首頁 > 資訊新聞 > SpaceX 私人月球著陸器的發射推遲了一個月,至二月

Private moon lander's SpaceX launch delayed a month, to February

SpaceX 私人月球著陸器的發射推遲了一個月,至二月

發布: 2023/12/22 11:37 閱讀: 788

原文作者:Elizabeth Howell


SpaceX 私人月球著陸器的發射推遲了一個月,至二月

Intuitive Machines' Nova-C could be the first private lander on the moon, but another one is launching in January.

Intuitive Machines 的 Nova-C 可能是第一個登上月球的私人著陸器,但另一個著陸器將於一月份發射。

Several SpaceX launch delays have pushed a commercial moon lander's liftoff back by a month. 

SpaceX 的幾次發射延遲導致商業月球著陸器的升空時間推遲了一個月。

Intuitive Machines, which had hoped to launch its robotic IM-1 mission no earlier than Jan. 12, 2024, will now wait an extra month to launch with SpaceX. The new launch window begins no earlier than mid-February, Intuitive representatives said in a release on Tuesday (Dec. 19). Once the launch window opens, it will last several days.

Intuitive Machines 原本希望在 2024 年 1 月 12 日之前啟動其機器人 IM-1 任務,現在將多等一個月才能與 SpaceX 一起啟動。 Intuitive 代表在周二(12 月 19 日)發布的新聞稿中表示,新的發布窗口不會早於 2 月中旬開始。一旦啟動視窗打開,它將持續幾天。

"The updated window comes after unfavorable weather conditions resulted in shifts in the SpaceX launch manifest," Intuitive officials wrote. Poor weather in Florida caused SpaceX to recently delay the launch of both a Falcon 9 rocket laden with Starlink satellites and a Falcon Heavy tasked with lofting the U.S. Space Force's mysterious X-37B space plane, which can stay in orbit for a year or more at a time.

Intuitive 官員寫道:“在不利的天氣條件導致 SpaceX 發射清單發生變化之後,更新了窗口期。”佛羅裡達州的惡劣天氣導致SpaceX 最近推遲了載有星鏈衛星的獵鷹9 號火箭和負責發射美國太空軍神秘X-37B 太空飛機的獵鷹重型火箭的發射,該飛機可以在軌道上停留一年或更長時間一次。

Related: Moon mining gains momentum as private companies plan for a lunar economy


IM-1 is poised to land at the south pole of the moon on what could be the first commercial mission to the surface, although that title depends on the launch timeline of the Peregrine lander built by Astrobotic Technology. Peregrine is now manifested to fly Jan. 8 on board United Launch Alliance's Vulcan Centaur rocket, the debut mission for that launcher.

IM-1 準備在月球南極著陸,這可能是首次登陸月球表面的商業任務,儘管該名稱取決於 Astrobotic Technology 建造的 Peregrine 著陸器的發射時間表。目前,遊隼號將於 1 月 8 日搭乘聯合發射聯盟的火神半人馬火箭進行飛行,這是該發射器的首次任務。

Intuitive Machines emphasized that its spacecraft is ready for launch, and it is only waiting for its Falcon 9 rocket to be available and for the launch window to open. After the mission launches from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station on Florida's Space Coast, the Nova-C lander will aim to touch down at the rim of Malapert A, a crater near the lunar south pole, when "specific lighting conditions" are available.

Intuitive Machines強調,其太空船已準備好發射,只等待獵鷹9號火箭可用和發射視窗開啟。任務從佛羅裡達州太空海岸的卡納維拉爾角太空部隊站發射後,Nova-C 登陸器的目標是在「特定照明條件」具備時,在月球南極附近的馬拉珀特A 隕石坑的邊緣著陸。

Several international private ventures have attempted, but not succeeded, in landing on the moon in recent years. Tokyo-based company ispace's Hakuto-R lander had a go this past April, for example. But NASA hopes to make commercial landings a regular feature in the near future. Both IM-1 and the Peregrine mission are funded under the agency's Commercial Lunar Payload Services program, or CLPS. CLPS aims to support future crewed landings of NASA's Artemis program, which aims to establish a research base near the moon's south pole in the coming years.

近年來,一些國際私人企業曾嘗試登陸月球,但沒有成功。例如,總部位於東京的 ispace 公司的 Hakuto-R 登陸器在今年四月就進行了嘗試。但美國宇航局希望在​​不久的將來使商業著陸成為常態。 IM-1 和遊隼任務均由該機構的商業月球有效載荷服務計劃(CLPS)資助。 CLPS 旨在支援 NASA 阿爾忒彌斯計畫未來的載人登陸,該計畫旨在未來幾年在月球南極附近建立一個研究基地。

NASA hopes to put the first human mission, Artemis 3, at the south pole in 2025 or 2026. Given delays with SpaceX's Starship lander and some private spacesuits, however, the Government Accountability Office suggested that 2027 is the more realistic target

NASA 希望在 2025 年或 2026 年將首次載人任務 Artemis 3 送至南極。然而,鑑於 SpaceX 的 Starship 登陸器和一些私人太空衣的延誤,政府問責辦公室建議 2027 年是更現實的目標。

Four astronauts will circle the moon with Artemis 2 no earlier than late 2024, assuming that crew training and the development of key hardware — the Orion spacecraft and Space Launch System rocket — continue to progress on schedule. 

假設乘員訓練和關鍵硬體(獵戶座太空船和太空發射系統火箭)的開發繼續按計畫進行,四名太空人將在 2024 年底乘坐阿耳忒彌斯 2 號繞月飛行。


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