首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 1 月 8 日,ULA 首次使用 Astrobotic 私人月球登陸器進行火神火箭發射是什麼時候?

What time is ULA's 1st Vulcan rocket launch with Astrobotic's private moon lander on Jan. 8?

1 月 8 日,ULA 首次使用 Astrobotic 私人月球登陸器進行火神火箭發射是什麼時候?

發布: 2024/01/10 12:35 閱讀: 235

原文作者:Tariq Malik


1 月 8 日,ULA 首次使用 Astrobotic 私人月球登陸器進行火神火箭發射是什麼時候?

Liftoff of Vulcan with the Peregrine moon lander is set for Monday, Jan. 8, at 2:18 a.m. EST (0718 GMT).

火神號與遊隼月球登陸器定於美國東部時間 1 月 8 日星期一凌晨 2:18(格林尼治標準時間 0718)升空。

Update for 3:30 am ET: The United Launch Alliance successfully launched its first Vulcan Centaur rocket into space early Jan. 8, carrying the private Astrobotic Peregrine moon lander and human remains on mission to the moon and deep space. The Peregrine lander separated as planned is on the way to the moon. Read our full wrap story here. Above is ULA's live webcast of the Vulcan Centaur upper stage's final mission to carry the Celestis Enterprise payload of human remains and DNA from Star Trek actors and alums into deep space.

美國東部時間凌晨3:30 更新:聯合發射聯盟於1 月8 日成功將第一枚火神半人馬座火箭送入太空,運載著私人Astrobotic Peregrine 月球著陸器和人類遺骸,執行前往月球和深空的任務。按計畫分離的遊隼登陸器正在前往月球的途中。在這裡閱讀我們的完整故事。上圖是 ULA 的網路直播,內容是火神半人馬座上層的最後一次任務,即將塞萊斯蒂斯企業號的有效載荷以及《星際迷航》演員和校友的 DNA 運送到深空。

After weeks of delays, the United Launch Alliance is ready to launch its first-ever Vulcan rocket — a test flight that will also send a private lunar lander to the moon in another first — but if you're hoping to watch the historic liftoff, you'll need to know when and how. For that, space fans, we've got you covered. 


The Vulcan Centaur rocket will launch from ULA's Space Launch Complex-41 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida at 2:18 a.m. EST (0718 GMT) on its Cert-1 mission to prove its readiness for commercial and government flights. You can watch the Vulcan rocket launch live online, courtesy of NASA and ULA, beginning at 1:30 a.m. EST (0630 GMT).

Vulcan Centaur 火箭將於美國東部時間凌晨2 點18 分(格林尼治標準時間0718)從位於佛羅裡達州卡納維拉爾角太空部隊站的ULA 太空發射綜合體41 發射升空,執行其Cert-1 任務,以證明其已做好商業和政府飛行的準備。您可以在美國東部時間凌晨 1:30(格林尼治標準時間 0630)開始在線觀看由 NASA 和 ULA 提供的火神火箭發射直播。

The rocket is also carrying the Peregrine moon lander, a private mission built by the U.S. company Astrobotic that is carrying six experiments for NASA as the first flight of the agency's Commercial Lunar Payload Services program. The mission will attempt the first U.S. moon landing since Apollo 17 in 1972, and will be the first private mission ever to land on the moon safely, if successful.

該火箭還搭載了遊隼月球登陸器,這是由美國 Astrobotic 公司建造的私人任務,為 NASA 進行了六項實驗,作為該機構商業月球有效載荷服務計劃的首次飛行。該任務將嘗試自 1972 年阿波羅 17 號以來美國首次登月,如果成功的話,將成為有史以來第一個安全登陸月球的私人任務。

Astrobotic's Peregrine is also carrying a dozen other payloads to the moon for paying customers, including a package for the delivery service DHL, a digital art gallery, and human DNA samples and cremated remains for space burial companies Celestis and Elysium.

Astrobotic 的 Peregrine 還為付費客戶運送了十幾個其他有效載荷到月球,包括為 DHL 送貨服務、數位藝術畫廊提供的包裹,以及為太空埋葬公司 Celestis 和 Elysium 提供的人類 DNA 樣本和火化遺骸。


Currently, ULA is targeting Jan. 8 at 2:18 a.m. EST (0718 GMT) to launch the first Vulcan Centaur test flight, but the launch could happen anytime within a 45-minute window that closes at 3:03 a.m. EST (0803 GMT). The mission was previously scheduled to launch on Dec. 24, but ULA postponed it to January to make room for a full fueling rehearsal.

ULA 的首次Vulcan Centaur 發射時間是什麼時候?目前,ULA 的目標是美國東部時間1 月8 日凌晨2:18(格林威治標準時間0718)啟動首次Vulcan Centaur 試飛,但發射可能在45 分鐘窗口內的任何時間進行。美國東部時間凌晨 3:03(格林尼治標準時間 0803)。該任務原定於 12 月 24 日發射,但 ULA 將其推遲到 1 月,以便為全面的加油排練騰出空間。

This is the longest of ULA's launch windows for its four flight opportunities this week, which includes backup dates on Jan. 9, 10 and 11. The launch windows for those backup dates are 9 minutes, 1 minute and 3 minutes, respectively.

這是 ULA 本週四次飛行的發射窗口中最長的一個,其中包括 1 月 9 日、10 日和 11 日的備份日期。這些備份日期的發射窗口分別為 9 分鐘、1 分鐘和 3 分鐘。

The forecast for a launch on Jan. 8 promises the best weather conditions for  the four launch opportunities this week. There is an 85% chance of good weather on the Jan. 8  launch day, but the chance of good weather drops to 40% on Jan. 9 due to thick clouds, and is at 45% for both Jan. 10 and 11, according to Melody Lovin, launch weather officer for the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station’s 45th Weather Squadron. 

預計 1 月 8 日的發射將為本週的四次發射提供最佳天氣條件。據報道,1 月 8 日發射日有 85% 的好天氣機會,但由於雲層厚重,1 月 9 日好天氣的機會降至 40%,1 月 10 日和 11 日均為 45%。梅洛迪·洛文(Melody Lovin),卡納維爾角太空部隊站第45 氣像中隊的發射氣象官。


Yes, you can watch ULA's Vulcan Centaur Cert-1 test flight launch online. 

您可以在線觀看 ULA 的第一次 VULCAN 發射嗎?是的,您可以在線觀看 ULA 的 Vulcan Centaur Cert-1 試飛發射。

Because NASA has several experiments riding to the moon Vulcan's payload, the Peregrine moon lander, the U.S. space agency will provide a live webcast of the launch. With liftoff currently set at 2:18 a.m. EST, NASA's webcast will begin at 1:30 a.m. EST (0630 GMT).  You'll be able to watch the webcast live in the window at the top of this page, or directly from the NASA+ appNASA YouTube channel and NASA TV broadcast. 

由於美國國家航空暨太空總署 (NASA) 正在進行多項登月實驗,因此美國太空總署將對此次發射進行網路直播。目前升空時間為美國東部時間凌晨 2:18,NASA 的網路廣播將於美國東部時間凌晨 1:30(格林尼治標準時間 0630)開始。您可以在本頁頂部的視窗中觀看網路直播,也可以直接從 NASA+ 應用程式、NASA YouTube 頻道和 NASA 電視廣播觀看。

ULA will also host its own webcast, which you can also find at ULA's YouTube channel, as well as ULA's Vulcan Centaur Cert-1 mission page

ULA 還將舉辦自己的網路廣播,您也可以在 ULA 的 YouTube 頻道以及 ULA 的 Vulcan Centaur Cert-1 任務頁面上找到該網路廣播。

Both webcasts should cover the last hour before launch, and then follow the Vulcan Centaur rocket through launch, stage separation and its first major milestones in orbit. The Peregrine moon lander is scheduled to separate from Vulcan's Centaur upper stage four hours and 24 minutes after launch, but ULA may end its livestream before that milestone and likely share updates via X, formerly Twitter.

兩個網路廣播都應涵蓋發射前的最後一個小時,然後追蹤火神半人馬座火箭的發射、階段分離及其在軌道上的第一個主要里程碑。 Peregrine 月球著陸器計劃在發射後 4 小時 24 分鐘與 Vulcan 的半人馬座上級分離,但 ULA 可能會在此里程碑之前結束直播,並可能透過 X(以前稱為 Twitter)分享更新。


From launch to end of mission, ULA's Vulcan Centaur Cert-1 test flight is expected to last about 4 hours and 24 minutes, according to a mission overview. During that period, the Vulcan rocket will launch, shed its first stage and deploy the Peregrine moon lander about 50 minutes after liftoff to put it on a so-called "translunar" trajectory that will take it to the moon. The Centaur upper stage, meanwhile, will continue on its own into deep space to ultimate orbit the sun.

ULA 的第一次火神半人馬火箭任務需要多長時間?根據任務概述,從發射到任務結束,ULA 的火神半人馬 Cert-1 試飛預計將持續約 4 小時 24 分鐘。在此期間,火神火箭將發射,卸下第一級,並在升空後約 50 分鐘部署遊隼月球登陸器,使其走上所謂的「跨月」軌道,將其帶到月球。同時,半人馬座上級將繼續自行進入深空,最終繞太陽運行。

If all goes well, Peregrine will land on the moon on Feb.23 in a region known as Sinus Viscositatis, or the Bay of Stickiness, which is near a set of features called the Gruitheisen domes. Below is a timeline of the Vulcan Centaur Cert-1 test flight.

如果一切順利,Peregrine 將於2 月23 日在月球上一個被稱為粘性灣(Sinus Viscositatis) 或粘性灣(Bay of Stickiness) 的地區著陸,該地區靠近一組被稱為格魯伊森圓頂(Gruitheisen domes) 的地形。以下是 Vulcan Centaur Cert-1 試飛的時間表。

Time (hr:min:sec)Event
T-0:00:04.9BE-4 engine ignition
T+0:00:07.9Pitch/Yaw Maneuver
T+0:01:09.9Mach 1
T+0:01:16.1Max Q
T+0:01:50.3SRB Jettison
T+0:04:58.9Booster Engine Cutoff
T+0:05:05Booster/Centaur stage separation
T+0:05:14.9Centaur Main Engine start
T+0:05:23Payload Fairing Jettison
T+0:15:45.4Centaur 1st Main Engine Cutoff (MECO)
T+0:43:35>7Centaur 2nd Main Engine start
T+0:47:37Centaur 2nd Main Engine Cutoff
T+0:50:26Peregrine Separation
T+1:18:23.9Centaur 3rd Main Engine Start
T+1:18:43.8Centaur 3rd Main Engine Cutoff
T+4:24:44.5Mission End


If ULA cannot launch the Vulcan rocket's Cert-1 mission on Jan. 8, the company can try again for three more days before standing down for several weeks. ULA has a four day window in which to launch the mission, with opportunities on Jan. 8, 9, 10 and 11.

"Those four days are the opportunities," said Gary Wentz, ULA vice president of government and commercial programs, told reporters on Friday (Jan. 5). "Obviously, as we go through the flow, the number of back-to-back attempts will depend on how far we go into the count, and how much fuel and commodities we consume in the process, assuming it is a weather delay or something like that." A technical glitch or issue could lead to more lengthy delays.

時間(小時:分:秒)事件T-0:00:04.9BE-4引擎點火T+0:00:01.1LIftoffT+0:00:07.9俯仰/偏航機動T+0:01:09.9馬赫1T+ 0:01: 16.1Max QT+0:01:50.3SRB JettisonT+0:04:58.9助推器引擎關閉T+0:05:05助推器/半人馬座級分離T+0:05:14.9半人馬座主引擎啟動T+0:05:23有效載荷整流罩拋棄T+0 :15:45.4半人馬一號主機停機(MECO)T+0:43:35>7半人馬二號主機啟動T+0: 47:37半人馬二號主機停機T+0:50:26遊隼分離T+1:18:23.9半人馬三號主發動機啟動T+1:18:43.8半人馬座第三主發動機關閉T+4 :24:44.5任務結束如果ULA的VULCAN CENTAUR火箭無法發射怎麼辦?如果ULA無法在1月8日發射Vulcan火箭的Cert-1任務,該公司可以再嘗試三天,然後再休息幾週。 ULA 有四天的時間來啟動任務,其中有機會在1 月8 日、9 日、10 日和11 日。「這四天就是機會,」ULA 政府和商業項目副總裁加里·溫茨(Gary Wentz ) 告訴記者周五(1 月 5 日)。 “顯然,當我們進行流程時,連續嘗試的次數將取決於我們計數的程度,以及我們在此過程中消耗的燃料和商品的數量,假設是由於天氣延誤或其他原因像那樣。”技術故障或問題可能會導致更長的延誤。

The chart below shows the launch times and length of the launch window for each day in the window. The launch window length is determined by the orbital mechanics required for Vulcan to launch Astrobotic's Peregrine lander to the moon. 

下圖顯示了視窗中每天的啟動時間和啟動視窗時長。發射窗口長度取決於 Vulcan 將 Astrobotic 的 Peregrine 著陸器發射到月球所需的軌道力學。

Vulcan Cert-1 Launch Window Dates and Times
Launch DateLaunch TimeWindow Length
Monday, Jan. 82:18 a.m. EST (0718 GMT)45 minutes
Tuesday, Jan. 912:15 a.m. EST (0715 GMT)9 minutes
Wednesday, Jan. 1012:12 a.m. EST (0712 GMT)1 minute
Thursday, Jan. 1112:14 a.m. EST (0714 GMT)3 minutes

If ULA is unable to launch the Vulcan Cert-1 mission its four-day window, the company would have to wait until Jan. 23 to try again due to the orbital mechanics needed to deliver the Peregrine lander to the moon, Wentz said.

Vulcan Cert-1 啟動窗口日期和時間啟動日期啟動時間窗口長度東部時間一月星期一82:18 (0718 GMT)45 分鐘東部時間一月星期二912:15 a.m. (0715 GMT)9 分鐘東部時間1 月1012年星期三:12 a.m. EST (0712) GMT)1 分鐘美國東部時間1 月1112 年星期四上午11 點(0714 GMT)3 分鐘如果ULA 無法在四天的時間內啟動Vulcan Cert-1 任務,該公司將不得不等到1 月23 日才能重試,因為溫茨說,將遊隼登陸器送上月球所需的軌道力學。

 Correction: This article was updated Jan. 7 to correct the timing of events for the Peregrine moon lander separation and end of mission for the Vulcan Centaur test flight. The Peregrine lander will separate about 50 minutes after liftoff while the Centaur upper stage will end its mission 4 hours and 24 minutes after liftoff.

更正:本文於 1 月 7 日更新,以更正遊隼月球登陸器分離事件和火神半人馬座試飛任務結束的時間。遊隼登陸器將在升空後約 50 分鐘分離,而半人馬座上級將在升空後 4 小時 24 分鐘結束任務。

Correction: This article was updated Jan. 7 to correct the timing of events for the Peregrine moon lander separation and end of mission for the Vulcan Centaur test flight. The Peregrine lander will separate about 50 minutes after liftoff while the Centaur upper stage will end its mission 4 hours and 24 minutes after liftoff.

更正:本文於 1 月 7 日更新,以更正遊隼月球登陸器分離事件和火神半人馬座試飛任務結束的時間。遊隼登陸器將在升空後約 50 分鐘分離,而半人馬座上級將在升空後 4 小時 24 分鐘結束任務。

Editor's note: Tune in to Space.com on Monday, Jan. 8 to watch ULA's first-ever Vulcan Centaur rocket launch Astrobotic's Peregrine moon lander at 2:18 a.m. EDT (0718 GMT). The live webcast is expected to start at 1:30 a.m. EST (0630 GMT). 

編者註:請於 1 月 8 日星期一收聽 Space.com,觀看 ULA 首個 Vulcan Centaur 火箭於美國東部時間凌晨 2:18(格林尼治標準時間 0718)發射 Astrobotic 的 Peregrine 月球著陸器。網路直播預計於美國東部時間凌晨 1:30(格林尼治標準時間 0630)開始。




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