首頁 > 資訊新聞 > SpaceX 將私人 Ax-3 太空人任務的發射推遲至 1 月 18 日

SpaceX delays launch of private Ax-3 astronaut mission to Jan. 18

SpaceX 將私人 Ax-3 太空人任務的發射推遲至 1 月 18 日

發布: 2024/01/18 15:40 閱讀: 915

原文作者:Brett Tingley


SpaceX 將私人 Ax-3 太空人任務的發射推遲至 1 月 18 日

The one-day delay gives SpaceX more time to ensure its vehicle is healthy.

一天的延遲讓 SpaceX 有更多時間確保其車輛健康。

We'll have to wait one more day for SpaceX's launch of the next private astronaut mission.

我們還得再等一天,等待 SpaceX 發射下一次私人太空人任務。

SpaceX announced on Wednesday (Jan. 17) that the launch of Axiom Space's Ax-3 mission to the International Space Station (ISS) has been delayed by a day, to 4:49 p.m. EST (2149 GMT) on Thursday (Jan. 18). The mission will lift off from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

SpaceX 於週三(1 月 17 日)宣布,Axiom Space 前往國際太空站 (ISS) 的 Ax-3 任務的發射已推遲一天,至下午 4:49。美國東部時間(格林威治標準時間 2149),週四(1 月 18 日)。該任務將從美國太空總署位於佛羅裡達州的甘迺迪太空中心起飛。

The company announced the delay in a post on X (formerly Twitter), noting that the delay "allows teams to complete pre-launch checkouts and data analysis on the vehicle," in this case a Falcon 9 rocket topped with a Crew Dragon spacecraft.

該公司在X(以前稱為Twitter)上發布的帖子宣布了這一延遲,並指出延遲“允許團隊完成發射前檢查和對飛行器的數據分析”,在本例中是搭載載人龍飛船的獵鷹9 號火箭。

When the time comes, you can watch the launch here at Space.com courtesy of livestreams from NASA, SpaceX and Axiom Space, a Houston-based company. Coverage will begin at 2:30 p.m. EST (1845 GMT) on Jan. 18.

屆時,您可以在 Space.com 上觀看來自 NASA、SpaceX 和休士頓公司 Axiom Space 的直播。報道將於下午 2:30 開始。美國東部時間 (1845 GMT) 1 月 18 日。

The Ax-3 mission will carry a four-person, all-European crew to the ISS. The crew will be led by Ax-3 mission commander and former NASA astronaut Michael "LA" López-Alegría, as NASA requirements state that private crewed missions to the ISS must be commanded by a former agency astronaut.

Ax-3 任務將搭載四名全歐洲太空人前往國際太空站。機組人員將由 Ax-3 任務指揮官和前 NASA 太空人 Michael“LA”López-Alegría 領導,因為 NASA 要求前往國際太空站的私人載人任務必須由前機構太空人指揮。

The other three crew members are mission specialist Walter Villadei, who flew aboard Virgin Galactic's Galactic 01 suborbital spaceflight in June 2023, European Space Agency astronaut reserve member Marcus Wandt, and Turkey's first astronaut, Alper Gezeravcı. (López-Alegría is a citizen of both the U.S. and Spain, hence the "all-European" description.)

另外三名機組人員是任務專家沃爾特·維拉迪(Walter Villadei),他於2023 年6 月搭乘維珍銀河的銀河01 號亞軌道太空飛行,歐洲航天局宇航員預備成員馬庫斯·萬特(Marcus Wandt),以及土耳其第一位太空人阿爾珀·格澤拉夫奇(Alper Gezeravcı)。 (洛佩茲-阿萊格里亞是美國和西班牙的公民,因此被稱為“全歐洲人”。)

The crew will spend around two weeks aboard the ISS conducting more than 30 science experiments, Axiom Space says. 

Axiom Space 表示,太空人將在國際太空站上度過大約兩週的時間,進行 30 多項科學實驗。

"Data collected on ground before and after the mission as well as in flight will impact understanding of human physiology on Earth and on orbit, as well as advance scientific understanding, harness opportunities for industrial advancements and develop technologies for humanity's progress," the company stated in a mission description.


The Crew Dragon spacecraft flying to the ISS for this mission, named Freedom, has carried astronauts to and from the orbital lab on two previous missions: NASA's Crew-4 in 2022 and Axiom Space's Ax-2 in May 2023.

飛往國際太空站執行此任務的載人龍飛船名為“自由”,在之前的兩次任務中曾載有太空人往返於軌道實驗室:NASA 的Crew-4(2022 年)和Axiom Space 的Ax-2(2023 年5 月)。

As its name suggests, this is the third private mission flown by Axiom Space. The company aims to help build a thriving economy in low Earth orbit, by both flying private astronaut missions to the ISS and eventually building its own private space station.

顧名思義,這是 Axiom Space 執行的第三次私人任務。該公司的目標是透過向國際太空站執行私人太空人任務並最終建立自己的私人太空站,幫助在近地軌道上建立繁榮的經濟。


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