首页 > 资讯新闻 > SpaceX 将猎鹰 9 号火箭从加州的发射推迟至周五

SpaceX delays Falcon 9 rocket launch from California to Friday

SpaceX 将猎鹰 9 号火箭从加州的发射推迟至周五

发布: 2024/01/19 17:17 阅读: 991

原文作者:Will Robinson-Smith


SpaceX scrubbed a Starlink delivery mission by Falcon 9 rocket on Thursday and rescheduled the launch from California for Friday. The Starlink 7-11 mission now scheduled for launch at 6:15 p.m. PST (9:15 p.m. EST (0215 UTC).

周四,SpaceX 取消了猎鹰 9 号火箭的星链发射任务,并将发射地点重新安排在周五。星链 7-11 任务现定于下午 6 点 15 分发射。太平洋标准时间(美国东部标准时间晚上 9:15(0215 UTC))。

The company scrubbed the launch Thursday after loading propellants aboard the rocket at Vandenberg Space Force Base. It did not give a reason for the delay.


This will be SpaceX’s 7th launch of the year so far and its third from the Golden State. Onboard is a batch of 22 Starlink V2 Mini satellites, which will join the constellation of more than 5,300 currently on orbit.

这将是 SpaceX 今年迄今为止的第七次发射,也是金州的第三次发射。机载有一批 22 颗 Starlink V2 Mini 卫星,这些卫星将加入目前在轨运行的 5,300 多颗卫星星座。

Spaceflight Now will have live coverage of the mission about 30 minutes prior to liftoff.

Spaceflight Now 将在升空前约 30 分钟对此次任务进行现场报道。

The first stage booster supporting this mission, tail number B1063 in the SpaceX fleet, will be making its 16th launch and landing on this flight. It previously supported the launch of NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) spacecraft the Transporter-7 rideshare mission and 10 Starlink flights in its past.

支持此次任务的第一级助推器(尾号为 SpaceX 机队的 B1063)将在本次飞行中进行第 16 次发射和着陆。此前,它支持了 NASA 双小行星重定向测试 (DART) 航天器的发射、Transporter-7 拼车任务以及过去的 10 次星链飞行。

About 8.5 minutes after liftoff, B1080 is set to land on the droneship, ‘Of Course I Still Love You,’ which is positioned in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Baja California. This will be the 80th booster landing for OCISLY and the 208th droneship landing to date for SpaceX.

升空后约 8.5 分钟,B1080 将降落在位于下加利福尼亚州海岸附近太平洋的“当然我仍然爱你”无人机上。这将是 OCISLY 的第 80 次助推器着陆,也是 SpaceX 迄今为止的第 208 次无人机着陆。

Meanwhile, the company continues to monitor the progress of the Ax-3 mission, which launched from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center Thursday afternoon. Four astronauts are flying aboard Crew Dragon Freedom to dock to the International Space Station on Saturday morning.

与此同时,该公司继续监控 Ax-3 任务的进展,该任务于周四下午从 NASA 肯尼迪航天中心发射。周六早上,四名宇航员将搭乘载人龙飞船自由号与国际空间站对接。

A Falcon 9 lifts off from Kennedy Space Center carrying an international crew on a commercial mission to the space station. Image: Adam Bernstein/Spaceflight Now.

猎鹰 9 号载着国际机组人员从肯尼迪航天中心升空,执行飞往空间站的商业任务。图片:亚当·伯恩斯坦/Spaceflight Now。


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