フロントページ > 情報ニュース > 暗号通貨の価格分析 9-19 BTC、ETH、SOL、DOGE、DOT、UNI、INJ

Crypto Price Analysis 9-19 BTC, ETH, SOL, DOGE, DOT, UNI, INJ


リリース: 2024/09/19 18:40 読む: 860

原作者:Crypto Daily™



The Cryptocurrency Markets Show Upward Trend After Federal Reserve Rate Cut


The cryptocurrency markets have continued their recent upward momentum, with major cryptocurrencies experiencing gains, including Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL), Ripple (XRP), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Toncoin (TON).


The total cryptocurrency market capitalization has also increased by over 3%, reaching $2.14 trillion. This positive market sentiment follows the Federal Reserve's announcement of a 50 basis point reduction in interest rates.


Several analysts and market observers, including Robert Kiyosaki, the author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad," believe that the price of BTC and other major cryptocurrencies could see a significant increase in the wake of the rate cuts. Kiyosaki predicts that investors will shift towards assets like Bitcoin, gold, and silver as interest rates drop, leading to higher prices for these assets.


Federal Reserve Cuts Interest Rates by 50 Basis Points


Bitcoin has risen above $62,000 following the Federal Reserve's announcement of a 50 bps rate cut. This marks the first rate cut in nearly four years after the Fed's recent aggressive hiking cycle.

米連邦準備理事会(FRB)の50bps利下げ発表を受け、ビットコインは6万2000ドルを超えて上昇した。 FRBの最近の積極的な利上げサイクル後、約4年ぶりの利下げとなる。

In a press release, the Fed stated:


"The Committee has gained greater confidence that inflation is moving sustainably toward 2 percent and judges that the risks to achieving its employment and inflation goals are roughly in balance. The economic outlook is uncertain, and the Committee is attentive to the risks to both sides of its dual mandate."


The Fed projects that median benchmark rates will drop to 4.4% by year-end. Fed Chair Jerome Powell expressed confidence in the US economy and stated that the rate cut would help maintain its stability. After the rate cut, BTC recorded an increase of 1.2%, climbing above $61,000 before retreating. US equities also erased their gains, with the Nasdaq 100 and S&P 500 ending the session down by 0.3%.

FRBは、ベンチマーク金利の中央値が年末までに4.4%に低下すると予測している。 FRBのパウエル議長は米国経済への信頼を表明し、利下げは安定維持に役立つと述べた。利下げ後、BTCは1.2%の上昇を記録し、61,000ドルを超えてから下落した。米国株も上げを消し、ナスダック100とS&P500は0.3%下落して取引を終えた。

Conflicting Views on Rate Cut


Meanwhile, there are differing opinions on the impact of the rate cut. Marc P. Bernegger, co-founder of AltAlpha Digital, believes that the rate cut will significantly drive up the price of major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. According to Bernegger, lower interest rates would enhance liquidity and enable greater investment in riskier assets. Additionally, it would reduce the cost of borrowing, encouraging more funds to flow into digital assets. Historically, lower interest rates have often led to asset price increases and increased investor sentiment. Bernegger anticipates that the rate cut will boost demand and push up prices, contributing to a bullish market outlook.

一方、利下げの影響についてはさまざまな意見がある。 AltAlpha Digitalの共同創設者であるマーク・P・バーネガー氏は、利下げによりビットコインやイーサリアムなどの主要仮想通貨の価格が大幅に上昇すると考えている。バーネガー氏によれば、金利が低下すれば流動性が高まり、よりリスクの高い資産への投資が可能になるという。さらに、借入コストが削減され、より多くの資金がデジタル資産に流入することが促進されます。歴史的に見て、金利の低下は資産価格の上昇や投資家心理の上昇につながることがよくありました。バーネガー氏は、利下げにより需要が拡大し、価格が押し上げられ、市場の強気な見通しに寄与すると予想している。

However, the co-founder of BitMex presents a contrasting view, arguing that a rate cut is misguided as it could fuel inflation and strengthen the Japanese Yen. Hayes contends that while rate cuts typically increase liquidity, the current economic climate is not conducive to this approach.


"Lowering rates is a bad idea right now because inflation remains an issue in the US."


He also maintains that the rate cut could impact the global financial system, particularly the Japanese Yen, and that a narrowing of the interest rate gap between the US and Japan might lead to a substantial rise in the Yen's value, prompting investors to withdraw from "Yen carry trades."


"The second reason is that the interest rate differential between the US and Japan narrows with rate cuts. That could lead to sharp appreciation in the Yen and trigger unwinding of the Yen carry trades."


Scrutiny of SEC's Cryptocurrency Regulations

SEC の仮想通貨規制の精査

Members of Congress and representatives from the crypto community convened to discuss the Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) regulatory approach to the cryptocurrency industry. SEC Chair Gary Gensler's actions came under intense scrutiny as lawmakers debated the overreach of the commission's approach. Congressman Ritchie Torres questioned Gensler about the potential tokenization of Pokemon cards, eliciting a response that, according to Torres, demonstrated Gensler's discomfort with any form of decentralization. Congressman Wiley Nickel also condemned Gensler's approach, arguing that stringent regulations are harmful to consumers, innovation, competitiveness, and the Democratic administration.

議会議員と仮想通貨コミュニティの代表者が集まり、仮想通貨業界に対する証券取引委員会(SEC)の規制アプローチについて議論しました。 SECのゲーリー・ゲンスラー委員長の行動は、議員らが委員会のアプローチの行き過ぎについて議論する中、厳しい監視の対象となった。リッチー・トーレス下院議員は、ポケモンカードのトークン化の可能性についてゲンスラー氏に質問したが、トーレス氏によると、ゲンスラー氏がいかなる形態の分散化にも不快感を抱いていることが示されたという回答を引き出した。ワイリー・ニッケル下院議員もゲンスラー氏のアプローチを非難し、厳しい規制は消費者、技術革新、競争力、そして民主党政権に有害であると主張した。

Bitcoin (BTC) Price Analysis


Bitcoin (BTC) climbed above $62,000 after the Federal Reserve's announcement of a 50 bps rate cut, showing continued support. The price chart indicates that BTC has maintained a bullish stance despite facing selling pressure on Wednesday. If the current sentiment persists, BTC could potentially exceed the 200-day SMA and stabilize around $65,000. However, the price ended the previous week on a bearish note, falling below the 50-day SMA on Sunday and settling at $59,165. Sellers maintained pressure on Monday, causing BTC to decline further by 1.69% and drop to $58,164, slightly above the 20-day SMA.

ビットコイン(BTC)は連邦準備理事会による50bps利下げの発表を受けて6万2000ドルを超え、継続的な支持を示した。価格チャートは、水曜日に売り圧力にさらされているにもかかわらず、BTCが強気のスタンスを維持していることを示しています。現在のセンチメントが続けば、BTC は 200 日 SMA を超え、65,000 ドル付近で安定する可能性があります。しかし、価格は前週は弱気で終了し、日曜日には50日間SMAを下回り、59,165ドルで落ち着いた。売り手は月曜日も圧力を維持し、BTCはさらに1.69%下落し、20日間のSMAをわずかに上回る58,164ドルまで下落した。

Source: TradingView

出典: TradingView

Sentiment shifted on Tuesday as BTC rebounded from the 20-day SMA, rising above the 50-day SMA to reclaim the $60,000 level and close at $60,321. Wednesday brought significant selling pressure as sellers attempted to push the price below the 50-day SMA. Consequently, BTC fell to a low of $59,217. Nonetheless, buyers managed to regain control as demand increased, aided by the 50-day SMA's role as a dynamic support level. BTC subsequently recovered the $60,000 level after a 2.41% increase, settling at $61,773.


The current session witnessed BTC moving above the crucial $62,000 level as markets reacted positively to the Federal Reserve's rate cut. If BTC can maintain its bullish momentum, it could突破 the 200-day SMA and rise towards $65,000. Conversely, a change in sentiment could lead sellers to drive the price back under $60,000. A bullish MACD indicates that buyers are currently in control.

現在のセッションでは、市場が連邦準備理事会の利下げに前向きに反応したため、ビットコインは重要な62,000ドルのレベルを超えて上昇しました。 BTCが強気の勢いを維持できれば、200日SMAを突破し、6万5000ドルに向けて上昇する可能性がある。逆に、センチメントの変化により、売り手は価格を 60,000 ドル未満に戻す可能性があります。 MACD が強気である場合は、買い手が現在主導権を握っていることを示します。

Ethereum (ETH) Price Analysis


Ethereum (ETH) has gained nearly 4% in the past 24 hours as bullish sentiment returns to the market, finally pushing above the crucial $2,400 level and breaking a key resistance barrier. ETH has shown a positive trajectory this week, as seen in the price chart, despite a substantial drop of 4.21% on Sunday to $2,318, ending the previous week on a bearish note. The downward trend continued on Monday as ETH fell below $2,300 after a decline of 0.95%. However, strong support at this level allowed for a quick recovery of 2.06% on Tuesday, reclaiming $2,300 and settling at $2,343. Buyers also attempted to move above the 20-day SMA but were unsuccessful.


Source: TradingView

出典: TradingView

Wednesday saw a struggle between buyers and sellers, each vying for control. Sellers aimed to push ETH below $2,300 again, causing a dip to $2,280. However, buyers swiftly countered the sellers as demand increased, eventually reversing the selling pressure to post a 1.36% gain and close at $2,375. With the announcement of a 0.50% rate cut having a positive impact on the market, ETH surged above $2,400 and the 20-day SMA during the session and is currently trading at $2,437.

水曜日には、買い手と売り手の間で主導権を争う争いが見られた。売り手はETHを再び2,300ドル以下に押し下げることを目指し、2,280ドルまでの下落を引き起こした。しかし、需要が高まるにつれて買い手は売り手に素早く反撃し、最終的には売り圧力を逆転させて1.36%上昇し、2,375ドルで取引を終えた。 0.50%の利下げの発表が市場に好影響を与えたことで、ETHはセッション中に2,400ドルと20日間SMAを超えて急騰し、現在2,437ドルで取引されている。

A rally towards $2,500 could materialize if buyers can uphold the current momentum. Such a move would also indicate a retreat by the bears, potentially marking a change in sentiment towards ETH. Conversely, sellers will attempt to push ETH back under $2,400 and $2,300. If this occurs, ETH might drop as low as $2,100.


Solana (SOL) Price Analysis

ソラナ (SOL) 価格分析

Solana (SOL) is aiming to test the $140 resistance once more as buying activity picks up following the Fed's announcement of a 50 bps rate cut. SOL has struggled to push above $140 due to strong resistance, with its most recent attempt to break through occurring last weekend. However, buyers failed in their endeavor, with SOL dropping by 1.41% on Saturday and a further 4.20% on Sunday, slipping below the 20-day SMA to settle at $131. The current week commenced with SOL experiencing significant volatility as sellers attempted to force it below $130 while buyers sought to keep it above this support level.

FRBの50bps利下げ発表を受けて買い活動が活発化する中、ソラナ(SOL)は再び140ドルの抵抗線を試すことを目指している。 SOLは強い抵抗により140ドルを超えるのに苦労しており、直近の突破の試みは先週末に行われた。しかし、買い手の努力は失敗し、SOLは土曜日に1.41%下落し、日曜日にはさらに4.20%下落し、20日間のSMAを下回り、131ドルで落ち着いた。今週は、売り手がSOLを130ドル以下に押し込もうとする一方で、買い手がこのサポートレベルを超えて維持しようとしたため、SOLは大幅なボラティリティを経験して始まりました。

Source: TradingView

出典: TradingView

As a result, SOL remained stagnant on Monday. Volatility persisted on Tuesday as buyers attempted to move above the 20-day SMA. However, dwindling demand allowed sellers to push SOL back down after it reached a day high of $135, ultimately settling at $131 after a slight increase. Wednesday saw significant selling pressure as SOL dropped to a day low of $127 before recovering and closing at $134 after a 2.07% gain. The current session has buyers firmly in control, with SOL up 3.41% as it eyes a rise above $140 and the 50-day SMA.


If SOL manages to push above $140 and consolidate, it could rally towards $150 or beyond in the short term. However, the price could retreat back to $130 should sentiment shift and sellers regain dominance. Breaching this support level could trigger a drop to $120 or lower.


Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Analysis

ドージコイン (DOGE) 価格分析

Dogecoin (DOGE)

ドージコイン (DOGE)


  • ドージコインクジラの活動
    包括的な分析により、Dogecoin クジラの活動に関する最新の洞察を得ることができます。ドージコイン市場におけるこれらのクジラの傾向、パターン、影響を発見してください。私たちの専門家による分析で最新情報を入手し、暗号通貨への取り組みを前進させてください。
  • ドージコインマイニング
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  • ミームの王様: ドージコイン
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