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Vitalik Buterin Proposes Ethereum PoS Enhancement for Efficiency

Vitalik Buterin 提議增強以太坊 PoS 以提高效率

發布: 2023/12/28 19:30 閱讀: 390

原文作者:Crypto News Land


Vitalik Buterin 提議增強以太坊 PoS 以提高效率

  • Vitalik Buterin talks about streamlining Ethereum PoS for efficiency and reduced network load.
  • Vitalik Buterin 談論簡化以太坊 PoS 以提高效率並減少網路負載。

  • He suggests cutting validator signatures to enhance Ethereum’s performance.
  • 他建議削減驗證者簽名以提高以太坊的性能。

  • He proposed changes to ensure manageable signature loads for Ethereum’s evolving protocol.
  • 他提出了一些改變,以確保以太坊不斷發展的協議的簽章負載可控。

In a bid to streamline Ethereum’s proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus, co-founder Vitalik Buterin has put forth a proposal on December 28. The aim is to significantly simplify and lighten the network’s load by reducing the number of validator signatures

為了簡化以太坊的權益證明(PoS)共識,共同創辦人 Vitalik Buterin 於 12 月 28 日提出了一項提案。其目的是透過減少驗證者簽署的數量來顯著簡化和減輕網路的負載。

Ethereum currently supports an extensive 895,000 validators for decentralization, but this comes with technical challenges, requiring the processing of around 28,000 signatures per slot—a heavy load on the network.

以太坊目前支援廣泛的 895,000 個去中心化驗證器,但這也帶來了技術挑戰,每個槽需要處理大約 28,000 個簽名,這對網路來說是一個沉重的負載。

Buterin’s proposal suggests a move to a more moderate solution with approximately 8,192 signatures per slot, down from the current 28,000. This adjustment would bring technical simplification, enhance quantum resistance, and maintain a significant total slashable ETH at approximately 1-2 million ETH, crucial for enforcing good validator behavior through slashing mechanisms.

Buterin 的提案建議轉向更溫和的解決方案,每個插槽大約有 8,192 個簽名,低於目前的 28,000 個。這項調整將帶來技術簡化,增強量子抗性,並將可削減的 ETH 總量維持在大約 100-200 萬個 ETH,這對於透過削減機制強制執行良好的驗證者行為至關重要。

The Ethereum co-founder outlined three potential approaches: reliance on decentralized staking pools, a two-tiered system with “heavy” and “light” staking, and rotating participation with accountable committees. These solutions aim to reduce the digital signature load to a manageable level while addressing the current minimum requirement of 32 ETH to become a validator, making it more accessible.

這位以太坊聯合創始人概述了三種可能的方法:依賴去中心化的質押池、「重」和「輕」質押的兩層系統,以及由負責任的委員會輪流參與。這些解決方案旨在將數位簽章負載減少到可管理的水平,同時滿足目前成為驗證者的最低 32 ETH 要求,使其更易於存取。

The proposed changes not only enhance technical aspects but also set a predictable path for the future signature load of the Ethereum protocol. By making it more manageable, Buterin believes it will simplify protocol and infrastructure development, allowing for potential adjustments through hard forks when technology improves sufficiently.

擬議的更改不僅增強了技術方面,還為以太坊協議的未來簽名負載設定了可預測的路徑。 Buterin 相信,透過使其更易於管理,它將簡化協議和基礎設施的開發,並在技術充分改進時允許透過硬分叉進行潛在的調整。

Vitalik Buterin had previously warned against overloading Ethereum’s consensus layer, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the core functions of validating blocks and securing the network without unnecessary strain. The proposed enhancements align with his vision of ensuring Ethereum’s efficiency and effectiveness in the evolving blockchain landscape.

Vitalik Buterin 先前曾警告不要讓以太坊共識層超載,強調維持驗證區塊和保護網路的核心功能的重要性,避免不必要的壓力。擬議的增強功能符合他的願景,即確保以太坊在不斷發展的區塊鏈環境中的效率和有效性。

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The post Vitalik Buterin Proposes Ethereum PoS Enhancement for Efficiency appeared first on Crypto News Land.

Vitalik Buterin 提議以太坊 PoS 增強效率一文首先出現在 Crypto News Land 上。


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