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Vulcan Centaur rocket arrives at pad ahead of debut launch (photos)


發布: 2024/01/06 15:31 閱讀: 540

原文作者:Mike Wall


Liftoff is scheduled for early Monday morning (Jan. 8).

發射定於週一清晨(1 月 8 日)。

United Launch Alliance rolled its first Vulcan Centaur rocket to the launch pad on Jan. 5, 2024, ahead of a planned Jan. 8 liftoff. (Image credit: ULA)

A powerful new rocket has arrived at the pad for its first-ever liftoff.

聯合發射聯盟於 2024 年 1 月 5 日將第一枚火神半人馬座火箭發射到發射台,計畫於 1 月 8 日發射。 (圖片來源:ULA)一枚強大的新型火箭已抵達發射台進行首次升空。

United Launch Alliance (ULA) rolled its Vulcan Centaur rocket out to Space Launch Complex-41 at Florida's Cape Canaveral Space Force Station this morning (Jan. 5), keeping it on target for a planned Monday (Jan. 8) launch.

今天早上(1 月5 日),聯合發射聯盟(ULA) 將火神半人馬座火箭發射到佛羅裡達州卡納維拉爾角太空部隊站的41 號太空發射綜合體,使其按計劃於週一(1月8 日)發射。

That liftoff, which is scheduled for 2:18 a.m. EST (0718 GMT) on Monday, will send the private Peregrine lander toward the moon. You can watch the action live here at Space.com, courtesy of NASA TV, beginning at 1:30 a.m. EST (0630 GMT).

這次發射定於週一美國東部時間凌晨 2 點 18 分(格林尼治標準時間 0718),將把私人 Peregrine 登陸器送向月球。您可以在 Space.com 觀看由 NASA TV 提供的現場直播,時間為美國東部時間凌晨 1:30(格林威治標準時間 0630)。

The 202-foot-tall (62-meter-tall) Vulcan Centaur will replace ULA's venerable Atlas V and Delta IV rockets, which have sent many prominent payloads skyward over the past few decades.

202 英尺高(62 公尺)的 Vulcan Centaur 將取代 ULA 久負盛名的 Atlas V 和 Delta IV 火箭,這兩款火箭在過去幾十年中向天空發射了許多重要的有效載荷。

The new rocket made the 0.3-mile (0.5-kilometer) trek from its hangar this morning "with the help of undercarriage railcars and trackmobile machines that push[ed] the entire 1.7-million-pound (771,000-kg) platform and #VulcanRocket along tracks up the hill to the pad," ULA wrote in a post on X today.

今天早上,新型火箭在起落架軌道車和履帶移動機器的幫助下從機庫出發,完成了 0.3 英里(0.5 公里)的長途跋涉,推動了整個 170 萬磅(771,000 公斤)的平台和 #VulcanRocket沿著小路上山到達停機坪,」ULA 今天在X 上的一篇貼文中寫道。

"Now that is a beautiful sight," ULA CEO Tory Bruno wrote in an X post of his own today, which shared a photo of the red-and-white Vulcan Centaur standing atop the pad at the end of the rollout.

ULA 執行長 Tory Bruno 今天在自己的X 貼文中寫道:「現在這真是一個美麗的景象。」這篇貼文分享了一張紅白相間的火神半人馬在展示結束時站在墊子上的照片。

Monday's launch will also mark the debut of Peregrine, a robotic moon lander built by Pittsburgh company Astrobotic. Peregrine will target a touchdown next month, and success would be historic; no private craft has ever aced a lunar landing.

週一的發射也標誌著由匹茲堡 Astrobotic 公司製造的機器人月球登陸器 Peregrine 的首次亮相。百富勤的目標是下個月著陸,成功將是歷史性的;從來沒有私人飛船成功登月。

Peregrine is flying via NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Services program, which aims to pave the way for the agency's Artemis astronaut missions. The private lander is carrying a variety of science payloads provided by NASA and Germany's space agency, known as DLR.


Astrobotic booked some private payloads on this Peregrine flight as well, including memorial capsules organized by the companies Celestis and Elysium Space. This cargo has sparked a some controversy; the Navajo Nation has objected to the capsules' inclusion, saying the deposition of human remains on the moon would violate a sacred space.

Astrobotic 也在這趟 Peregrine 航班上預訂了一些私人有效載荷,包括由 Celestis 和 Elysium Space 公司組織的紀念艙。這批貨物引發了一些爭議;納瓦荷族反對將太空艙納入其中,表示將人類遺骸沉積在月球上會侵犯神聖空間。


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