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Memecoins are transforming digital marketing | Opinion

Memecoin 正在改變數位行銷 |觀點

發布: 2024/04/14 22:28 閱讀: 833



Memecoin 正在改變數位行銷 |觀點

Disclosure: The views and opinions expressed here belong solely to the author and do not represent the views and opinions of crypto.news’ editorial.

聲明:本文所表達的觀點和意見只屬於作者,並不代表 crypto.news 社論的觀點和意見。

The past decade saw the rise of video as the internet’s dominant medium, as social networks and publishers prioritized mass reach and viewership. Today, 93% of marketers include video in their content strategy. Peak video has transformed advertising. It’s also reoriented our experience of the web towards passive consumption: a world where we’re only watching. 

過去十年,隨著社交網路和出版商優先考慮大眾覆蓋率和收視率,影片崛起為網路的主導媒體。如今,93% 的行銷人員將影片納入其內容策略中。 Peak video 改變了廣告業。它也將我們的網路體驗重新定位為被動消費:一個我們只是觀看的世界。

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Video is a profound and powerful medium for storytelling. It’s undeniable that film and visual content will continue to play a vital role in reaching and engaging digital audiences. But increasingly, participatory media formats will capture mindshare in social spaces. The proliferation of memecoins reveals new codes for digital content creation—codes that will have a profound impact on traditional marketers. 


Capturing mindshare via networked communities


Over the past year, memecoins have exploded in popularity. Unlike conventional digital currencies, memecoins tend to function primarily as social experiments with limited utility. They’re based on internet culture. They unite people around a common idea (no matter how dumb, niche, or bonk). And their sustained, niche traction offers new insights for marketers. 


Recently, Variant Fund co-founder Li Jin described the memecoin explosion as an example of cold media’s resurgence. To thrive, they require communities to interpret and create content actively—which they’re doing in droves. Dogecoin alone has an X following of close to 4 million followers. It sounds like a joke. However, memecoin projects like Dogecoin use decentralized marketing infrastructure to drive virality and mass engagement, giving fans an active role in brand-building, creating community economies, and incentivizing user-generated content through tokens and airdrops. Here’s how memecoins are transforming digital marketing. 

最近,Variant Fund聯合創始人李進將memecoin的爆發描述為冷媒體復興的一個例子。為了蓬勃發展,他們需要社區積極地解釋和創造內容——他們正在大量這樣做。光是狗狗幣就有近 400 萬粉絲。聽起來像個笑話。然而,像狗狗幣這樣的迷因幣專案使用去中心化的行銷基礎設施來推動病毒式傳播和大眾參與,讓粉絲在品牌建設、創建社群經濟以及透過代幣和空投激勵用戶生成內容方面發揮積極作用。以下是模因幣如何改變數位行銷。

Rewarding and amplifying social activity


Organic marketing is a powerful lever for reach and conversion. According to the eMarketer, formerly Insider Intelligence, report, 79% of consumers say user-generated content highly impacts purchasing decisions. But while billions of people use social media every month, fewer and fewer are actually posting. There may need to be more than just compelling content to create virality for brands. Memecoins use tokens to incentivize communities to post. 

有機行銷是影響範圍和轉換的強大槓桿。根據 eMarketer(前身為 Insider Intelligence)的報告,79% 的消費者表示用戶生成的內容極大地影響了購買決策。但是,儘管每個月有數十億人使用社群媒體,但真正發文的人卻越來越少。為品牌創造病毒式傳播可能需要的不僅僅是引人注目的內容。 Memecoins 使用代幣來激勵社區發文。

Projects like Tip Coin allow users to earn points by posting to X. When you reply, quote, or tweet mentioning $TIP or #TIP, you’re awarded points corresponding to a percentage token allotment. Effectively, fans are paid to organize and advocate for their community. This approach allows projects to quickly trend on the platform as individuals spread the word about the new product. Organic content creation plays an invaluable role in driving awareness and trust. Points and token incentive systems can provide marketers with a new lever for user-generated content and community engagement. 

Tip Coin 等項目可讓使用者透過在 X 上發佈來賺取積分。實際上,粉絲們是透過組織和宣傳他們的社區來獲得報酬的。這種方法使得專案能夠隨著個人傳播新產品而在平台上快速流行。有機內容創作在提高意識和信任方面發揮著不可估量的作用。積分和代幣激勵系統可以為行銷人員提供用戶生成內容和社群參與的新槓桿。

Community-driven content strategies 


Memecoins are a participatory media format. As users co-create lore, they also create impact. A project’s social media mentions aren’t just a proxy for awareness; they become a predictor of value. As a result, fans are motivated to play a role in shaping a memecoin’s brand and marketing strategy. 

Memecoins 是一種參與性媒體格式。當用戶共同創造傳說時,他們也會產生影響。一個項目的社群媒體提及不僅僅是知名度的代表;他們成為價值的預測者。因此,粉絲們有動力在塑造迷因幣的品牌和行銷策略方面發揮作用。

In 2019, the Dogwifhat meme became popular among esports personalities on Twitter (X). In 2023, the meme inspired $WIF, a new token that’s “literally a dog wif a hat.” $WIF’s community of holders directs the project through real-time content creation. They also drive the project’s advertising. In recent weeks, the community raised over $690,000 to brand the Las Vegas Sphere with their memecoin—a media buy that also launched its own news cycle. 

2019 年,Dogwifhat 表情包在 Twitter (X) 上的電競名人中流行起來。 2023 年,這個迷因激發了 $WIF 的靈感,這是一種新代幣,「實際上是一隻戴著帽子的狗」。 $WIF 的持有者社群透過即時內容創建來指導此專案。他們也推動該項目的廣告宣傳。最近幾週,該社區籌集了超過 69 萬美元,用他們的 memecoin 為拉斯維加斯球體打上品牌——一種媒體購買,也推出了自己的新聞週期。

Today, for many brands, content and media strategy are centralized. Marketers can unlock new efficiencies by allowing fans to drive these decisions. Real-time community content creation allows for rapid messaging iteration and insight generation. Community-executed media buys can help ensure impact: reaching your audiences in the places that matter to them. 


Creating a borderless storyworld


The rise of gaming has changed our norms around content consumption. With Gen Z now spending more time engaging with video games than watching TV, audiences expect different experiences from digital storytelling. Gaming storyworlds unfold across multimedia in real-time. They fall outside simple scripts and finite frames. 

遊戲的興起改變了我們對內容消費的規範。由於 Z 世代現在玩電子遊戲的時間比看電視的時間多,觀眾期望從數位故事敘述中獲得不同的體驗。遊戲故事世界透過多媒體即時展開。它們不屬於簡單的腳本和有限的框架。

Memecoins function as open storyworlds that transform through user participation; their value and meaning can change dramatically over time. Memecoin leans into the visual cues of gaming, providing its community with the opportunity to shape the project’s success across a long-term roadmap and a real-time market. Because the project is open-ended and always updating, there’s a reason to return to it. For marketers, this type of game-driven story design can help retain audiences by treating them as players, not just passive viewers. 

Memecoins 作為一個開放的故事世界,透過使用者參與而轉變;它們的價值和意義會隨著時間的推移而發生巨大變化。 Memecoin 傾向於遊戲的視覺線索,為其社群提供機會,幫助專案在長期路線圖和即時市場中取得成功。因為該項目是開放式的並且總是在更新,所以有理由返回它。對於行銷人員來說,這種遊戲驅動的故事設計可以透過將觀眾視為玩家而不僅僅是被動的觀眾來幫助留住觀眾。

Encoding co-creativity into our internet


While memecoins have exploded in popularity, their appeal is niche and absurd. It’s tempting to write them off as an artifact of this stupid, specific moment in internet culture. But their emergence challenges us to think about digital experiences differently: to imagine storytelling as an inherently participatory medium. Beyond traditional media, the formats that will increasingly matter to marketers and fans are the ones that encode and incentivize interaction.


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閱讀更多:如果我們希望提高採用率,請停止對 web3 開發進行限制 |觀點

Author: Straith Schreder


Straith Schreder is the chief creative officer at Candy Digital, the go-to next-generation brand engagement platform, where she’s responsible for developing and producing breakthrough NFT experiences in collaboration with artists, institutions, and IP. Previously working at Candy, Straith was the executive creative director of Palm NFT Studio, a technology company that partnered with leading artists, creatives, IP owners, and entertainment companies to redefine fan engagement using NFTs. Straith has previously served as the executive creative director for VICE Media Group and the VP of Creative Initiatives at BitTorrent, Inc., in addition to working with brands including Mozilla, Amazon Studios, Nike, and more.

Straith Schreder 是 Candy Digital 的首席創意官,Candy Digital 是下一代品牌參與平台,她負責與藝術家、機構和 IP 合作開發和製作突破性的 NFT 體驗。 Straith 先前在 Candy 工作,曾擔任 Palm NFT Studio 的執行創意總監,該公司是一家技術公司,與領先的藝術家、創意人員、IP 所有者和娛樂公司合作,利用 NFT 重新定義粉絲參與度。 Straith 先前曾擔任 VICE Media Group 的執行創意總監和 BitTorrent, Inc. 的創意計畫副總裁,此外還與 Mozilla、Amazon Studios、Nike 等品牌合作。


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