首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 由於地面問題 SpaceX 取消了獵鷹重型公司 X-37B 太空飛機的發射

SpaceX scrubs Falcon Heavy's X-37B space plane launch due to ground issue

由於地面問題 SpaceX 取消了獵鷹重型公司 X-37B 太空飛機的發射

發布: 2023/12/12 10:28 閱讀: 524

原文作者:Mike Wall


The next opportunity could come on Tuesday (Dec. 12).

下一個機會可能會在周二(12 月 12 日)到來。

A SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket topped with the U.S. Space Force's X-37B space plane stands on the launch pad ahead of a planned December 2023 liftoff. (Image credit: SpaceX)

SpaceX 獵鷹重型火箭計畫於 2023 年 12 月發射,頂部搭載美國太空部隊的 X-37B 太空飛機。 (圖片來源:SpaceX)

We'll have to wait at least one more day to see SpaceX's powerful Falcon Heavy rocket take to the skies again.

我們至少還要再等一天才能看到 SpaceX 強大的獵鷹重型火箭再次升空。

The brawny Falcon Heavy had been scheduled to launch the U.S. Space Force's robotic X-37B space plane from Florida on Monday night (Dec. 11), a liftoff known as USSF-52. But about 30 minutes before the planned 8:24 p.m. EST (0124 GMT) liftoff time, SpaceX announced a scrub.

強大的獵鷹重型火箭原定於週一晚上(12 月 11 日)從佛羅裡達州發射美國太空軍的機器人 X-37B 太空飛機,這次升空被稱為 USSF-52。但距離計劃的晚上 8 點 24 分還有大約 30 分鐘。美國東部時間 (0124 GMT) 升空時間,SpaceX 宣布進行擦洗。

"Standing down from tonight’s Falcon Heavy launch due to a ground side issue; vehicle and payload remain healthy. Team is resetting for the next launch opportunity of the USSF-52 mission, which is no earlier than tomorrow night," SpaceX wrote via X (formerly known as Twitter).

SpaceX 通過 X(以前稱為推特)。

Whenever USSF-52 lifts off, you can watch it here at Space.com, courtesy of SpaceX.

每當 USSF-52 升空時,您都可以在 Space.com 上觀看,由 SpaceX 提供。

Related: The Space Force's secretive X-37B space plane: 10 surprising facts

相關:太空軍的秘密 X-37B 太空飛機:10 個令人驚訝的事實

USSF-52 will be the seventh launch for the reusable, 29-foot-long (8.8 meters) X-37B, which military officials say is primarily a testbed for new instruments and other technologies. Most payloads and other details about X-37B missions are classified.

USSF-52 將是可重複使用、長 29 英尺(8.8 公尺)的 X-37B 的第七次發射,軍方官員表示,X-37B 主要是新儀器和其他技術的測試平台。有關 X-37B 任務的大多數有效載荷和其他詳細資訊都是保密的。

The first five X-37B missions launched atop United Launch Alliance Atlas V rockets. The most recent one, which landed in November 2022 after 908 days in orbit, lifted off atop a SpaceX Falcon 9.

前五次 X-37B 任務是在聯合發射聯盟 Atlas V 火箭上發射的。最近的一次是在軌道上運行 908 天後於 2022 年 11 月著陸,由 SpaceX 獵鷹 9 號火箭升空。

USSF-52 will be the first X-37B mission to ride atop a Falcon Heavy, which can take the space plane higher than it has ever gone before. And that may indeed happen; the goals of the coming mission "include operating in new orbital regimes, experimenting with space domain awareness technologies and investigating the radiation effects to NASA materials," Space Force officials wrote in a release last month.

USSF-52 將是第一個搭載獵鷹重型飛機的 X-37B 任務,這可以讓這架太空飛機達到前所未有的高度。這確實可能發生;太空部隊官員在上個月的新聞稿中寫道,即將到來的任務的目標「包括在新的軌道狀態下運行、試驗太空領域感知技術以及調查對美國宇航局材料的輻射影響」。

That NASA radiation experiment will expose plant seeds to the harsh environment of space, the release added.


The Falcon Heavy debuted in February 2018, on a highly anticipated test flight that sent SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk's red Tesla Roadster into orbit around the sun.

獵鷹重型火箭於 2018 年 2 月首次亮相,進行了備受期待的試飛,將 SpaceX 創始人兼首席執行官 Elon Musk 的紅色特斯拉跑車送入繞太陽軌道。

The heavy lifter has flown eight times to date, including four times this year already. The rocket last flew in October of this year, when it launched NASA's Psyche asteroid probe.

到目前為止,這位舉重運動員已經飛行了八次,其中今年已經飛行了四次。這艘火箭最後一次飛行是在今年 10 月,當時它發射了美國太空總署的普賽克小行星探測器。

The X-37B Falcon Heavy launch was originally supposed to happen on Sunday (Dec. 10), but SpaceX pushed the liftoff back a day due to weather concerns. 

X-37B 獵鷹重型火箭原本定於週日(12 月 10 日)發射,但由於天氣原因,SpaceX 將發射推遲了一天。


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