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Launch Roundup: SpaceX continues toward 100 launch goal

發射綜述:SpaceX 持續實現 100 次發射目標

發布: 2023/12/07 14:40 閱讀: 769

原文作者:Trevor Sesnic


發射綜述:SpaceX 持續實現 100 次發射目標

As SpaceX continues toward its goal of launching 100 times in 2023, the company is planning to launch three Starlink missions this week — two from Space Launch Complex (SLC) 40 at the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station (CCSFS) in Florida and the third from SLC-4 East at Vandenberg Space Force Base (VSFB) in California. Launching from Launch Complex 39A on Sunday, Falcon Heavy will place the USSF-52 mission into a currently unknown orbit.

隨著SpaceX 繼續實現2023 年發射100 次的目標,該公司計劃本週發射三次星鏈任務,其中兩次從佛羅裡達州卡納維拉爾角太空部隊站(CCSFS) 的太空發射綜合體(SLC) 40 發射,第三次從SLC-4 East 位於加州范登堡太空部隊基地 (VSFB)。週日,獵鷹重型火箭從 39A 發射場發射升空,將把 USSF-52 任務送入目前未知的軌道。

Later in the week, Landpsace will launch its third ZhuQue-2 vehicle from site 96, in the Jiuquan launch center. Additionally, China is expected to launch a currently unknown payload atop the Chang Zheng 2D rocket from LC-3 at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center.

本週晚些時候,Landpsace 將從酒泉發射中心的 96 號發射場發射第三顆朱雀二號運載火箭。此外,中國預計將在西昌衛星發射中心的 LC-3 上用長徵 2D 火箭發射目前未知的有效載荷。

These launches will mark the 199th through 204th orbital launches of 2023 — significantly above 2022’s record of 174 orbital launches, despite several weeks left in the year.

這些發射將標誌著 2023 年第 199 次至第 204 次軌道發射——大大高於 2022 年 174 次軌道發射的記錄,儘管今年還剩幾週時間。

Falcon 9 Block 5 | Starlink Group 6-33

獵鷹 9 號區塊 5 |星鏈集團 6-33

SpaceX’s 92nd launch of 2023 will take place on Wednesday, Dec. 6 at 11:01 PM EST (04:01 UTC on Dec. 7), when a Falcon 9 will launch 23 Starlink v2 Mini satellites into a low-Earth orbit. The mission, dubbed Starlink Group 6-33, will take off from SLC-40 at CCSFS and mark SpaceX’s 125th operational Starlink mission.

SpaceX 2023 年的第92 次發射將於美國東部時間12 月6 日星期三晚上11:01(世界標準時間12 月7 日04:01)進行,屆時獵鷹9 號將向近地軌道發射23 顆Starlink v2 Mini 衛星。這項任務被稱為“星鏈組 6-33”,將從 CCSFS 的 SLC-40 起飛,標誌著 SpaceX 第 125 次運行星鏈任務。

Throughout these operational missions and the ride-share missions that have deployed test satellites, SpaceX has deployed a total of 5,536 Starlink satellites ahead of the mission. Of these, 372 have reentered Earth’s atmosphere, and 4,530 are in their operational orbits. All other satellites are currently in the checkout phase or in ascent/descent phases.

在這些營運任務和部署測試衛星的共乘任務中,SpaceX 在任務之前總共部署了 5,536 顆星鏈衛星。其中,372 顆已重新進入地球大氣層,4,530 顆處於運行軌道。所有其他衛星目前都處於檢驗階段或上升/下降階段。

On Dec. 5, the Space Launch Delta 45’s weather squadron released a launch mission execution forecast noting the weather as 95% go for launch. The primary concern is liftoff winds, and upper-level wind shear is expected to be low-to-moderate. In the event of a delay, a launch window is set to open 24 hours later, with the weather remaining at 95% go.

12 月 5 日,太空發射 Delta 45 的氣像中隊發布了發射任務執行預測,指出 95% 的發射任務都受到天氣影響。主要關注的是升空風,預計高空風切變為低至中度。如果出現延誤,發射窗口將在 24 小時後開放,且天氣狀況仍保持在 95% 的正常水平。

The booster supporting this mission is B1077-9. As the name implies, the booster has supported eight previous missions: Crew-5, GPS III Space Vehicle 06, Inmarsat I-6, Starlink Group 5-10, CRS-28, Galaxy 37, Starlink Group 6-13, and Starlink Group 6-25. This booster has the fourth-quickest average turnaround time at 53.44 days, just behind B1076, B1075, and B1080.

支援該任務的助推器是 B1077-9。顧名思義,該助推器已支援先前的八次任務:Crew-5、GPS III 太空飛行器06、Inmarsat I-6、Starlink Group 5-10、CRS-28、Galaxy 37、Starlink Group 6-13 和Starlink Group 6-25。該助推器的平均週轉時間排名第四,為 53.44 天,僅次於 B1076、B1075 和 B1080。

Following liftoff, B1077 will burn its nine Merlin 1D engines for two minutes and 26 seconds before shutting down and separating from the second stage. The booster will then perform a one-three-one entry burn (the center engine starts, followed shortly after by two side engines, before going back to the single center engine) to slow down the booster ahead of entry. Later, the first stage will perform a single-engine landing burn, landing on Just Read the Instructions, which was tugged downrange by Crosby Skipper. If successful, this will mark SpaceX’s 252nd total and 178th consecutive landing.

升空後,B1077 將燃燒其九個 Merlin 1D 引擎兩分 26 秒,然後關閉並與第二級分離。然後,助推器將執行一三一入口燃燒(中央引擎啟動,不久之後兩個側引擎啟動,然後返回單中心引擎),以在入口之前減慢助推器的速度。隨後,第一級將進行單引擎著陸燃燒,著陸在克羅斯比船長拖著的“Just Read the instructions”上。如果成功,這將標誌著 SpaceX 的第 252 次總著陸和連續 178 次著陸。

As usual, once the second stage separates, it will burn for approximately six minutes, during which the two payload fairings will be deployed. Both fairing halves will be recovered downrange by SpaceX’s multi-purpose recovery vessel Bob, which will also provide drone ship support. After second engine cut-off one (SECO-1), the stage will coast for approximately 45 minutes. Then, it will ignite the single MVac engine for under two seconds, circularizing the orbit. The stage will then coast for another 10 minutes before deploying the payload at T+1:05:19.

像往常一樣,一旦第二級分離,它將燃燒大約六分鐘,在此期間將部署兩個有效載荷整流罩。兩個整流罩都將由 SpaceX 的多用途回收船 Bob 回收,該船還將提供無人機船支援。第二次引擎關閉(SECO-1)後,舞台將滑行約 45 分鐘。然後,它將在兩秒內點燃單個 MVac 發動機,使軌道呈圓形。然後,該平台將再滑行 10 分鐘,然後在 T+1:05:19 部署有效載荷。

As the name implies, this launch will place the 23 Starlink satellites into Starlink shell six — a 530-kilometer circular orbit, inclined 43.00 degrees.

顧名思義,這次發射將把 23 顆星鏈衛星送入星鏈六號殼——一條長 530 公里的圓形軌道,傾斜 43.00 度。

On Dec. 4, SpaceX’s vice president of launch, Kiko Dontchev, posted on X that “100 [launches] is very much on the table, but it will take excellent execution, relentless focus on safety and reliability, and a little luck with the weather!” SpaceX’s remaining missions in 2023 include USSF-52, Ovzon-3, and several additional Starlink missions.

12 月4 日,SpaceX 負責發射的副總裁Kiko Dontchev 在X 上發文稱,「100 次(發射)已經擺在桌面上,但這需要出色的執行力、對安全性和可靠性的不懈關注,以及一點運氣。天氣!” SpaceX 2023 年剩餘的任務包括 USSF-52、Ovzon-3 和其他幾個星鏈任務。

Falcon 9 Block 5 | Starlink Group 7-8

獵鷹 9 號區塊 5 |星鏈集團7-8

On Friday, Dec. 8, at 00:00 PST (08:00 UTC), SpaceX will launch the Starlink Group 7-8 mission from SLC-4E at the VSFB in California. This mission will take 22 Starlink v2 Mini satellites into an initial orbit, which will then rise into Starlink shell seven: a 530 km circular orbit inclined 53.00 degrees.

12 月 8 日星期五,太平洋標準時間 00:00(世界標準時間 08:00),SpaceX 將從加州 VSFB 的 SLC-4E 發射星鏈組 7-8 任務。這次任務將把 22 顆 Starlink v2 Mini 衛星送入初始軌道,然後升入 Starlink 7 號殼:一條 530 公里的圓形軌道,傾斜 53.00 度。

The booster supporting this mission is currently unknown and will attempt to land downrange on SpaceX’s drone ship Of Course I Still Love You. This drone ship has seen the most landings of any drone ship (with this mission being its 77th landing) and is the only drone ship on the West Coast.

支援此任務的助推器目前未知,將嘗試降落在 SpaceX 的無人機飛船「當然我仍然愛你」上。這艘無人駕駛船是所有無人駕駛船中著陸次數最多的(本次任務是其第 77 次著陸),也是西海岸唯一的無人駕駛船。

ZhuQue-2 | Flight 3

ZhuQue-2 | Flight 3

On Friday, Dec. 8 at 23:40 UTC, Landspace is expected to launch the ZhuQue-2 rocket for the third time. Lifting off from Site 96, at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, in China, this mission will place a currently unknown payload into orbit.

世界標準時間 12 月 8 日星期五 23:40,藍箭預計第三次發射朱雀二號火箭。這項任務將從中國酒泉衛星發射中心的 96 號站點發射,將目前未知的有效載荷送入軌道。

After being the first successful methane rocket to reach space and place a payload in orbit, Landspace plans to expand this lead on this flight.


Chang Zheng 2D | Unknown Payload

長徵2D |未知有效負載

China is expected to launch an unknown payload atop a Chang Zheng 2D rocket on Sunday, Dec. 9, at 01:58 UTC. The rocket will lift off from LC-3 at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in China and will mark the vehicle’s 13th mission of 2023.

預計中國將於世界標準時間 12 月 9 日星期日 01:58 在長徵 2D 火箭上發射未知有效載荷。該火箭將從中國西昌衛星發射中心的 LC-3 升空,這將是該運載火箭 2023 年的第 13 次飛行任務。

Falcon Heavy | USSF-52

重型獵鷹 | USSF-52

On Sunday, Falcon Heavy will launch at 7:01 PM EST (00:01 UTC on Dec. 11) placing the X-37B spacecraft into a currently unknown orbit. Launching from historic LC-39A, at the Kennedy Space Center, this launch will mark SpaceX’s fifth Falcon Heavy launch of 2023 and ninth overall.

週日,獵鷹重型火箭將於美國東部時間晚上 7:01(世界標準時間 12 月 11 日 00:01)發射,將 X-37B 太空船送入當前未知的軌道。這次發射從甘迺迪太空中心具有歷史意義的 LC-39A 發射,標誌著 SpaceX 在 2023 年第五次獵鷹重型火箭發射,也是第九次發射。

The payload is the United States Space Force’s X-37B space plane. While little is known about this spacecraft, aboard this mission is NASA’s Seeds-2 mission: a mission that will investigate the long-term effects of radiation on plant seeds. The X-37B flying is the second vehicle on its fourth flight. Following its time on-orbit, it will land at a runway back on Earth.

酬載是美國太空部隊的X-37B太空飛機。雖然人們對這艘太空船知之甚少,但這項任務是 NASA 的 Seeds-2 任務:該任務將研究輻射對植物種子的長期影響。正在飛行的 X-37B 是第四次飛行的第二架飛機。在軌道運行後,它將降落在地球的跑道上。

Supporting this mission are B1064-5 (minus Y), B1065-5 (positive Y), and B1084 (center). Both side cores will perform return-to-launch-site landings, with the center core being expended. Both fairings will be recovered with a currently unknown recovery vessel.

支援此任務的是 B1064-5(負 Y)、B1065-5(正 Y)和 B1084(中)。兩側核心將執行返回發射場著陸的任務,而中心核心將擴展。兩個整流罩都將透過目前未知的回收船回收。

Falcon 9 Block 5 | Starlink Group 6-34

獵鷹 9 號區塊 5 |星鏈集團 6-34

Ending the week off, SpaceX will launch another batch of 23 Starlink v2 Mini satellites into low-Earth orbit atop a Falcon 9 Block 5. Liftoff is currently scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 10 at 11:00 PM EST (04:00 UTC on Dec. 11). Just like on Starlink Group 6-33, the satellites will be placed into shell six.

週末結束後,SpaceX 將在Falcon 9 Block 5 頂部發射另一批23 顆Starlink v2 Mini 衛星進入近地軌道。目前計劃於美國東部時間12 月10 日星期日晚上11:00(世界標準時間04:00)發射。12 月 11 日)。就像 Starlink Group 6-33 一樣,衛星將被放置在六號外殼中。

The booster for this mission is currently unknown and will land on Just Read the Instructions. Doug is expected to provide drone ship support and recover both payload fairings.



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