フロントページ > 情報ニュース > インテュイティブ・マシーンズ初の月着陸船ミッションが2月14日に打ち上げられる

First Intuitive Machines lunar lander mission set for Feb. 14 launch


リリース: 2024/02/06 16:34 読む: 558

原作者:Jeff Foust



WASHINGTON — Intuitive Machines and SpaceX have confirmed plans to launch the IM-1 lunar lander mission as soon as Feb. 14, pending a fueling test on the pad later this week.

ワシントン - インテュイティブ・マシーンズとスペースXは、今週後半にパッド上で燃料補給テストを行うまでの間、早ければ2月14日にIM-1月着陸船ミッションを打ち上げる計画を確認した。

In a Feb. 5 statement, Intuitive Machines announced it was targeting a launch of its lander in a “multi-day window” that opens Feb. 14. Liftoff of the Falcon 9 from Kennedy Space Center’s Launch Complex 39A is scheduled for 12:57 a.m. Eastern that day.


The announcement came hours after a SpaceX official, speaking at a briefing about the upcoming launch of NASA’s PACE Earth science mission on another Falcon 9, confirmed that Feb. 14 date, which had been widely known in the industry but which neither NASA nor Intuitive Machines would disclose at a Jan. 31 briefing about the agency’s payloads on the lander.


“Our Intuitive Machines launch is targeting Feb. 14, Valentine’s Day,” said Julianna Scheiman, director of civil satellite missions at SpaceX, at the Feb. 5 briefing. “We’re tracking well to a Feb. 14 launch.”

スペースXの民間衛星ミッション担当ディレクター、ジュリアナ・シャイマン氏は2月5日の会見で、「われわれのインテュイティブ・マシンの打ち上げは、2月14日のバレンタインデーを目標にしている」と語った。 「2月14日の発売に向けて順調に進んでいます。」

One final milestone before that launch is a fueling test, or wet dress rehearsal, scheduled for Feb. 7. That is important for IM-1 since the lander needs to be loaded with liquid oxygen and methane propellants while on the launch pad shortly before launch, a procedure that required modifications to the infrastructure at LC-39A.

打ち上げ前の最後のマイルストーンは、2月7日に予定されている給油試験、つまりウェットドレスリハーサルである。着陸船は打ち上げ直前に発射台にいる間に液体酸素とメタン推進剤を積み込む必要があるため、これはIM-1にとって重要である。 、LC-39Aのインフラストラクチャの変更が必要な手順。

“We’ll be performing essentially a tanking test, or wet dress rehearsal, for that spacecraft on Feb. 7,” she said, to confirm that the spacecraft can be fueled on the pad.


While Intuitive Machines said in its statement that it had a multi-day window, Scheiman said the mission had a three-day window, with launch opportunities Feb. 14 through 16. Intuitive Machines previously stated that a launch any day in that window would set up a landing attempt on Feb. 22.

インテュイティブ・マシーンズは声明で数日の枠があると述べたが、シャイマン氏はミッションには3日間の枠があり、打ち上げの機会は2月14日から16日までであると述べた。 2月22日に着陸を試みた。

The 675-kilogram lander, called Odysseus by the company, is carrying six payloads for NASA through a Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) award valued at $118 million. It is also carrying six commercial payloads, ranging from sportswear company Columbia to artist Jeff Koons. The commercial payloads also include Eaglecam, a camera developed by students at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University that will eject from the lander during its final descent to the surface to attempt to photograph the landing.


If IM-1 is successful, it will be the first private mission to land softly on the moon after three previous failed attempts. The Beresheet lander by Israel’s SpaceIL crashed during its descent to the lunar surface in 2019, and the HAKUTO-R M1 lander from Japanese company ispace crashed attempting a landing in April 2023. Astrobotic’s Peregrine lunar lander suffered a propellant leak hours after its Jan. 8 launch that prevented the spacecraft from attempting a lunar landing.

IM-1が成功すれば、これまで3回の失敗を経て月面軟着陸を達成した初の民間ミッションとなる。イスラエルのSpaceIL社のベレシート着陸船は2019年に月面への降下中に墜落し、日本のispace社のHAKUTO-R M1着陸船は2023年4月に着陸を試みて墜落した。Astrobotic社のPeregrine月着陸船は1月8日の着陸から数時間後に推進剤の漏れに見舞われた。宇宙船が月面着陸を試みるのを妨げた打ち上げ。


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