首页 > 资讯新闻 > 现场报道:SpaceX 猎鹰 9 号火箭将从卡纳维拉尔角发射,搭载 23 颗星链卫星

Live Coverage: SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket to launch from Cape Canaveral with 23 Starlink satellite

现场报道:SpaceX 猎鹰 9 号火箭将从卡纳维拉尔角发射,搭载 23 颗星链卫星

发布: 2023/11/22 14:13 阅读: 259

原文作者:Spaceflight Now


SpaceX was racing to get a Falcon 9 rocket ready to fly from Cape Canaveral Tuesday evening as launch preparations fell behind schedule. Currently liftoff with a batch of 23 Starlink satellites is planned for 2:27 a.m. EST (0727 UTC) Wednesday morning.

由于发射准备工作落后于计划,SpaceX 正在加紧准备周二晚上从卡纳维拉尔角发射的猎鹰 9 号火箭。目前,一批 23 颗星链卫星计划于美国东部时间周三凌晨 2:27(0727 UTC)升空。

The Starlink 6-29 mission was originally targeted for 11:01 p.m. EST (0401 UTC) on Tuesday night but SpaceX pushed back the launch to 1:47 a.m. EST (0647 UTC) and then 2:27 a.m. EST (0727 UTC). There are two more launch opportunities Wednesday morning, the last one coming at 2:59 a.m. EST (0759 UTC).

Starlink 6-29 任务原定于晚上 11:01 进行。美国东部标准时间 (0401 UTC) 周二晚上发射,但 SpaceX 将发射推迟到东部标准时间凌晨 1:47 (0647 UTC),然后推迟到东部标准时间凌晨 2:27 (0727 UTC)。周三上午还有两次发布机会,最后一次发布时间为美国东部时间凌晨 2:59(世界标准时间 0759)。

The Falcon 9 rocket was lifted upright at Space Launch Complex 40 shortly before 10 p.m. EST (0300 UTC), much later than would have been expected. The previous mission from pad 40 lifted off just four days earlier so if the current launch time sticks this would be the seventh fastest turnaround attempt for the launch facility.

晚上 10 点前不久,猎鹰 9 号火箭在 40 号航天发射场被直立升空。美国东部时间(0300 UTC),比预期晚得多。上一次从 40 号发射台发射的任务仅在四天前发射,因此如果当前的发射时间不变,这将是该发射设施第七次最快的周转尝试。

The Falcon 9 rocket is lifted upright at Space Launch Complex 40 as SpaceX presses ahead with plans for a Starlink delivery mission. Image: Adam Bernstein/Spaceflight Now.

随着 SpaceX 继续推进星链发射任务计划,猎鹰 9 号火箭在 40 号航天发射场被直立升空。图片:亚当·伯恩斯坦/Spaceflight Now。

U.S. Space Force meteorologists at the 45th Weather squadron said Monday weather conditions would be 90-percent favorable at the time of the first opportunity with chances dropping slightly to 75-percent at the end of the launch window.

美国太空军第 45 气象中队的气象学家周一表示,第一次机会时,天气条件有利的概率为 90%,而在发射窗口结束时,概率略有下降至 75%。

After lifting off from Cape Canaveral, the Falcon 9 will set off on a south-easterly trajectory targeting an orbit inclined 43 degrees to the Equator. After burning its nine Merlin 1D engines for nearly two and a half minutes, the first stage will separate from the second stage and continue downrange to land on the drone ship ‘A Shortfall of Gravitas’ in the Atlantic Ocean, about 424 miles (682 km) from the launch site.

从卡纳维拉尔角升空后,猎鹰 9 号将沿着东南轨道起飞,目标轨道与赤道倾斜 43 度。在燃烧其九个 Merlin 1D 发动机近两分半钟后,第一级将与第二级分离,并继续下降降落在大西洋上的无人机船“A Shortfall of Gravitas”上,距离约 424 英里(682 公里) )从发射场。

File photo of SpaceX’s Starlink V2 Mini satellites inside a payload processing facility at Cape Canaveral earlier this year. Credit: SpaceX

今年早些时候,SpaceX 的 Starlink V2 Mini 卫星在卡纳维拉尔角有效载荷处理设施内的档案照片。图片来源:SpaceX

Meanwhile, high above, the single vacuum Merlin engine of the second stage will fire for about six-minutes to reach a parking orbit. After coasting for about 45 minutes, the second-stage engine will re-ignite for a two-second burn to refine the orbit. Deployment of the 23 V2 Mini Starlink satellites will follow at about one hour and five minutes after launch.

与此同时,在高空,第二级的单真空 Merlin 发动机将点火约六分钟,以到达停车轨道。滑行约 45 分钟后,第二级发动机将重新点火,燃烧两秒以完善轨道。 23 颗 V2 迷你星链卫星将在发射后约 1 小时 5 分钟内部署。

It will be SpaceX’s 87th orbital launch of the year and the 276th flight of a Falcon 9 rocket to date.

这将是 SpaceX 今年的第 87 次轨道发射,也是迄今为止猎鹰 9 号火箭的第 276 次飞行。

Spaceflight Now’s live coverage of the launch will get underway about an hour before liftoff. You can also watch 24-7 views of launch pads at the Cape in our Launch Pad Live stream.

Spaceflight Now 对此次发射的现场报道将在发射前大约一个小时进行。您还可以在我们的发射台直播中观看海角发射台的 24-7 视图。


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