首页 > 资讯新闻 > NASA 官员透露 SpaceX 的第四艘星舰 IFT-4 测试将于 5 月按计划进行

SpaceX’s Fourth Starship IFT-4 Test Is On Track For May Reveals NASA Official

NASA 官员透露 SpaceX 的第四艘星舰 IFT-4 测试将于 5 月按计划进行

发布: 2024/04/28 10:22 阅读: 944

原文作者:Ramish Zafar


A view from inside Starship's payload bay. Image: SpaceX


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这不是投资建议。作者没有持有上述任何股票的头寸。 Wccftech.com 制定了披露和道德政策。

With April nearly over, SpaceX's highly anticipated fourth Starship test flight remains on schedule for a May test attempt, according to comments made by a NASA official earlier today. NASA and SpaceX are working together to ensure that Starship, the world's largest rocket, can support the agency's multi billion dollar effort to explore the Moon under the Artemis program. On this front, NASA's deputy associate administrator for the Moon to Mars program, Amit Kshatriya, shared the latest details for Starship at an Advisory Council meeting held earlier today, where he outlined that the fourth Starship test flight is currently scheduled to take place next month.

根据 NASA 官员今天早些时候发表的评论,随着 4 月即将结束,SpaceX 备受期待的第四次 Starship 试飞仍按计划进行,将于 5 月进行测试。 NASA 和 SpaceX 正在共同努力,确保世界上最大的火箭 Starship 能够支持该机构在阿尔忒弥斯计划下耗资数十亿美元探索月球的努力。在这方面,美国宇航局负责月球到火星计划的副副局长阿米特·刹帝利 (Amit Kshatriya) 在今天早些时候举行的咨询委员会会议上分享了 Starship 的最新细节,他概述了第四次 Starship 试飞目前计划于下个月进行。

NASA Confident SpaceX Met All Objectives For Starship Propellant Transfer Test In March

Today's meeting focused on NASA's Moon to Mars architecture, through which the space agency aims to utilize the Moon's unique characteristics to serve as a stepping stone for deeper outer space missions. The Moon's gravity is one aspect that's favorable since it means that rockets can take more payload and use less fuel for launches.

NASA 有信心 SpaceX 在 3 月份实现了星舰推进剂转移测试的所有目标今天的会议重点讨论了 NASA 的月球到火星架构,该航天局旨在利用月球的独特特性作为更深层次外太空任务的垫脚石。月球的引力是有利的一方面,因为这意味着火箭可以携带更多的有效载荷并使用更少的燃料进行发射。

SpaceX's Starship program is a crucial aspect of NASA's lunar exploration plans since not only is the upper stage spacecraft significantly larger than other landers contracted by the space agency, but also because its propulsion system is designed to liftoff in a manner similar to a rocket. The Starship spacecraft uses Raptor rocket engines, and SpaceX's long term plans for the rocket also involve relying on it to bring humans back from Mars.

相关报道 一年多后,SpaceX 终于在海洋中坠毁了猎鹰 9 号火箭 SpaceX 的星际飞船计划是 NASA 月球探索计划的一个重要方面,因为不仅上层航天器比航天局承包的其他着陆器大得多,而且还因为它的推进系统的设计以类似于火箭的方式升空。 Starship 飞船使用 Raptor 火箭发动机,SpaceX 对火箭的长期计划还涉及依靠它将人类从火星带回。

At the meeting, NASA's Kshatriya shared that, as of now, the space agency is hoping that the fourth SpaceX Starship test flight will take place by the end of May. His comments build on statements made by SpaceX's president and chief operating officer Gwynne Shotwell, who had taken the lead in March to share that the fourth Starship test flight was being targeted for May.

在会议上,NASA 的刹帝利表示,截至目前,该机构希望 SpaceX 星际飞船第四次试飞能够在 5 月底之前进行。他的评论是基于 SpaceX 总裁兼首席运营官 Gwynne Shotwell 的声明,后者在 3 月份率先表示,第四次 Starship 试飞的目标是在 5 月份。

The March Starship launch also saw SpaceX run a crucial test for NASA to transport propellant within the vehicle's tanks. Kshatriya commented that he believes that the test was successful by all means, but a month after the test, NASA is still evaluating the data to make a definitive conclusion. He added that the crucial Starship un-crewed lunar landing test, which is scheduled before the first crew board the ship, will now also require SpaceX to demonstrate that the spaceship can lift off from the lunar surface to the lunar orbit.

3 月份的星舰发射还见证了 SpaceX 为 NASA 进行了一项关键测试,以在车辆的油箱内运输推进剂。刹帝利评论说,他相信这次测试无论如何都是成功的,但测试一个月后,NASA仍在评估数据以做出明确的结论。他补充说,关键的星舰无人登月测试计划在第一批船员登船之前进行,现在还要求 SpaceX 证明飞船可以从月球表面升空到月球轨道。

Liftoff, particularly on the Moon, brings its own set of complications related to dust and debris, and this test should also help NASA plan out its plans of using the Moon as a base for Mars exploration. Kshatriya remained impressed with the third Starship test flight, calling it a "great success." As for the propellant transfer test between two Starships, which is crucial to fuel the ships in orbit before their Mars and Moon missions, this is on track to take place in 2025.

升空,尤其是在月球上,会带来一系列与灰尘和碎片相关的复杂问题,这次测试也应该有助于美国宇航局制定利用月球作为火星探索基地的计划。刹帝利对第三次星舰试飞留下了深刻的印象,称其为“巨大成功”。至于两艘星际飞船之间的推进剂转移测试,这对于在执行火星和月球任务之前在轨道上的飞船提供燃料至关重要,预计将于 2025 年进行。

The NASA official added tht the agency is still working to understand the heat shield data for the Orion spacecraft's Artemis 1 mission. According to him, one of the biggest risks to the Artemis II mission is the heat shield, indicating that there might be a schedule slip if NASA is unable to fully analyze the heat shield data before the launch.

NASA 官员补充说,该机构仍在努力了解猎户座飞船阿耳忒弥斯 1 号任务的隔热罩数据。据他介绍,阿耳忒弥斯二号任务的最大风险之一是隔热罩,这表明如果NASA无法在发射前充分分析隔热罩数据,那么计划可能会出现延误。


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