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Tech titan Musk’s Twitter takes a playful turn into Dogecoin territory

科技巨头马斯克的 Twitter 有趣地转向狗狗币领域

发布: 2024/02/02 19:02 阅读: 947



科技巨头马斯克的 Twitter 有趣地转向狗狗币领域

In a recent Twitter post, tech magnate Elon Musk set the social media platform ablaze with a Dogecoin-themed tweet, once again showcasing his affinity for the cryptocurrency and his penchant for the number “420.”

在最近的 Twitter 帖子中,科技巨头埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 发布了一条以狗狗币为主题的推文,再次展示了他对加密货币的喜爱以及对数字“420”的喜爱。

Musk’s playful nod to Dogecoin’s favorite digits

Elon Musk, the visionary behind Tesla and SpaceX, has once again captured the attention of his vast Twitter following, this time with a tweet centered around his favored digits – “420.” Known for his playful interactions on social media, Musk incorporated the number associated with the meme cryptocurrency Dogecoin, sparking humorous and enthusiastic responses from his followers.

马斯克对狗狗币最喜欢的数字开玩笑的点头特斯拉和 SpaceX 背后的远见卓识埃隆·马斯克再次吸引了他庞大的 Twitter 粉丝的注意力,这一次,他的推文围绕着他最喜欢的数字“420”。马斯克以其在社交媒体上的有趣互动而闻名,他将与模因加密货币狗狗币相关的数字纳入其中,引发了他的追随者幽默而热情的反应。

In the tweet, Musk shared the staggering statistic of “420M mobile search results,” accompanied by a face with tears of joy emoji. This number, 420, holds significance not only in the world of cryptocurrency but also as a cultural reference to “4/20” – April 20th, colloquially known as weed day. 

在推文中,马斯克分享了“4.2 亿移动搜索结果”的惊人统计数据,并附上了一张喜极而泣的表情符号。 420 这个数字不仅在加密货币领域具有重要意义,而且也是“4/20”(4 月 20 日)的文化参考,俗称除草日。

Additionally, Dogecoin enthusiasts have dubbed it “Doge day,” further intertwining Musk’s tweet with the cryptocurrency’s community celebrations.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) 2024 年 2 月 1 日此外,狗狗币爱好者将这一天称为“狗狗日”,进一步将马斯克的推文与加密货币的社区庆祝活动结合在一起。

Musk’s affection for 420 and 69

Elon Musk’s fascination with the number 420 goes beyond the cryptocurrency realm. In 2020, he revealed that he finds amusement in the fact that he was born “69 days after 420” – on June 28. 

马斯克对 420 和 69 的喜爱埃隆·马斯克对数字 420 的迷恋超出了加密货币领域。 2020 年,他透露,他对自己出生于“420 年后的 69 天”——6 月 28 日这一事实感到有趣。

This combination of numbers has become a recurring theme in Musk’s Twitter posts, contributing to the lighthearted and jovial tone that often characterizes his online presence.


It’s worth noting that Musk’s reference to 420 has a historical context as well. In 2018, Musk faced legal challenges from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) over a tweet where he claimed he was taking Tesla private at $420 with secured funding. After a legal battle, Musk emerged victorious in what became known as the “420 Tesla case.”

值得注意的是,马斯克提到的 420 也是有历史背景的。 2018 年,马斯克因一条推文而面临美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 的法律挑战,他在推文中声称他将以 420 美元的价格将特斯拉私有化,并提供有担保的资金。经过一场法律斗争,马斯克在所谓的“420特斯拉案”中获胜。

Community response and Ripple CTO’s playful interaction

Unsurprisingly, Musk’s latest “420 tweets” garnered an eager response from his massive Twitter following, affectionately known as the “X army.” Many joined in the jest, creating a wave of support and camaraderie within the community.

社区反应和 Ripple CTO 的俏皮互动不出所料,马斯克最新的“420 条推文”得到了他的大量推特粉丝的热烈响应,被亲切地称为“X 军队”。许多人也加入了这个玩笑,在社区内掀起了一股支持和友情的浪潮。

Interestingly, Ripple‘s Chief Technology Officer (CTO) couldn’t resist joining the playful banter. Posting a similar joke that incorporated XRP, the digital currency associated with Ripple, the CTO seemingly congratulated Musk on his legal victory. 

有趣的是,Ripple 的首席技术官 (CTO) 也忍不住加入了这场有趣的玩笑。这位首席技术官发布了一个类似的笑话,其中包含与 Ripple 相关的数字货币 XRP,他似乎祝贺马斯克在法律上取得了胜利。

This exchange highlights the interconnected and dynamic nature of the cryptocurrency community, where humor and camaraderie often prevail.


Neural Ink’s milestone achievement

In a separate development, Musk shared that Neuralink, one of his recent ventures, achieved a significant milestone by launching its inaugural product named “Telepathy.” This groundbreaking microchip, implanted in the human brain, enables individuals to control their computers and smartphones merely through thought.

Neural Ink 的里程碑式成就 在另一项开发中,马斯克表示,他最近的企业之一 Neuralink 通过推出其首款名为“Telepathy”的产品,实现了一个重要的里程碑。这种植入人脑的突破性微芯片使个人能够仅通过思想来控制他们的计算机和智能手机。

 Musk emphasized that this technology could extend to control almost any other device, marking a revolutionary step in human-computer interaction.


The successful implantation of the chip into a patient’s brain was reported by Musk, who also mentioned that the patient was recovering well at the time of the press release. Neuralink’s Telepathy represents a leap forward in merging technology with the human brain, opening new possibilities for the future of communication and control.

马斯克报道了芯片成功植入患者大脑的消息,他还提到,在新闻稿发布时,患者恢复情况良好。 Neuralink 的 Telepathy 代表了技术与人脑融合的飞跃,为未来的通信和控制开辟了新的可能性。


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