首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 本週發布:本周可能是 Starship 的一周嗎?

This Week in Launches: Could this be the week for Starship?

本週發布:本周可能是 Starship 的一周嗎?

發布: 2023/11/14 10:43 閱讀: 372

原文作者:Seth Kurkowski


This week is a rather slow one with two launches scheduled for SpaceX‘s Falcon 9, yes they’re for Starlink. However, pending regulatory approval, the week could finish with the second launch of the company’s Starship rocket.

本周是相當緩慢的一周,SpaceX 的獵鷹 9 號計劃進行兩次發射,是的,它們是為了星鏈。然而,在等待監管部門批准的情況下,本周可能會以該公司的 Starship 火箭的第二次發射結束。

This week’s launches:

  • Wednesday, November 15

    本週發布:11 月 15 日星期三

    • SLS-2, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China


    • CASC Long March 2C Unknown Payload, 11:00 P.M. ET

      中國航太科技集團長徵二號丙運載火箭未知酬載,晚上 11:00 ET

    • Thursday, November 16

      11 月 16 日,星期四

      • SLC-40, Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida


      • SpaceX Falcon 9 Starlink Group 6-28, 11:00 P.M. ET

        SpaceX Falcon 9 Starlink Group 6-28 晚上 11:00 ET

    • Friday, November 17

      11 月 17 日,星期五

      • SLC-4E, Vandenberg Space Force Base, California


      • Orbital Launch Pad A, Starbase, Texas

        德克薩斯州 Starbase 軌道發射台 A

      • SpaceX Starship ITF-2, 7:00 A.M. CT

        SpaceX 星艦 ITF-2,上午 7:00 CT

      • SpaceX Falcon 9 Starlink Group 7-7, TBD

        SpaceX Falcon 9 Starlink Group 7-7,待定

        Is this the week we see Starship fly?

        SpaceX is gearing up for another flight of its Starship launch system. They just have to wait on the FAA to approve its launch license’s amendment.

        這週我們會看到星艦飛行嗎?SpaceX 正在準備其星艦發射系統的另一次飛行。他們只需等待美國聯邦航空局批准其發射許可證的修正案即可。

        Starship’s Integrated Flight Test-2, or Starship Flight 2, Flight 2, or just “the next one” is currently slated for no earlier than November 17. This mission will feature changes in staging and the launch pad, implement after April’s inaugural Starship launch.

        Starship 的Integrated Flight Test-2,或Starship Flight 2,Flight 2,或只是「下一個」目前定於不早於11 月17 日進行。該任務將在分段和發射台方面進行更改,在4 月Starship 首次發射後實施。

        The flight profile will be similar to what would have seen earlier this year if that rocket survived. It wouldn’t reach orbit, but it would reach space and make almost a complete orbit. The Super Heavy booster will make a controlled landing in the Gulf of Mexico while the Starship vehicle will reenter and plash off the coast of Hawaii.


        Any second launch of a failed first launch has a much higher chance of success. However, there is still a lot of unknowns. First off, SpaceX completely redesigned the staged separation system of Starship, there could be new issues found there. This will also be Starship’s first reentry, testing the vehicle’s thermal protection system in the real world for the first time.


        Like with all SpaceX test flights, there is one thing that the company guarantees, and that’s excitement.

        與 SpaceX 的所有試飛一樣,該公司保證一件事,那就是興奮。

        All of this however, is reliant on the FAA approving SpaceX for another launch. Right now, the agency is just waiting on the Fish and Wildlife’s environmental review of SpaceX’s pad infrastructure changes.

        然而,這一切都取決於 FAA 批准 SpaceX 再次發射。目前,該機構正在等待魚類和野生動物部門對 SpaceX 的發射台基礎設施變更進行環境審查。

        If Starship doesn’t happen, it will be a slow week

        Outside of Starship, not much is happening this week.


        China will launch first with an unknown payload on a Long March 2C rocket out of Jiuquan. SpaceX will follow up with at least one Starlink mission from SLC-40 and a second possible one Friday from California.

        中國將首先使用長徵二號丙火箭從酒泉發射未知有效載荷。 SpaceX 將在 SLC-40 上執行至少一次星鏈任務,並可能在周五從加州執行第二次任務。

        SpaceX is still getting off a three launches in just a handful of days so the company could be letting its employees rest a few days before they return to launching ever three to four days. In total, SpaceX has launched 84 times this year, 83 times for Falcon rockets.

        SpaceX 仍在短短幾天內完成三次發射,因此該公司可能會讓員工休息幾天,然後再恢復每三到四天的發射一次。 SpaceX 今年總共發射了 84 次,其中獵鷹火箭發射了 83 次。


        • 狗狗幣鯨魚活動
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        • SpaceX 星艦發射
          SpaceX 星艦發射
          本主題提供與 SpaceX 星艦發射相關的文章,包括發射日期、任務詳細資訊和發射狀態。透過此資訊豐富且全面的資源,了解最新的 SpaceX 星際飛船發射情況。
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