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SpaceX delays Starlink satellite launch from West Coast

SpaceX 延後從西海岸發射星鏈衛星

發布: 2024/01/12 15:10 閱讀: 695

原文作者:Will Robinson-Smith


SpaceX 延後從西海岸發射星鏈衛星

SpaceX pushed back to Saturday the launch of a Falcon 9 rocket from California due to unfavorable weather for booster recovery in the Pacific Ocean. The launch, carrying 22 Starlink satellites, will add to the more than 5,300 satellites already in orbit.

由於太平洋天氣不利於助推器回收,SpaceX 推遲了周六從加州發射獵鷹 9 號火箭的計劃。此次發射搭載了 22 顆星鏈衛星,使現有在軌衛星數量超過 5,300 顆。

The rocket is now set to liftoff from Space Launch Complex 4 East (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California on Saturday, Jan. 13, at 12:59 a.m. PST (3:59 a.m. EST, 0859 UTC). The launch has already been delayed multiple times, as delay from Thursday was also due to poor weather, according to SpaceX.

該火箭目前定於太平洋標準時間1 月13 日星期六中午12:59(美國東部標準時間凌晨3:59,世界標準時間0859)從加州范登堡太空部隊基地的4 號東太空發射綜合體( SLC-4E) 升空。據 SpaceX 稱,此次發射已經被多次推遲,從週四開始的推遲也是由於天氣惡劣。

The first stage booster supporting this mission, tail number B1061, is set to launch for the 18th time. It previously launched two astronaut flights, two Transporter ride-share missions and seven Starlink flights among seven other missions.

支援此任務的第一級助推器尾號為 B1061,預計將進行第 18 次發射。該公司先前曾發射過兩次太空人飛行、兩次運輸車共乘任務和七次星鏈飛行以及其他七項任務。

Following liftoff, it will land on the droneship ‘Of Course I Still Love You’ about 8.5 minutes later.

升空後,大約 8.5 分鐘後,它將降落在「當然我仍然愛你」無人機上。

While four launches in two weeks would be an incredible pace for any other launch company, SpaceX’s launch cadence has slowed down a bit at the start of the year since one of its East Coast droneships is still sidelined.

雖然兩週內發射四次對於任何其他發射公司來說都是令人難以置信的速度,但SpaceX 的發射節奏在今年年初有所放緩,因為其東海岸的無人機仍處於擱置狀態。

The droneship, ‘Just Read the Instructions,’ has not yet returned to service after B1058 fell over during the recovery process following the launch of the Starlink 6-36 mission in late December.

12月底星鏈6-36任務發射後,B1058在回收過程中翻倒,這艘名為「Just Read the instructions」的無人機尚未恢復使用。

A Falcon 9 is currently scheduled to make another Starlink delivery mission from Cape Canaveral later on Saturday at 7:52 p.m. EST (0052 UTC). The drone ship ‘A Shortfall of Gravitas’ left Port Canaveral Thursday evening to support that mission.

獵鷹 9 號目前計劃於週六晚上 7 點 52 分從卡納維拉爾角執行另一次星鏈傳送任務。美國東部時間 (0052 UTC)。週四晚上,「重力不足」號無人船離開卡納維拉爾港以支援任務。

While SpaceX did not say if Starlink 7-10 is carrying additional satellites that feature direct to cellphone capabilities, the company has been making strides on the testing front. In an update on Wednesday, SpaceX stated that they successfully sent and received text messages via Starlink using the T-Mobile network.

雖然 SpaceX 沒有透露 Starlink 7-10 是否攜帶其他具有直接連接手機功能的衛星,但該公司一直在測試方面取得進展。在周三的更新中,SpaceX 表示,他們使用 T-Mobile 網路成功透過 Starlink 發送和接收簡訊。

“As the global leader in rocket and satellite launch and manufacturing, SpaceX is uniquely positioned to rapidly scale our Direct to Cell network and will rapidly launch a constellation of hundreds of satellites to enable text service in 2024 and voice, data, and Internet of Things (IoT) services in 2025,” SpaceX said in a statement.

「作為火箭和衛星發射和製造領域的全球領導者,SpaceX 具有獨特的優勢,能夠快速擴展我們的Direct to Cell 網絡,並將在2024 年快速發射由數百顆衛星組成的星座,以實現文字服務以及語音、數據和物聯網(物聯網)服務將在 2025 年推出。」SpaceX 在聲明中表示。

The company is also in the midst of preparing for the first of four planned crewed missions to the International Space Station in 2024. The Ax-3 mission, coordinated by Axiom Space, is set to liftoff from Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center on Wednesday, Jan. 17 at 5:11 p.m. EST (2211 UTC).

該公司也正在為2024 年飛往國際太空站的四次載人飛行任務中的第一次做準備。由Axiom Space 協調的Ax-3 任務將於2019 年從NASA 甘迺迪太空中心的39A 發射場升空. 1 月 17 日星期三下午 5:11美國東部時間(2211 世界標準時間)。

Mission stats

This will be the:


  • 11th orbital launch attempt in 2024

    2024 年第 11 次軌道發射嘗試

  • 4th SpaceX orbital launch in 2024

    SpaceX 將於 2024 年進行第四次軌道發射

  • 4th Falcon 9 launch of 2024

    2024 年第四次獵鷹 9 號發射

  • 2nd launch from SLC-4E in 2024

    SLC-4E 將於 2024 年第二次發射

  • 62nd SpaceX launch from SLC-4E

    SpaceX 從 SLC-4E 進行第 62 次發射

  • 130th overall launch from SLC-4E

    SLC-4E 第 130 次全面發射

  • 79th overall landing on OCISLY

    第 79 次大體登陸 OCISLY

  • 206th overall droneship landing


  • 263rd SpaceX booster landing

    SpaceX 助推器第 263 次著陸


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