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T-Mobile and SpaceX successfuly test sending and receiving texts via satellites

T-Mobile 和 SpaceX 成功測試透過衛星發送和接收文本

發布: 2024/01/12 14:57 閱讀: 631

原文作者:Alan Friedman


T-Mobile 和 SpaceX 成功測試透過衛星發送和接收文本

Using T-Mobile's network, SpaceX successfully sent text messages via Starlink satellites. It was just last week when Elon Musk's SpaceX launched the first six Starlink satellites  equipped with direct-to-device, or D2D, capabilities. The FCC gave SpaceX the green light last month to test this technology. 

利用 T-Mobile 的網絡,SpaceX 成功透過 Starlink 衛星發送簡訊。就在上週,馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 的 SpaceX 發射了首批六顆配備直接到設備 (D2D) 功能的 Starlink 衛星。 FCC 上個月批准 SpaceX 測試這項技術。

D2D connects smartphones with satellites. Per CNBC, this past Monday, SpaceX said that it "sent and received our first text messages to and from unmodified cell phones on the ground to our new satellites in space." SpaceX stated that the test "validates" that "the system works." SpaceX hopes to start offering D2D text service this year and will eventually add features such as voice service, data service, and Internet of things services in 2025. Starlink internet service relies on 5,000 orbiting satellites covering 2.3 million customers globally.

D2D 將智慧型手機與衛星連接起來。據 CNBC 報道,上週一,SpaceX 表示,它“通過地面上未經修改的手機向我們在太空中的新衛星發送和接收了第一條短信。” SpaceX 表示,該測試「驗證」了「系統的工作原理」。 SpaceX希望今年開始提供D2D文字服務,並最終在2025年增加語音服務、資料服務和物聯網服務等功能。Starlink網路服務仰賴5,000顆在軌衛星,覆蓋全球230萬名客戶。

SpaceX says that "there is incredible demand and high interest" in allowing the Starlink satellite to add D2D capabilities. Besides T-Mobile, other wireless providers that are partners with SpaceX include Canada’s Rogers, Australia’s Optus, and Japan’s KDDI. Other partnerships have been developed between smartphone manufacturers, wireless providers, and satellite companies. A good example of this is the Apple-Globalstar  team that offers Emergency SOS via Satellite on the iPhone 14 line and iPhone 15 series.

SpaceX 表示,對於允許 Starlink 衛星添加 D2D 功能「存在著令人難以置信的需求和濃厚的興趣」。除了 T-Mobile 之外,與 SpaceX 合作的其他無線供應商還包括加拿大的 Rogers、澳洲的 Optus 和日本的 KDDI。智慧型手機製造商、無線供應商和衛星公司之間還建立了其他合作夥伴關係。 Apple-Globalstar 團隊就是一個很好的例子,他們在 iPhone 14 系列和 iPhone 15 系列上透過衛星提供緊急求救服務。

The iPhone's system allows a user who finds themselves in an emergency situation in an area not covered by cellular service to send an emergency text via satellite to emergency responders who dispatch help to the iPhone user's location. The feature has already saved lives.

One partnership that failed was the one between chipmaker Qualcomm and Iridium. Called Snapdragon Satellite, the service was supposed to be used on Android handsets to deliver emergency service via satellites. But not one Android phone manufacturer decided to add Snapdragon Satellite to their handsets and the partnership officially endedon December 3rd.

iPhone 的系統允許用戶在蜂窩服務覆蓋範圍之外的區域遇到緊急情況時,透過衛星向緊急響應人員發送緊急文本,然後緊急響應人員向 iPhone 用戶所在位置派遣幫助。該功能已經挽救了生命。晶片製造商高通和銥星之間的合作失敗了。該服務名為 Snapdragon Satellite,原本應該在 Android 手機上使用,透過衛星提供緊急服務。但沒有一家 Android 手機製造商決定在其手機中添加 Snapdragon Satellite,合作關係於 12 月 3 日正式結束。

Earlier this month, when SpaceX launched the first Starlink satellites with D2D, T-Mobile President of Marketing, Strategy, and Products, Mike Katz, said, "Our mission is to be the best in the world at connecting customers to their world and today is another step forward in keeping our customers connected even in the most remote locations for added peace of mind when they need it most. Today's launch is a pivotal moment for this groundbreaking alliance with SpaceX and our global partners around the world, as we work to make dead zones a thing of the past."

本月早些時候,當SpaceX 發射第一顆採用D2D 技術的Starlink 衛星時,T-Mobile 行銷、策略和產品總裁Mike Katz 表示:「我們的使命是成為世界上最好的將客戶與他們的世界連接起來的公司。即使在最偏遠的地方,我們又向前邁出了一步,讓客戶在最需要的時候也能安心地保持聯繫。今天的發射是與SpaceX 以及我們在世界各地的全球合作夥伴建立突破性聯盟的關鍵時刻,我們致力於讓死區成為過去。”


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