首页 > 资讯新闻 > SpaceX 从卡纳维拉尔角发射猎鹰 9 号火箭,搭载 23 颗星链卫星

SpaceX launches Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral with 23 Starlink satellites

SpaceX 从卡纳维拉尔角发射猎鹰 9 号火箭,搭载 23 颗星链卫星

发布: 2024/01/09 11:08 阅读: 610

原文作者:Will Robinson-Smith


SpaceX 从卡纳维拉尔角发射猎鹰 9 号火箭,搭载 23 颗星链卫星

The next batch of 23 Starlink satellites for SpaceX’s space-based internet service roard into orbit atop a Falcon 9 rocket launched Sunday from pad 40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station at 5:35 p.m. EST (2235 UTC).

SpaceX 天基互联网服务的下一批 23 颗 Starlink 卫星于周日下午 5:35 从卡纳维拉尔角太空部队站 40 号发射台搭载猎鹰 9 号火箭送入轨道。美国东部时间(2235 世界标准时间)。

SpaceX had earlier announced a four-hour launch window that opened at 4 p.m. EST (2100 UTC), but it needs to clear the way for the inaugural launch of United Launch Alliance’s Vulcan rocket from neighboring pad 41. The rocket was only raised upright on the launch pad at around 1 p.m. EST leaving crews racing to meet the new target launch time of 5:35 p.m. EST.

SpaceX 早些时候宣布,发射时间为四小时,发射时间为下午 4 点。美国东部时间(世界标准时间 2100),但需要为联合发射联盟的火神火箭从邻近的 41 号发射台首次发射扫清道路。火箭直到下午 1 点左右才在发射台上直立升起。美国东部时间 (EST) 让工作人员竞相完成下午 5:35 的新目标发射时间。美东时间。

SpaceX’s Vice President of Launch said in a post on the social media network X, it was “a new Falcon record for total time from hangar rollout to launch. 6 Hrs, 33 minutes.” The company has set the objective of launching 144 Falcon missions this year. To date it has flown three successful missions in 2024.

SpaceX 的发射副总裁在社交媒体网络 X 上发帖称,这是“猎鹰从机库推出到发射的总时间的新纪录”。 6 小时 33 分钟。”该公司设定的目标是今年发射 144 次猎鹰任务。迄今为止,它已在 2024 年成功执行了 3 次任务。

The first stage booster supporting this flight, tail number B1067, was making its 16th flight, becoming just the fourth booster to reach that milestone. There are only three other boosters with a longer flight history that are still in use after B1058 was unintentionally destroyed during the recovery process:

支持本次飞行的第一级助推器(尾号 B1067)正在进行第 16 次飞行,成为第四个达到这一里程碑的助推器。 B1058在回收过程中被无意破坏后,只有另外三个具有较长飞行历史的助推器仍在使用:

  • B1058 – 19 flights (destroyed)

    B1058 – 19 架航班(被毁)

  • B1060 – 17 flights (next flight TBD)

    B1060 – 17 航班(下一航班待定)

  • B1061 – 17 flights (next flight TBD)

    B1061 – 17 航班(下一航班待定)

  • B1062 – 17 flights (next flight TBD)

    B1062 – 17 航班(下一航班待定)

B1060, B1061 and B1067 all have the distinction of launching two Crew Dragon spacecraft each during their lifetimes. B1080 is set to join that club later this month when it launches on its fifth flight with the Axiom Mission 3 (Ax-3) astronauts aboard Crew Dragon Freedom.

B1060、B1061 和 B1067 的特点是在其生命周期中分别发射了两艘载人龙飞船。 B1080 将于本月晚些时候加入该俱乐部,届时它将与 Axiom Mission 3 (Ax-3) 宇航员乘坐 Crew Dragon Freedom 进行第五次飞行。

About eight-and-a-half minutes after liftoff, B1067 landed on the droneship ‘A Shortfall of Gravitas.’ This was the 56th successful booster landing on ASOG since it was put into the mix. The other East Coast-based droneship, ‘Just Read the Instructions,’ is still out of commission for servicing in North Carolina.

升空后大约八分半钟,B1067 降落在无人机“A Shortfall of Gravitas”上。这是自投入组合以来在 ASOG 上第 56 次成功着陆的助推器。另一艘位于东海岸的无人机“Just Read the instructions”在北卡罗来纳州仍无法投入使用。

SpaceX confirmed a successful deployment of the 23 Starlink V2 mini satellites just over an hour into flight.

SpaceX 确认在飞行仅一个多小时后就成功部署了 23 颗 Starlink V2 迷你卫星。

The next SpaceX mission on deck is the Starlink 7-10 flight, set to launch from Space Launch Complex 4 East (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Space Force Base on Tuesday, Jan. 9, with a window that opens around 9 p.m. PST (12 a.m. EST, 0500 UTC on Jan. 9). SpaceX has not announced the number of Starlink satellites that will be onboard that flight or if there will more of the new Starlinks that feature direct-to-cell functionality. It will be followed by another Starlink delivery mission from Cape Canaveral on Jan. 13.

SpaceX 的下一个任务是星链 7-10 飞行,定于 1 月 9 日星期二从范登堡太空部队基地的 4 号东部航天发射场 (SLC-4E) 发射,窗口于晚上 9 点左右打开。太平洋标准时间(美国东部标准时间上午 12 点,世界标准时间 1 月 9 日 0500)。 SpaceX 尚未宣布该航班将搭载多少颗 Starlink 卫星,也没有宣布是否会有更多具有直接到蜂窝功能的新型 Starlink 卫星。随后将于 1 月 13 日从卡纳维拉尔角执行另一次星链交付任务。

Starship news on the horizonThe launches come as news regarding SpaceX’s Starship rocket is set to be on the horizon. Just over a week ago on his social media site, X, SpaceX founder Elon Musk said he would be giving a company talk to SpaceX employees to mark their 2023 accomplishments and discuss the year ahead.

即将发布的星舰新闻此次发射之际,有关 SpaceX 星舰火箭的消息即将发布。就在一周前,SpaceX 创始人埃隆·马斯克在他的社交媒体网站 X 上表示,他将向 SpaceX 员工举办一场公司演讲,纪念他们 2023 年取得的成就并讨论未来一年。

Recently, during an unrelated livestream on X, Musk stated that the talk would likely take place on Thursday, Jan. 11, and would include updates on the company’s Starship rocket. If this happens, it would mark the first substantial update on the pivotal launch program since the second integrated flight test launched from Starbase in southern Texas in November.

最近,在 X 的一次不相关的直播中,马斯克表示会谈可能会在 1 月 11 日星期四举行,其中将包括该公司 Starship 火箭的最新情况。如果这种情况发生,这将标志着自去年 11 月从德克萨斯州南部 Starbase 发射第二次综合飞行测试以来,关键发射计划的首次重大更新。

There has been a flurry of activity at the development and launch site in recent weeks, including the test firings of both Ship 28 and Booster 10. SpaceX referred to them as the Flight 3 Starship and Flight 3 Super Heavy Booster respectively in social media posts.

最近几周,开发和发射场发生了一系列活动,包括 Ship 28 和 Booster 10 的试射。SpaceX 在社交媒体帖子中分别将它们称为 Flight 3 Starship 和 Flight 3 Super Heavy Booster。

SpaceX said in posts that a single engine was fired on the Starship upper stage “demonstrating a flight-like startup for an in-space burn.” Following the test firings, eagle-eyed viewers spotted SpaceX testing the payload bay door on the Starship, potentially indicating that this next mission could include some kind of payload.

SpaceX 在帖子中表示,星舰上层有一台发动机点火,“展示了类似飞行的太空燃烧启动方式”。试射后,眼尖的观众发现 SpaceX 正在测试星舰上的有效载荷舱门,这可能表明下一次任务可能包括某种有效载荷。

The forthcoming announcement from Musk will come on the heels of another marquee event next week that could concern the rocket. In a late Friday notice to members of the press, NASA announced that it will hold a media teleconference to discuss the latest on the Artemis program and the return of humans to the Moon.


The update will be led by NASA Administrator Bill Nelson and will feature Jim Free, who as of the start of 2024, is now the NASA Associate Administrator, following the retirement of Bob Cabana. Catherine Koerner, associate administrator for the Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate, and Amit Kshatriya, the deputy associate administrator for the Moon to Mars Program will also be participating.

此次更新将由 NASA 局长比尔·尼尔森 (Bill Nelson) 领导,吉姆·弗里 (Jim Free) 担任主角,自 2024 年初起,吉姆·弗里 (Jim Free) 在鲍勃·卡巴纳 (Bob Cabana) 退休后担任 NASA 副局长。探索系统开发任务理事会副局长凯瑟琳·科纳(Catherine Koerner)和月球到火星计划副副局长阿米特·刹帝利(Amit Kshatriya)也将参加。

The notice to the press also stated that “Industry partner representatives also will be available to answer questions,” though it doesn’t explicitly state if that includes SpaceX or the developer of the lunar spacesuits set to debut on the Artemis 3 mission, Axiom Space.

向媒体发出的通知还指出,“行业合作伙伴代表也将回答问题”,但没有明确说明其中是否包括 SpaceX 或将在阿耳忒弥斯 3 号任务中首次亮相的月球宇航服开发商 Axiom Space 。


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