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SpaceX resumes launches after Thanksgiving break

感恩节假期后 SpaceX 恢复发射

发布: 2023/11/29 14:55 阅读: 522

原文作者: Richard Angle


感恩节假期后 SpaceX 恢复发射

After a seemingly rare five-day break for Thanksgiving, SpaceX jumped right back into it with a launch of 23 Starlink satellites to low Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida.

在看似罕见的感恩节五天休息后,SpaceX 又重新投入其中,从佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角太空部队站的 40 号航天发射场向近地轨道发射了 23 颗星链卫星。

Launching at 11:20 pm ET (04:20 UTC), the Falcon 9 launched to the Southeast and inserted into a 43-degree orbital inclination. This is Group 6-30, and over the next couple of months, the satellites will undergo checkouts and raise their orbits as they become fully operational.

猎鹰 9 号于东部时间晚上 11:20(世界标准时间 04:20)发射,向东南发射并进入 43 度轨道倾角。这是第 6-30 组,在接下来的几个月里,这些卫星将接受检查,并在全面投入运行后提升轨道。

The 23 Starlink satellites were deployed just over an hour after launch. These 23 satellites are the V2 mini variant that uses argon Hall thrusters for better maneuvering in orbit and the ability to handle four times more bandwidth than the previous V1.5 Starlink.

23 颗星链卫星在发射后仅一个多小时就部署完毕。这 23 颗卫星是 V2 迷你变体,使用氩霍尔推进器,可以更好地在轨道上操纵,并且能够处理比之前的 V1.5 Starlink 多四倍的带宽。

Previously SpaceX was only launching 22 at a time from Florida, but recently they have been able to add one more as they fine-tune the performance of the Falcon 9. The V2 mini Starlink variant weighs in at 800 kg ( 1,800 lbs), whereas the V1.5 satellites weigh just ~306 kg (675 lbs).

此前 SpaceX 一次仅从佛罗里达州发射 22 枚,但最近他们在微调 Falcon 9 的性能时又添加了一枚。V2 迷你星链版本的重量为 800 公斤(1,800 磅),而V1.5 卫星的重量仅为约 306 千克(675 磅)。

This was the 87th orbital mission and the 83rd of the year for the Falcon 9. SpaceX could still hit 100 launches this year as long as no unexpected delays occur, but it will be very close.

这是猎鹰 9 号今年的第 87 次轨道任务,也是今年的第 83 次。只要不发生意外延误,SpaceX 今年仍可能实现 100 次发射,但已经非常接近了。

This was the 17th flight for this Falcon 9, Booster 1062, which had previously launched 9 Starlink missions, 8 astronauts on the Inspiration 4 and Axiom 1 missions, 2 communications satellites, 2 GPS III satellites, and the OneWeb internet satellite constellation that carried 40 satellites to orbit.

这是猎鹰 9 号助推器 1062 的第 17 次飞行,该火箭此前已发射过 9 次星链任务、8 名宇航员执行过 Inspiration 4 和 Axiom 1 任务、2 颗通信卫星、2 颗 GPS III 卫星以及运载 40 颗卫星的 OneWeb 互联网卫星星座。卫星进入轨道。

B1062 successfully landed on the droneship Just Read the Instructions just over eight and half minutes after liftoff, and fairing recovery vessel Bob will attempt to retrieve the fairing halves a bit further downrange before returning to Port Canaveral and eventual refurbishment.

B1062 在升空后仅八分半钟就成功降落在无人机上,只需阅读说明即可,整流罩回收船鲍勃将尝试在返回卡纳维拉尔港并最终进行翻新之前,在更远的地方回收整流罩的一半。

Next up for SpaceX will be a Falcon 9 launch from California no earlier than December 1st with a reconnaissance satellite for South Korea. This launch will feature a return to the landing site following its mid-morning launch.

SpaceX 的下一步计划是不早于 12 月 1 日从加利福尼亚州发射猎鹰 9 号火箭,并搭载一颗飞往韩国的侦察卫星。这次发射将在上午发射后返回着陆点。


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