首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 美國證券交易委員會就 Twitter 股票披露問題對伊隆馬斯克提起法律訴訟

SEC initiates legal action against Elon Musk over Twitter stock disclosures

美國證券交易委員會就 Twitter 股票披露問題對伊隆馬斯克提起法律訴訟

發布: 2023/10/07 10:32 閱讀: 761



美國證券交易委員會就 Twitter 股票披露問題對伊隆馬斯克提起法律訴訟

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has initiated legal proceedings against Elon Musk due to his non-compliance with a subpoena. The financial authority is investigating whether the billionaire violated federal securities law with his Twitter purchase last year.

由於馬斯克不遵守傳票,美國證券交易委員會(SEC)已對他提起法律訴訟。金融當局正在調查這位億萬富翁去年收購 Twitter 是否違反了聯邦證券法。

The SEC stated that Musk failed to appear to testify last month as requested despite having been served the subpoena since May. According to the regulator, it needs Musk’s testimony to obtain information relevant to its legitimate and lawful investigation.

美國證券交易委員會表示,儘管馬斯克自 5 月以來就已收到傳票,但他上個月未能按要求出庭作證。監管機構表示,需要馬斯克的證詞才能取得與其正當合法調查相關的資訊。

The SEC’s application for an order, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, relates to an ongoing investigation into potential violations of federal securities laws. Musk’s 2022 acquisitions of Twitter stock and his corresponding statements and SEC filings are under scrutiny. The SEC seeks Musk’s testimony to uncover information relevant to its lawful investigation, information that isn’t in the SEC’s possession currently.

美國證券交易委員會向美國加州北區地方法院提交的命令申請涉及可能違反聯邦證券法的持續調查。馬斯克在 2022 年收購 Twitter 股票以及他的相應聲明和 SEC 文件正在接受審查。美國證券交易委員會尋求馬斯克的證詞,以揭露與其合法調查相關的信息,但目前美國證券交易委員會並不掌握這些資訊。

Musk’s failure to comply with the subpoena is noteworthy given that he had agreed to testify in the SEC’s San Francisco Regional Office on a mutually agreed date in September 2023, and had been served with the subpoena in May 2023. Musk raised no objections until two days before his scheduled testimony, when he informed the SEC of his non-attendance, offering several objections for the first time.

值得注意的是,馬斯克未能遵守傳票,因為他已同意在2023 年9 月雙方商定的日期在SEC 舊金山地區辦事處作證,並已於2023 年5 月收到傳票。馬斯克直到兩天后才提出異議在他預定的作證之前,他通知美國證券交易委員會他沒有出席,並首次提出了一些反對意見。

The regulatory body filed the matter at a federal district court, examining Musk’s statements and disclosures about stock transactions linked to the social media platform. While the SEC continues its fact-finding investigation, the application for an order compelling Musk’s compliance is still pending the court’s ruling.


Musk has ambitious plans for the company now branded as X, including building it into a financial institution. However, he did not clarify whether Twitter’s payment features might involve cryptocurrency, despite hinting at possible Dogecoin payment options in April 2022.

馬斯克對這家現在名為 X 的公司製定了雄心勃勃的計劃,包括將其打造成一家金融機構。然而,他沒有澄清 Twitter 的支付功能是否可能涉及加密貨幣,儘管在 2022 年 4 月暗示可能有狗狗幣支付選項。

With Musk’s intentions for Twitter’s financial transformation under the spotlight, his unfulfilled commitment to the SEC now links the future of his digital ambitions with the ongoing securities investigation. As such, the wider implications of this development on both the tech and financial industries remain to be seen.

隨著馬斯克對 Twitter 財務轉型的意圖備受關注,他對 SEC 未履行的承諾現在將他的數位野心的未來與正在進行的證券調查聯繫起來。因此,這一發展對科技和金融業的更廣泛影響仍有待觀察。

The post SEC initiates legal action against Elon Musk over Twitter stock disclosures appeared first on CryptoSlate.

美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 就 Twitter 股票披露問題對 Elon Musk 採取法律行動的消息首先出現在 CryptoSlate 上。


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