a strong sign of a major breakout ahead for Dogecoin.

此外,分析师指出,每周收盘价高于 0.07163 美元将是狗狗币即将出现重大突破的强烈信号。

Notably, this latest DOGE rally has occurred without influence from Tesla CEO Elon Musk, the coin’s most vocal supporter. Instead, buyers seem to be enticed by the broader cryptocurrency market recovery that has ignited enthusiasm after an extended bearish period.

值得注意的是,最新的 DOGE 反弹是在没有受到特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 影响的情况下发生的,埃隆·马斯克是该货币最直言不讳的支持者。相反,买家似乎被更广泛的加密货币市场复苏所吸引,这种复苏在长时间的看跌期后点燃了热情。

Previous drawdowns and underperformance also appear to have prprovided aufficient boost for investors to take new positions in Dogecoin. The meme coin had traded mostly sideways for much of 2022. Now, buyers seem ready to make Dogecoin a standout once again among alternative cryptos.

之前的回撤和表现不佳似乎也为投资者在狗狗币中建立新头寸提供了足够的动力。在 2022 年的大部分时间里,这种模因币的交易大多是横向盘整。现在,买家似乎已经准备好让狗狗币在替代加密货币中再次脱颖而出。

Sustaining the upside momentum will be key for DOGE to confirm a true trend change. But its recent break from its stagnant trading range shows the Dogecoin army has not given up yet.

维持上涨势头将是 DOGE 确认真正趋势变化的关键。但最近突破停滞的交易区间表明狗狗币大军尚未放弃。


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