首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 索尼收購 Crypto Exchange、PEPE 今天再次增強以及 Rollblock (RBLK) 在娛樂和遊戲行業中的作用

Sony Akuisisi Crypto Exchange, PEPE Menguat Lagi Hari Ini, dan Peran Rollblock (RBLK) di Industri Hiburan dan Permainan

索尼收購 Crypto Exchange、PEPE 今天再次增強以及 Rollblock (RBLK) 在娛樂和遊戲行業中的作用

發布: 2024/07/01 19:03 閱讀: 782



Sony Acquires Crypto Exchange


Japanese conglomerate Sony Group has acquired the crypto exchange operator Amber Japan from Sony's subsidiary, Quetta Web. In the crypto market, PEPE experienced a gain today. Additionally, the role of Rollblock (RBLK) in the entertainment and gaming industry is explained.

日本企業集團索尼集團已從索尼子公司 Quetta Web 手中收購了加密貨幣交易所營運商 Amber Japan。在加密貨幣市場中,PEPE 今天有所上漲。此外,還解釋了 Rollblock (RBLK) 在娛樂和遊戲產業中的作用。

Sony's Acquisition


The acquisition was announced by the Wu Blockchain account on Twitter on Monday, July 1, 2024, and confirmed by Amber Japan on its official website. The acquisition also marks a rebranding of the crypto exchange managed by Amber Japan, changing its name from WhaleFin to S.BLOX.

此次收購由 Wu Blockchain 帳戶於 2024 年 7 月 1 日星期一在 Twitter 上宣布,並由 Amber Japan 在其官方網站上確認。這項收購也標誌著 Amber Japan 管理的加密貨幣交易所的品牌重塑,名稱從 WhaleFin 更改為 S.BLOX。

Amber Japan was acquired by Sony Group's subsidiary Quetta Web in August 2023.

Amber Japan 於 2023 年 8 月被索尼集團子公司 Quetta Web 收購。

"Amber Japan, known for its crypto asset trading service WhaleFin, has officially changed its name to S.BLOX on July 1, 2024. This change comes after Amber Japan became part of the Sony Group in 2023. WhaleFin will soon undergo significant updates, including enhancements to the user interface (UI) design and the launch of a new, more user-friendly app. Additionally, plans to add more cryptocurrencies and new functions are underway," the company said in a statement reported by PRTimes.

「以加密資產交易服務WhaleFin 聞名的Amber Japan 已於2024 年7 月1 日正式更名為S.BLOX。這一變化是在Amber Japan 於2023 年成為索尼集團一部分之後發生的。WhaleFin 將很快進行重大更新,包括改進用戶介面(UI)設計以及推出更用戶友好的新應用程式。

It was also mentioned that Amber Japan was previously acquired by Quetta Web, a wholly owned subsidiary of Sony Group Corporation, in August 2023.

另據提及,Amber Japan 先前於 2023 年 8 月被索尼集團公司全資子公司 Quetta Web 收購。

"This name change is a strategic move to strengthen its position in the ever-growing crypto asset market. Headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo, S.BLOX was established on January 10, 2018. With the full support of Sony, S.BLOX is poised to develop more innovative services that meet the evolving needs of users in the crypto asset market," said Jun Watanabe, President, and CEO of S.BLOX.

「此次更名是一項策略性舉措,旨在加強其在不斷增長的加密資產市場中的地位。S.BLOX 總部位於東京港區,成立於2018 年1 月10 日。在索尼的全力支持下, S.BLOX S.BLOX 總裁兼執行長 Jun Watanabe 表示:“我們準備開發更多創新服務,以滿足加密資產市場用戶不斷變化的需求。”

Sony has had a long-standing relationship with blockchain and crypto. In February 2019, the company collaborated with Fujitsu to create an encrypted database for educational certificates. The database utilized blockchain technology to prevent forgery of Japanese language proficiency certificates, which are commonly used by foreign residents to obtain residency.

索尼與區塊鏈和加密貨幣有著長期的合作關係。 2019年2月,該公司與富士通合作創建教育證書加密資料庫。該資料庫利用區塊鏈技術來防止日語能力證書的偽造,而日語能力證書通常被外國居民用來獲得居留權。

In November 2022, Sony filed a patent related to the NFT and blockchain sectors, titled "Tracking Unique Digital Assets in Games Using Tokens on Distributed Ledger."

2022 年 11 月,索尼提交了一項與 NFT 和區塊鏈領域相關的專利,名為「使用分散式帳本上的代幣追蹤遊戲中的獨特數位資產」。

PEPE Gains Momentum

PEPE 勢頭強勁

Amidst these developments, the price of the meme coin Pepe Coin (PEPE) surged by 2.73% within the past 24 hours on Monday evening, reaching approximately US$0.00001159. PEPE remains ranked third in the meme coin sector according to Coinmarketcap, with a market capitalization of US$4,877,386,266.

在這些事態發展中,迷因幣 Pepe Coin (PEPE) 的價格在周一晚間的過去 24 小時內飆升 2.73%,達到約 0.00001159 美元。根據 Coinmarketcap 的數據,PEPE 仍在 meme 幣領域排名第三,市值為 4,877,386,266 美元。

Technically, PEPE has risen above the MA50 (US$0.00001165) on the daily time frame after spending the past week fluctuating below this support level, reaching a low of US$0.00000978.

從技術上講,PEPE 在過去一周在該支撐位下方波動並觸及 0.00000978 美元的低點後,在每日時間範圍內已升至 MA50(0.00001165 美元)上方。

Based on the MACD indicator, PEPE is yet to establish significant momentum, despite a bullish crossover forming on June 25, 2024.

根據 MACD 指標,儘管 2024 年 6 月 25 日形成了看漲交叉,但 PEPE 尚未建立顯著的勢頭。

According to the Swing High Low Support & Resistance indicator, PEPE must surpass another key resistance point at US$0.00001349 before challenging its all-time high of US$0.00001721.

根據波動高低支撐和阻力指標,PEPE 必須突破另一個關鍵阻力點 0.00001349 美元,然後才能挑戰其歷史高點 0.00001721 美元。

The rise in PEPE's price aligns with the positive sentiment in the global crypto market, which has increased by 2% in the past 24 hours, reaching a market capitalization of US$2.32 trillion.

PEPE 價格的上漲與全球加密貨幣市場的正面情緒一致,該市場在過去 24 小時內上漲了 2%,市值達到 2.32 兆美元。

Rollblock (RBLK) in Entertainment and Gaming

Rollblock (RBLK) 在娛樂與遊戲的應用

In addition to Sony's acquisition of a crypto exchange and the analysis of PEPE's gains, there is a new crypto project currently in its presale phase. Named Rollblock (RBLK), the project focuses on participating in the online entertainment and gaming sector.

除了索尼收購加密貨幣交易所和PEPE收益分析之外,還有一個新的加密貨幣項目目前正處於預售階段。該計畫名為 Rollblock (RBLK),專注於參與線上娛樂和遊戲領域。

The chance-based entertainment and gaming industry is estimated to be worth US$450 billion, with projections of reaching US$750 billion by 2028. This industry has a dedicated following, community, and rapidly growing user base.

基於機會的娛樂和遊戲產業估計價值 4500 億美元,預計到 2028 年將達到 7500 億美元。

Rollblock's primary feature is its revenue-sharing model, which distributes 30% of its revenue to RBLK token holders. This is achieved through buybacks of the token from the market, with half of the tokens burned to increase their rarity.

Rollblock 的主要特點是其收入分享模式,將其收入的 30% 分配給 RBLK 代幣持有者。這是透過從市場回購代幣來實現的,其中一半的代幣被銷毀以增加其稀有性。

The remaining revenue is allocated to token holders as staking rewards. Rollblock currently offers dozens of chance-based games, including some based on sports.

剩餘收入分配給代幣持有者作為質押獎勵。 Rollblock 目前提供了數十種基於機會的遊戲,其中包括一些基於體育的遊戲。


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