フロントページ > 情報ニュース > SpaceX、打ち上げの可能性が近づく中、Starship試験場で爆発物を受け取る

SpaceX Receives Explosives At Starship Test Site As Potential Launch Draws Close


リリース: 2024/02/22 09:46 読む: 706

原作者:Ramish Zafar


The SpaceX Falcon 9 during a launch in February 2024. Image: SpaceX/X

2024年2月に打ち上げられるSpaceX Falcon 9。画像: SpaceX/X

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これは投資アドバイスではありません。著者は、言及されているどの銘柄にもポジションを持っていません。 Wccftech.com には情報開示と倫理ポリシーがあります。

After the long weekend, SpaceX picked up progress with its Starship rocket in Texas ahead of the third test flight attempt. As of now, Starship might launch in March if all tests before the attempt are successful and engineers can comfortably clear the rocket for liftoff. Footage from multiple local media outlets covering SpaceX's launch site in Texas shows that the company might have ordered components for one of Starship's most important subsystems, the flight termination system or FTS. The deliveries follow a de-stack of the rocket at the launch pad, with SpaceX also moving a Starship second-stage spacecraft to its test mount.


Possible Static Fires In Play As SpaceX Potentially Orders Starship FTS Equipment

In order to launch Starship, SpaceX, like other mega rocket operators, has to install explosives on the rocket to ensure that it will destroy itself mid air in case of an anomaly. These systems have a finite life, preventing the rocket operator from installing them at the time of the vehicle's production. For Starship, this means that momentum for a third test flight might finally be building up in Boca Chica, particularly since SpaceX has also transported the third test flight's second stage Starship rocket to a test pad.

スペースXがスターシップのFTS機器を発注する可能性で静的火災の可能性 スターシップを打ち上げるために、スペースXは他のメガロケット運用者と同様に、異常が発生した場合に空中で自爆することを確実にするためにロケットに爆発物を設置する必要がある。これらのシステムの寿命は有限であるため、ロケット操縦者はロケットの製造時にそれらを取り付けることができません。スターシップにとって、これは、特にスペースXが三回目の試験飛行の第二段スターシップロケットを試験パッドに輸送したこともあり、ボカチカで三回目の試験飛行に向けた機運がついに高まっている可能性があることを意味する。

This pad typically sees static fire tests both before potential launches and as a regular part of the Starship test campaign. Since SpaceX typically confirms such tests almost immediately after they occur, and other Starship tests, such as tank pressurization, take place on the launch pad, there may be a Starship second stage static fire soon.


Starship's Super Heavy booster, which has also left the launch site, uses 33 Raptor engines tuned for atmospheric use only. The second stage features slightly different engines that are optimized for the vacuum of space, and due to the massive power of its engines, static fires for the Super Heavy typically take place on the launch pad.

同じく発射場を離れたスターシップのスーパーヘビーブースターは、大気圏専用に調整されたラプターエンジンを33基使用している。第 2 段には、真空宇宙用に最適化されたわずかに異なるエンジンが搭載されており、そのエンジンの巨大な出力により、スーパーヘビーの静的射撃は通常、発射台で行われます。

An FTS system is installed on both the booster and the spacecraft, and along with Starship's engines, it has drawn quite a bit of attention to itself during the current test campaign of the integrated Starship stack. SpaceX's first Starship test flight, which took place almost a year back then, led to the first and second stages failing to successfully separate after several of the first stage's engines lost their power along the way.

FTS システムはブースターと宇宙船の両方に搭載されており、Starship のエンジンとともに、統合された Starship スタックの現在のテスト キャンペーン中にかなりの注目を集めています。スペースXの最初のスターシップ試験飛行は約1年前に行われたが、途中で第1段のエンジンのいくつかが出力を失い、第1段と第2段が正常に分離できなかった。

At the point of stage separation, the Starship Super Heavy did multiple somersaults before its FTS successfully destroyed the rocket. A later investigation revealed that the rocket was too strong, and SpaceX's second Starship test flight in November saw successful first stage detonation after stage separation. The Starship second stage's FTS also successfully detonated during its coast phase, with SpaceX keeping quite about that test's performance since then.

ステージ分離の時点で、スターシップ・スーパーヘビーは、FTS がロケットの破壊に成功する前に、複数回宙返りを行いました。その後の調査でロケットの強度が強すぎることが判明し、11月に行われたスペースX社の2回目のスターシップ試験飛行では段分離後の第一段爆発に成功した。スターシップ第 2 段の FTS も海岸段階での爆発に成功し、それ以来、SpaceX はそのテストのパフォーマンスを正確に維持しています。

A closer look at today's images shows that heavy duty explosives also made their way to the site, along with less powerful ones that cannot destroy Starship on Earth, in air or in space.


SpaceX followed up the explosives delivery in Texas with a successful launch to geosynchronous orbit from the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. The launch was the firm's 16th for the year, and it comes after a record setting 2023, which saw SpaceX become the first firm to complete close to a hundred orbital launches in a calendar year.


It sent the Indonesian state owned Telkomsat's multi million dollar communications satellite to orbit. After today's mission, SpaceX is close to completing three hundred recoveries of an orbital class rocket (today's recovery was the 275th), just as it puts the final touches on the world's largest rocket in Texas.



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