가격: $0.20381 -11.0307%
시장가치: 30.22B 1.0623%
회전율 (24h): 2.8B 0%
권세: 1.0623%
Price: $0.20381 -11.0307%
시장가치: 30.22B 1.0623%
회전율 (24h): 2.8B 0%
권세: 1.0623% 1.0623%
  • 가격: $0.20381 -11.0307%
  • 시장가치: 30.22B 1.0623%
  • 회전율 (24h): 2.8B 0%
  • 권세: 1.0623% 1.0623%
  • 가격: $0.20381 -11.0307%
첫 페이지 > 소식 > SpaceX Falcon 9 로켓이 Cape Canaveral에서 23개의 Starlink 위성을 발사했습니다.

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launches 23 Starlink satellites from Cape Canaveral

SpaceX Falcon 9 로켓이 Cape Canaveral에서 23개의 Starlink 위성을 발사했습니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/11/28 15:48 읽다: 363

원저자:Spaceflight Now

원본 소스:https://spaceflightnow.com/2023/11/27/live-coverage-spacex-falcon-9-rocket-to-launch-from-cape-canaveral-on-starlink-mission/

A Falcon 9 heads on a south-easterly trajectory from Cape Canaveral on Nov. 28, 2023, carrying a batch of Starlink satellites into orbit. Image: Pete Carstens.

The next batch of Starlink satellites for SpaceX’s space-based internet service soared into orbit aboard a Falcon 9 rocket Monday night from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station.

SpaceX의 우주 기반 인터넷 서비스를 위한 다음 Starlink 위성 배치는 월요일 밤 Cape Canaveral 우주군 기지에서 Falcon 9 로켓을 타고 궤도로 치솟았습니다.

Liftoff occurred at 11:20 p.m. EST (0420 UTC) the Falcon 9 piercing a thin layer of cloud as it headed on southerly trajectory as it targeted an orbit inclined at 43 degrees.

이륙은 오후 11시 20분에 이뤄졌다. EST(0420 UTC) Falcon 9는 43도 기울어진 궤도를 목표로 남쪽 궤적을 향하면서 얇은 구름층을 뚫고 있습니다.

The first stage booster flying on this mission, tail number 1062, made its 17th flight. It previously supported two crewed missions with the Ax-1 private astronaut mission to the International Space Station as well as the Inspiration4 mission.

The Falcon 9 first stage landed on the drone ship “Just Read the Instructions” about eight and a half minutes after launch. The droneship, a converted ocean-going barge, is one of three operated by SpaceX, and was stationed about 420 miles (620km) downrange, East of the Bahamas. The two halves of the payload fairing parachuted to a splashdown a little further downrange where they were to be scooped up by SpaceX’s support vessel “Bob”.

Falcon 9의 1단계는 발사 후 약 8분 30초 만에 드론 선박 "Just Read the Instructions"에 착륙했습니다. 원양 바지선을 개조한 이 드론십은 SpaceX가 운영하는 세 대 중 하나이며 바하마 동쪽 약 620km 하류에 주둔했습니다. 페이로드 페어링의 두 절반은 SpaceX의 지원 선박 "Bob"에 의해 떠내려갈 조금 더 낮은 범위로 낙하산을 탔습니다.

File photo of SpaceX’s Starlink V2 Mini satellites inside a payload processing facility at Cape Canaveral earlier this year. Credit: SpaceX

SpaceX confirmed in a social media post that the 23 Starlink satellites were deployed as planned from the second-stage of the Falcon 9 a little over an hour into the mission. The successful flight will bring the total number of Starlink satellites launched to 5,514.

This was:

  • 57th Starlink mission of 2023

    2023년 57차 스타링크 미션

  • 277th Falcon 9 launch to date

    현재까지 277번째 팔콘 9 발사

  • 83rd Falcon 9 launch of 2023

  • 87th SpaceX orbital launch of 2023

    2023년 87번째 SpaceX 궤도 발사

  • 94th SpaceX orbital launch in the last 365 days

    지난 365일 동안 94번째 SpaceX 궤도 발사

  • 157th SpaceX orbital launch from pad 40

  • 212nd overall orbital launch from pad 40

  • 66th orbital launch from Cape Canaveral

    케이프 커내버럴에서 66번째 궤도 발사

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