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SpaceX’s Starship completes fourth test flight

SpaceX 的 Starship 完成第四次試飛

發布: 2024/06/13 10:12 閱讀: 272

原文作者:Noah Nguyen


SpaceX’s Starship, the most powerful launch vehicle ever built, lifted off for its fourth flight test on Thursday. The launch occurred from SpaceX’s private Starbase facility in Boca Chica, Texas, at 7:50 a.m. CT (8:50 a.m. ET). Of the rocket’s 33 engines, 32 successfully ignited during the launch, according to the SpaceX broadcast.

SpaceX 的 Starship 是有史以來最強大的運載火箭,於週四升空進行第四次飛行測試。此次發射於美國中部時間上午 7:50(美國東部時間上午 8:50)從 SpaceX 位於德克薩斯州博卡奇卡的私人 Starbase 設施進行。據 SpaceX 廣播稱,在火箭的 33 個發動機中,有 32 個在發射過程中成功點火。

A significant achievement of the flight test was the successful execution of a landing burn and soft splashdown in the Gulf of Mexico by the Super Heavy booster, approximately eight minutes after launch. Meanwhile, the Starship capsule achieved orbital insertion. Initially, the launch was expected to occur at 7:20 a.m. CT (8:20 a.m. ET), but a ground-side issue delayed the countdown.

飛行測試的一項重大成就是,在發射後大約八分鐘,超重型助推器在墨西哥灣成功著陸燃燒和軟濺落。同時,星艦太空艙實現入軌。最初,發射預計於中部時間上午 7:20(東部時間上午 8:20)進行,但地面問題推遲了倒數計時。

The flight test comes two days after the Federal Aviation Administration, which licenses commercial rocket launches, gave SpaceX its approval. Each of Starship’s test flights builds on lessons learned and milestones achieved during previous flights. SpaceX aims to demonstrate the ability to return and reuse the Starship and Super Heavy booster.

此次飛行測試是在獲得商業火箭發射許可的聯邦航空管理局批准 SpaceX 兩天後進行的。 Starship 的每次測試飛行都建立在先前飛行中學到的經驗教訓和實現的里程碑的基礎上。 SpaceX 的目標是展示返回和重複使用星艦和超重型助推器的能力。

The primary objectives included executing a landing burn and a controlled entry of Starship. The Starship team incorporated software and hardware upgrades into the launch system, learning from the third flight.

主要目標包括執行著陸燃燒和星艦受控進入。 Starship 團隊借鑒第三次飛行的經驗,將軟體和硬體升級融入發射系統中。

SpaceX’s approach to rocket development is geared towards speed, using an engineering method called “rapid spiral development.” This involves building prototypes quickly and testing them rigorously, even if it means experiencing fiery mishaps early on. The first two attempts to get Starship to orbital speeds in 2023 ended in explosions, but these failures provided valuable insights. The nearly hour-long third test flight in March achieved several milestones before breaking apart after reentry.

SpaceX 的火箭開發方法注重速度,採用一種稱為「快速螺旋開發」的工程方法。這涉及快速建立原型並嚴格測試它們,即使這意味著早期會經歷嚴重的事故。 2023 年將星艦提升至軌道速度的前兩次嘗試均以爆炸告終,但這些失敗提供了寶貴的見解。三月近一小時的第三次試飛在重返大氣層後解體之前實現了幾個里程碑。

The flight reached speeds close to orbital requirements but did not aim to enter orbit. For Thursday’s flight, SpaceX implemented upgrades and additional thrusters to prevent issues experienced during the third flight. SpaceX’s CEO Elon Musk has repeatedly emphasized Starship’s central role in the company’s mission to put humans on Mars.

這次飛行達到了接近軌道要求的速度,但並不打算進入軌道。對於週四的飛行,SpaceX 實施了升級和額外的推進器,以防止第三次飛行中出現問題。 SpaceX 執行長 Elon Musk 多次強調 Starship 在該公司將人類送上火星的使命中的核心作用。

NASA has selected the Starship spacecraft for a key role in its Artemis program to return humans to the moon. Milestones such as the propellant transfer are critical for Starship’s future missions. High-profile missions will require the spacecraft to refuel in orbit before proceeding to destinations like the moon and Mars.

美國國家航空暨太空總署 (NASA) 選擇星際飛船在其阿耳忒彌斯計畫中發揮關鍵作用,將人類送回月球。推進劑轉移等里程碑對於星艦未來的任務至關重要。備受矚目的任務將要求太空船在前往月球和火星等目的地之前在軌道上加油。

The first astronaut landing under the Artemis program is tentatively slated for September 2026. Much depends on the eventual success of Starship, with its developmental progress being closely watched by various space industry stakeholders and competitors alike.

阿爾忒彌斯計畫下的第一位太空人登陸時間暫定於2026 年9 月。對手的密切注意。


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