Price analysis 2/23: BTC, ETH, BNB, SOL, XRP, ADA, AVAX, DOGE, LINK, DOT


发布: 2024/02/24 06:06 阅读: 895



Bitcoin (BTC) has been facing stiff resistance near $52,000, increasing the possibility of a short-term correction. The sideways action resulted in net outflows of roughly $36 million from the spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) on Feb. 21, according to various sources, including BitMEX Research. However, the bleeding stalled on Feb. 22, and the day saw net inflows of about $251 million into the ETFs.

比特币(BTC)一直面临52,000美元附近的强劲阻力,增加了短期回调的可能性。据包括 BitMEX Research 在内的多个消息来源称,2 月 21 日,横向走势导致现货比特币交易所交易基金 (ETF) 净流出约 3600 万美元。然而,出血在 2 月 22 日停止,当天 ETF 净流入约 2.51 亿美元。

Some analysts believe the markets are ready for a pullback before the halving in April. Popular trader and analyst Rekt Capital said Bitcoin’s current bull phase is similar to the 2016 and 2020 bull runs. If history repeats itself, “a pre-halving retrace” followed by “a post halving reaccumulation period” is possible.

一些分析师认为,市场已做好在四月份减半之前回调的准备。知名交易员兼分析师 Rekt Capital 表示,比特币当前的牛市阶段与 2016 年和 2020 年的牛市类似。如果历史重演,“减半前的回撤”和“减半后的重新积累期”是可能的。

Bitcoin’s hesitation to continue its rally has triggered profit-booking in select altcoins. A corrective phase is positive for the long-term health of the markets as it shakes out the weak hands and allows the stronger hands to add at lower levels.


What are the crucial support levels to watch out for on the downside in Bitcoin and altcoins? Let’s analyze the charts of the top 10 cryptocurrencies to find out.

比特币和山寨币下跌时需要注意的关键支撑位是什么?让我们分析一下前 10 名加密货币的图表来找出答案。

Bitcoin price analysis


The long tail on Bitcoin’s Nov. 21 candlestick shows that the bulls purchased the dip to the immediate support of $50,625, but could not overcome the barrier at $52,000.

比特币 11 月 21 日烛台上的长尾表明,多头在 50,625 美元的直接支撑位逢低买入,但无法突破 52,000 美元的障碍。

The bears will again try to yank the price below $50,625. If they can pull it off, the BTC/USDT pair could plunge to the strong support at $48,970. A bounce off this level will indicate that the sentiment remains bullish and traders are buying on dips. The uptrend will resume on a break above $52,000. The pair could then reach $60,000.

空头将再次试图将价格拉至 50,625 美元以下。如果他们能够成功,BTC/USDT 货币对可能会跌至 48,970 美元的强劲支撑位。从该水平反弹将表明市场情绪仍然看涨,交易者正在逢低买入。突破 52,000 美元后,上涨趋势将恢复。然后两人的价格可能会达到 60,000 美元。

However, the bears are likely to have other plans. They will try to pull the price below $48,970. If they do that, the selling could intensify, and the pair may nosedive to the 50-day SMA ($45,247).

然而,空头可能还有其他计划。他们将努力将价格拉低至 48,970 美元以下。如果他们这样做,抛售可能会加剧,货币对可能会暴跌至 50 日移动平均线(45,247 美元)。

Ether price analysis


Ether (ETH) tried to jump above the psychological resistance of $3,000 on Feb. 22, but the bears held their ground.

2 月 22 日,以太币 (ETH) 试图突破 3,000 美元的心理阻力位,但空头坚守阵地。

Sellers are trying to start a correction toward the breakout level of $2,717. This is an important level to watch out for because the 20-day EMA ($2,734) is nearby. If the price rebounds off $2,717 with force, it will indicate that the bulls have flipped the level into support. The bulls will then again attempt to clear the hurdle at $3,000. If they succeed, the ETH/USDT pair may reach $3,300.

卖家正试图开始向 2,717 美元的突破水平进行修正。这是一个值得关注的重要水平,因为 20 日均线(2,734 美元)就在附近。如果价格从 2,717 美元强力反弹,则表明多头已将该水平转变为支撑位。随后多头将再次尝试突破 3,000 美元的关口。如果他们成功,ETH/USDT 货币对可能会达到 3,300 美元。

The bears will have to tug and maintain the price below $2,717 to weaken the bulls. The pair may then tumble to the 50-day SMA ($2,497). Such a deeper fall could delay the start of the next leg of the uptrend.

空头必须将价格拉低并维持在 2,717 美元以下,以削弱多头的力量。随后该货币对可能会跌至 50 日移动平均线(2,497 美元)。如此深度的下跌可能会推迟下一阶段上升趋势的开始。

BNB price analysis


BNB (BNB) resumed its uptrend after breaking above the $367 resistance on Feb. 21. The next target objective on the upside is $400.


The bears will try to stall the up move at $400, but if the bulls do not give up much ground from the level, it will indicate that every minor dip is being bought. That will improve the prospects of a rally to $460.

空头将试图阻止 400 美元的上涨,但如果多头没有从该水平放弃太多地面,则表明每次小幅下跌都被买入。这将改善反弹至 460 美元的前景。

The first support on the downside is $368, and then the 20-day EMA ($344). If the supports fail to hold, the correction could reach the 50-day SMA ($318). This is an essential level for the bulls to defend because a break below it will signal a trend change.

下行的第一个支撑位是 368 美元,然后是 20 日均线(344 美元)。如果支撑位未能守住,调整可能会触及 50 日移动平均线(318 美元)。这是多头捍卫的重要水平,因为跌破该水平将标志着趋势变化。

Solana price analysis

Solana 价格分析

Solana (SOL) bounced off the 50-day SMA ($99) on Feb. 21, but the bulls could not push the price above the 20-day EMA ($105).

Solana (SOL) 于 2 月 21 日从 50 日均线(99 美元)反弹,但多头无法将价格推至 20 日均线(105 美元)上方。

The bears will try to strengthen their position by pulling the price below the 50-day SMA. If they do that, the SOL/USDT pair could descend to $93 and then to $80. This level is likely to attract aggressive buying by the bulls.

空头将试图通过将价格拉至 50 日移动平均线下方来巩固自己的头寸。如果他们这样做,SOL/USDT 货币对可能会跌至 93 美元,然后跌至 80 美元。这一水平可能会吸引多头的积极买盘。

On the upside, the bulls will have to overcome the barrier at the downtrend line to signal that the correction may be over. The pair could then attempt a rally to $126, where the bears are likely to mount a strong defense.

从好的方面来看,多头必须克服下降趋势线的障碍,才能发出修正可能结束的信号。随后,该货币对可能会尝试反弹至 126 美元,空头可能会在此进行强有力的防御。

XRP price analysis


XRP (XRP) formed an inside-day candlestick pattern on Feb. 22, indicating indecision between the buyers and sellers. This uncertainty resolved to the downside on Feb. 23, suggesting that the bears had overpowered the bulls.

XRP (XRP) 在 2 月 22 日形成了日内烛台形态,表明买家和卖家之间犹豫不决。这种不确定性在 2 月 23 日转为下行,表明空头压倒了多头。

The bears will try to sink the pair to the strong support zone between $0.48 and $0.46. A strong rebound of this zone suggests that the XRP/USDT pair remains range-bound between $0.46 and $0.57 for a few days.

空头将试图将该货币对压低至 0.48 美元至 0.46 美元之间的强支撑区域。该区域的强劲反弹表明 XRP/USDT 货币对在几天内仍将在 0.46 美元至 0.57 美元之间波动。

The bulls will have to shove the price above $0.57 to indicate the start of a new up move. The pair will then attempt a rally to $0.67 and subsequently to the formidable resistance at $0.74.

多头必须将价格推至 0.57 美元以上,才能表明新一轮上涨的开始。随后该货币对将尝试反弹至 0.67 美元,随后升至 0.74 美元的强大阻力位。

Cardano price analysis


Cardano (ADA) is trying to take support at the 20-day EMA ($0.57), but the bears have not given up and are maintaining the selling pressure.

卡尔达诺(ADA)试图在 20 日均线(0.57 美元)处获得支撑,但空头并未放弃并维持抛售压力。

If the bears prevail, the ADA/USDT pair could skid to the 50-day SMA ($0.53). This is an important level for the bulls to defend because if this level gives way, the pair could plummet to the vital support at $0.46.

如果空头占上风,ADA/USDT 货币对可能会滑向 50 日移动平均线(0.53 美元)。对于多头来说,这是一个重要的防守水平,因为如果该水平失守,该货币对可能会暴跌至 0.46 美元的重要支撑位。

On the contrary, if the price rebounds off the 20-day EMA with strength, it will suggest that the sentiment remains positive and traders are buying on dips. The bulls will then try to overcome the resistance zone between $0.64 and $0.68.

相反,如果价格从 20 日均线强势反弹,则表明市场情绪依然乐观,交易者逢低买入。然后多头将尝试克服 0.64 美元至 0.68 美元之间的阻力区。

Avalanche price analysis


Avalanche (AVAX) tried to start a recovery on Feb. 22, but the bears fiercely defended the 20-day EMA ($37.90). This suggests that recoveries are being sold into.

Avalanche (AVAX) 试图在 2 月 22 日开始复苏,但空头猛烈捍卫 20 日均线(37.90 美元)。这表明回收品正在被出售。

The bears continued selling on Feb. 23 and pulled the price below the 50-day SMA ($35.96). The AVAX/USDT pair could drop to the solid support at $32. A solid bounce off this level will suggest that the pair may oscillate between $32 and $42 for a while.

2 月 23 日,空头继续抛售,并将价格拉至 50 日移动平均线(35.96 美元)以下。 AVAX/USDT 货币对可能会跌至 32 美元的坚实支撑位。从该水平强劲反弹将表明该货币对可能会在 32 美元至 42 美元之间波动一段时间。

Contrarily, if the price turns up from the current level and rises above the 20-day EMA, it will suggest strong buying at lower levels. The bulls will then attempt to drive the price above $42 and complete the inverse head-and-shoulders pattern.

相反,如果价格从当前水平回升并升至20日均线上方,则表明在较低水平上有强劲买盘。然后,多头将尝试将价格推高至 42 美元以上,并完成反向头肩形态。

Related: Here’s what happened in crypto today


Dogecoin price analysis


The bulls are trying to maintain Dogecoin (DOGE) above the symmetrical triangle, while the bears are trying to pull the price back below it.


If the price rebounds off the current level, the bulls will try to propel the DOGE/USDT pair above the $0.09 resistance. If they succeed, the pair could start an uptrend toward the $0.10 to $0.11 resistance zone.

如果价格从当前水平反弹,多头将尝试推动 DOGE/USDT 货币对突破 0.09 美元阻力位。如果成功,该货币对可能会开始向 0.10 美元至 0.11 美元阻力区上涨。

This positive view will be invalidated in the near term if the price turns down and plummets below the 50-day SMA ($0.08). The pair could then slump to the uptrend line. A break below this level will tilt the advantage in favor of the bears.

如果价格下跌并跌破 50 日移动平均线(0.08 美元),这种积极观点将在短期内失效。然后该货币对可能会跌至上升趋势线。跌破该水平将使优势向空头倾斜。


Chainlink (LINK) has pulled back in an uptrend. The bears are trying to drag the price to the breakout level of $17.32.

Chainlink (LINK) 在上升趋势中回调。空头正试图将价格拖至 17.32 美元的突破水平。

If the price rebounds off $17.32 with strength and rises above the 20-day EMA ($18.67), it will suggest that the bulls have flipped the level into support. That will increase the likelihood of a retest of $20.85.

如果价格从 17.32 美元强劲反弹并升至 20 日均线(18.67 美元)上方,则表明多头已将该水平转变为支撑位。这将增加重新测试 20.85 美元的可能性。

The critical support to watch on the downside is the 50-day SMA ($16.65). If this level cracks, it will indicate that the bulls have given up. That may start a deeper correction to $15 and later to $12.85.

下行方面值得关注的关键支撑是 50 日移动平均线(16.65 美元)。如果该水平破裂,则表明多头已经放弃。这可能会开始更深的回调至 15 美元,然后至 12.85 美元。

Polkadot price analysis


The bulls are trying to keep Polkadot (DOT) inside the ascending channel pattern, while the bears are striving to pull the price below it.

多头试图将 Polkadot (DOT) 保持在上升通道模式内,而空头则努力将价格拉至下方。

The flattish 20-day EMA ($7.41) and the RSI near the midpoint do not give a clear advantage either to the bulls or the bears. If the price breaks below the 50-day SMA ($7.17), the DOT/USDT pair could slide to $6.50.

持平的 20 日均线(7.41 美元)和中点附近的 RSI 并没有给多头或空头带来明显的优势。如果价格跌破 50 日移动平均线(7.17 美元),DOT/USDT 货币对可能会滑至 6.50 美元。

On the other hand, a strong bounce off the current level will indicate that the bulls are fiercely defending the support line. That may keep the price inside the channel for some more time. The bulls will try to push the pair to the channel’s resistance line.


This article does not contain investment advice or recommendations. Every investment and trading move involves risk, and readers should conduct their own research when making a decision.



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