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SpaceX Starship Test 3 part-licensed

SpaceX Starship Test 3 获得部分许可

发布: 2023/12/07 14:05 阅读: 472

原文作者: Chris Forrester


SpaceX Starship Test 3 获得部分许可

Communication permissions for Elon Musk’s third test flight of the SpaceX Starship has been issued by the FCC. The communications licence covers a period from December 1st to January 6th 2024.

FCC 已为埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的 SpaceX 星际飞船第三次试飞颁发了通信许可。通信许可证有效期为2024年12月1日至2024年1月6日。

The formal communications licence was issued to SpaceX on November 28th, but is not permission to actually launch. Those final permissions will come from the FCC and other US agencies.

11 月 28 日,SpaceX 获得了正式的通信许可证,但并未获得实际发射的许可。这些最终许可将来自美国联邦通信委员会和其他美国机构。

The issued licence states that it covers communications for a launch from Musk’s Starbase Texas and includes a first stage booster “with a soft water landing”.

颁发的许可证指出,它涵盖了从马斯克德克萨斯州 Starbase 发射的通信,并包括“软水着陆”的第一级助推器。

SpaceX has to notify the rocket’s planned trajectory to the FAA, NASA and the US Air Force.

SpaceX 必须向 FAA、NASA 和美国空军通报火箭的计划轨迹。

Final go-ahead will come from the FAA which is currently conducting its post-launch ‘mishap’ investigation on the November 18th Test Flight Number 2. But with zero injuries and no public property damage there is little for the FAA to worry about.

最终的批准将来自美国联邦航空局 (FAA),该局目前正在对 11 月 18 日的 2 号试飞进行发射后“事故”调查。但由于零伤亡且没有公共财产损失,联邦航空局无需担心。

Meanwhile, now routine launches of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket continue. There were two flights this past weekend with 23 Starlink craft on board a Dec 3 flight and taking the total of satellites in orbit to 5,164 (out of 5,536 launched). Some are still in transition to their designated orbital locations

与此同时,SpaceX 猎鹰 9 号火箭的例行发射仍在继续。上周末进行了两次飞行,12 月 3 日的飞行中搭载了 23 颗星链卫星,使在轨卫星总数达到 5,164 颗(总共发射了 5,536 颗)。有些仍在过渡到指定的轨道位置


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