첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 발사 요약: SpaceX는 계속해서 발사 목표 100개를 달성했습니다.

Launch Roundup: SpaceX continues toward 100 launch goal

발사 요약: SpaceX는 계속해서 발사 목표 100개를 달성했습니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/12/07 14:40 읽다: 769

원저자:Trevor Sesnic

원본 소스:https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2023/12/launch-roundup-120923/

발사 요약: SpaceX는 계속해서 발사 목표 100개를 달성했습니다.

As SpaceX continues toward its goal of launching 100 times in 2023, the company is planning to launch three Starlink missions this week — two from Space Launch Complex (SLC) 40 at the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station (CCSFS) in Florida and the third from SLC-4 East at Vandenberg Space Force Base (VSFB) in California. Launching from Launch Complex 39A on Sunday, Falcon Heavy will place the USSF-52 mission into a currently unknown orbit.

Later in the week, Landpsace will launch its third ZhuQue-2 vehicle from site 96, in the Jiuquan launch center. Additionally, China is expected to launch a currently unknown payload atop the Chang Zheng 2D rocket from LC-3 at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center.

이번 주 후반에 Landpsace는 Jiuquan 발사 센터의 96번 기지에서 세 번째 ZhuQue-2 차량을 발사할 예정입니다. 또한 중국은 Xichang 위성 발사 센터의 LC-3에서 Chang Zheng 2D 로켓 위에 현재 알려지지 않은 페이로드를 발사할 것으로 예상됩니다.

These launches will mark the 199th through 204th orbital launches of 2023 — significantly above 2022’s record of 174 orbital launches, despite several weeks left in the year.

Falcon 9 Block 5 | Starlink Group 6-33

팔콘 9 블록 5 | 스타링크 그룹 6-33

SpaceX’s 92nd launch of 2023 will take place on Wednesday, Dec. 6 at 11:01 PM EST (04:01 UTC on Dec. 7), when a Falcon 9 will launch 23 Starlink v2 Mini satellites into a low-Earth orbit. The mission, dubbed Starlink Group 6-33, will take off from SLC-40 at CCSFS and mark SpaceX’s 125th operational Starlink mission.

SpaceX의 2023년 92번째 발사는 12월 6일 수요일 오후 11시 1분(EST)(12월 7일 04:01 UTC)에 진행되며, 이때 Falcon 9는 23개의 Starlink v2 Mini 위성을 저지구 궤도로 발사합니다. Starlink Group 6-33이라고 불리는 이 임무는 CCSFS의 SLC-40에서 이륙하여 SpaceX의 125번째 작전 Starlink 임무를 표시합니다.

Throughout these operational missions and the ride-share missions that have deployed test satellites, SpaceX has deployed a total of 5,536 Starlink satellites ahead of the mission. Of these, 372 have reentered Earth’s atmosphere, and 4,530 are in their operational orbits. All other satellites are currently in the checkout phase or in ascent/descent phases.

On Dec. 5, the Space Launch Delta 45’s weather squadron released a launch mission execution forecast noting the weather as 95% go for launch. The primary concern is liftoff winds, and upper-level wind shear is expected to be low-to-moderate. In the event of a delay, a launch window is set to open 24 hours later, with the weather remaining at 95% go.

The booster supporting this mission is B1077-9. As the name implies, the booster has supported eight previous missions: Crew-5, GPS III Space Vehicle 06, Inmarsat I-6, Starlink Group 5-10, CRS-28, Galaxy 37, Starlink Group 6-13, and Starlink Group 6-25. This booster has the fourth-quickest average turnaround time at 53.44 days, just behind B1076, B1075, and B1080.

Following liftoff, B1077 will burn its nine Merlin 1D engines for two minutes and 26 seconds before shutting down and separating from the second stage. The booster will then perform a one-three-one entry burn (the center engine starts, followed shortly after by two side engines, before going back to the single center engine) to slow down the booster ahead of entry. Later, the first stage will perform a single-engine landing burn, landing on Just Read the Instructions, which was tugged downrange by Crosby Skipper. If successful, this will mark SpaceX’s 252nd total and 178th consecutive landing.

As usual, once the second stage separates, it will burn for approximately six minutes, during which the two payload fairings will be deployed. Both fairing halves will be recovered downrange by SpaceX’s multi-purpose recovery vessel Bob, which will also provide drone ship support. After second engine cut-off one (SECO-1), the stage will coast for approximately 45 minutes. Then, it will ignite the single MVac engine for under two seconds, circularizing the orbit. The stage will then coast for another 10 minutes before deploying the payload at T+1:05:19.

평소와 같이 두 번째 단계가 분리되면 약 6분 동안 연소되며, 그 동안 두 개의 페이로드 페어링이 배치됩니다. 양쪽 페어링 절반은 SpaceX의 다목적 복구 선박인 Bob에 의해 범위 아래에서 복구되며 드론 선박 지원도 제공됩니다. 두 번째 엔진 차단 1(SECO-1) 이후 무대는 약 45분 동안 주행합니다. 그런 다음 단일 MVac 엔진을 2초 이내에 점화하여 궤도를 순환합니다. 그런 다음 스테이지는 T+1:05:19에 페이로드를 배포하기 전에 추가 10분 동안 이동합니다.

As the name implies, this launch will place the 23 Starlink satellites into Starlink shell six — a 530-kilometer circular orbit, inclined 43.00 degrees.

On Dec. 4, SpaceX’s vice president of launch, Kiko Dontchev, posted on X that “100 [launches] is very much on the table, but it will take excellent execution, relentless focus on safety and reliability, and a little luck with the weather!” SpaceX’s remaining missions in 2023 include USSF-52, Ovzon-3, and several additional Starlink missions.

Falcon 9 Block 5 | Starlink Group 7-8

팔콘 9 블록 5 | 스타링크 그룹 7-8

On Friday, Dec. 8, at 00:00 PST (08:00 UTC), SpaceX will launch the Starlink Group 7-8 mission from SLC-4E at the VSFB in California. This mission will take 22 Starlink v2 Mini satellites into an initial orbit, which will then rise into Starlink shell seven: a 530 km circular orbit inclined 53.00 degrees.

The booster supporting this mission is currently unknown and will attempt to land downrange on SpaceX’s drone ship Of Course I Still Love You. This drone ship has seen the most landings of any drone ship (with this mission being its 77th landing) and is the only drone ship on the West Coast.

이 임무를 지원하는 부스터는 현재 알려지지 않았으며 SpaceX의 드론 선박인 '물론 여전히 사랑합니다'에 착륙을 시도할 것입니다. 이 드론 선박은 드론 선박 중 가장 많은 착륙을 기록했으며(이번 임무는 77번째 착륙임) 서해안의 유일한 드론 선박입니다.

ZhuQue-2 | Flight 3

On Friday, Dec. 8 at 23:40 UTC, Landspace is expected to launch the ZhuQue-2 rocket for the third time. Lifting off from Site 96, at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, in China, this mission will place a currently unknown payload into orbit.

12월 8일 금요일 23:40 UTC에 Landspace는 ZhuQue-2 로켓을 세 번째로 발사할 것으로 예상됩니다. 중국 주취안 위성 발사 센터에 있는 96번 기지에서 이륙하는 이 임무는 현재 알려지지 않은 페이로드를 궤도에 배치하게 됩니다.

After being the first successful methane rocket to reach space and place a payload in orbit, Landspace plans to expand this lead on this flight.

Chang Zheng 2D | Unknown Payload

장정 2D | 알 수 없는 페이로드

China is expected to launch an unknown payload atop a Chang Zheng 2D rocket on Sunday, Dec. 9, at 01:58 UTC. The rocket will lift off from LC-3 at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in China and will mark the vehicle’s 13th mission of 2023.

중국은 12월 9일 일요일 01:58 UTC에 Chang Zheng 2D 로켓 위에 알려지지 않은 페이로드를 발사할 것으로 예상됩니다. 로켓은 중국 시창 위성 발사 센터의 LC-3에서 이륙될 예정이며 2023년 차량의 13번째 임무가 될 것입니다.

Falcon Heavy | USSF-52

On Sunday, Falcon Heavy will launch at 7:01 PM EST (00:01 UTC on Dec. 11) placing the X-37B spacecraft into a currently unknown orbit. Launching from historic LC-39A, at the Kennedy Space Center, this launch will mark SpaceX’s fifth Falcon Heavy launch of 2023 and ninth overall.

The payload is the United States Space Force’s X-37B space plane. While little is known about this spacecraft, aboard this mission is NASA’s Seeds-2 mission: a mission that will investigate the long-term effects of radiation on plant seeds. The X-37B flying is the second vehicle on its fourth flight. Following its time on-orbit, it will land at a runway back on Earth.

Supporting this mission are B1064-5 (minus Y), B1065-5 (positive Y), and B1084 (center). Both side cores will perform return-to-launch-site landings, with the center core being expended. Both fairings will be recovered with a currently unknown recovery vessel.

이 임무를 지원하는 것은 B1064-5(마이너스 Y), B1065-5(양수 Y) 및 B1084(가운데)입니다. 양쪽 측면 코어는 발사 지점 복귀 착륙을 수행하며 중앙 코어는 소모됩니다. 두 페어링 모두 현재 알려지지 않은 복구 용기를 사용하여 복구됩니다.

Falcon 9 Block 5 | Starlink Group 6-34

팔콘 9 블록 5 | 스타링크 그룹 6-34

Ending the week off, SpaceX will launch another batch of 23 Starlink v2 Mini satellites into low-Earth orbit atop a Falcon 9 Block 5. Liftoff is currently scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 10 at 11:00 PM EST (04:00 UTC on Dec. 11). Just like on Starlink Group 6-33, the satellites will be placed into shell six.

The booster for this mission is currently unknown and will land on Just Read the Instructions. Doug is expected to provide drone ship support and recover both payload fairings.

이 임무의 부스터는 현재 알려지지 않았으며 지침을 읽어보세요. Doug는 드론 선박 지원을 제공하고 두 페이로드 페어링을 모두 복구할 것으로 예상됩니다.

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