フロントページ > 情報ニュース > 規制圧力によりバイナンスの市場シェアは50%を下回る

Binance drops below 50% market share on regulatory pressure


リリース: 2024/01/17 21:04 読む: 249



For years, Binance has held its undisputed leading position among cryptocurrency exchanges, capturing well over 50% of the total market share.

バイナンスは長年にわたり、仮想通貨取引所の中で議論の余地のない主導的地位を維持しており、総市場シェアの 50% をはるかに超えています。

It, too, however, became another cog in the mechanism that has proven 2023 to be a decidedly mixed bag for the crypto market. On the one hand, it was a period of significant recovery for many cryptocurrencies and a year of renewed hope – hope that ultimately came true – that the SEC will approve a spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF).


It was also a year of multiple major shocks, including the arrest of Do Kwon in Montenegro, a series of regulatory actions targeting the crypto industry – nicknamed “operation chokepoint 2.0” by the community – and, indeed, also targeting Binance itself.


As a result, Binance’s dominance of the market was significantly challenged on multiple occasions throughout the year. It twice experienced sharp declines – once after the SEC unveiled its lawsuit and again after the long-standing CEO, Changpeng Zhao, stepped down as part of an agreement with the SEC.

その結果、Binance の市場支配力は、年間を通じて何度も大きな挑戦を受けることになりました。同社は2度急激な下落を経験した。1度目はSECが訴訟を公表した後、もう1度目は長年CEOを務めた趙昌鵬氏がSECとの合意の一環として辞任した後だった。



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The setbacks for the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange didn’t only come from regulatory pressure. The first hit to its market share – that fluctuated between 52% and 60%, per a January 17 report by TokenInsight – came in March with the end of the platform’s  Zero-Fee Bitcoin trading promotion.

世界最大の仮想通貨取引所の挫折は、規制の圧力だけから来たものではありません。 TokenInsightによる1月17日のレポートによると、市場シェアへの最初の打撃は52%から60%の間で変動しており、同プラットフォームの手数料ゼロビットコイン取引プロモーションの終了とともに3月に発生した。

Overall, Binance started 2023 controlling 54.2% of the total market share and ended the year at 48.7%. The low point for the exchange came on November 24, shortly after Zhao announced his resignation, as it briefly fell as low as 32%.

全体として、Binance は 2023 年に総市場シェアの 54.2% を支配して開始し、年末には 48.7% で終了しました。相場の最低点は趙氏が辞任を発表した直後の11月24日で、一時は32%まで下落した。

The big gainers and losers of 2023

2023 年の大きな利益者と損失者

While Binance fell from its dominant position somewhat, several other exchanges gained market share. Among them, the two biggest winners turned out to be OKX – which went from 11.8% to 16.1% – and Bybit – which rose by 2.2% from 10.1% to 12.3%.

Binance がその支配的地位から若干下がった一方で、他のいくつかの取引所が市場シェアを獲得しました。その中で、最大の勝者は OKX (11.8% から 16.1% に上昇) と Bybit (10.1% から 12.3% に 2.2% 上昇) であることが判明しました。

Binance, OKX, and Bybit also retained their dominance in terms of spot and derivatives trading. 

Binance、OKX、Bybit もスポット取引とデリバティブ取引の分野で優位性を維持しました。

Several other well-known cryptocurrency exchanges, also targeted by U.S. regulators in 2023, also experienced a decline. Thus, Kraken fell from 0.8% to 0.6%, and Coinbase (NASDAQ: COIN) went from 2.4% to 1.8%.

2023年に同じく米国規制当局の標的となる他のいくつかの有名な仮想通貨取引所も下落した。したがって、Krakenは0.8%から0.6%に下落し、Coinbase (NASDAQ: COIN)は2.4%から1.8%に下落しました。

This year is also likely to bring about some changes in the crypto market. Not only are there widespread hopes that 2024 will present a bull market for cryptocurrencies, but multiple platforms are taking active steps to solidify their position.

今年はまた、仮想通貨市場に何らかの変化をもたらす可能性があります。 2024 年には仮想通貨の強気市場が訪れるという期待が広く広がっているだけでなく、複数のプラットフォームが自らの地位を固めるために積極的な措置を講じています。

OKX, for example, secured a VASP license from Dubai as recently as January 16, while Coinbase, being the largest U.S.-based publicly traded exchange, is stepping up efforts to turn its home turf more favorable with a major lobbying drive in Washington.


Disclaimer: The content on this site should not be considered investment advice. Investing is speculative. When investing, your capital is at risk.

免責事項: このサイトのコンテンツは投資アドバイスとみなされるべきではありません。投資は投機的なものです。投資する場合、資本はリスクにさらされます。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/binance-drops-below-50-market-share-on-regulatory-pressure-tbt76844.html

出典: https://thebittimes.com/binance-drops-below-50-market-share-on-regulatory-pressure-tbt76844.html


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